Vote for New Post Series

2storm So I will finish MADHOUSE Tomorrow their are four episodes left. I will make a new What If Monday and I will try to make another Wacked Up Game Show. I will make a new post series called Rain to replace Canon it will be no users. Pick 2 of these five post series.

This will have 20 Users you will have to make decisions to get out of a tower make the wrong decision die. It will be like The Labyrinth or Prison Life. Here is a sneak peak.

?: Where are we?
??: I don't know.
"Over a intercom" Narrator: Welcome to Casten Belog. You will care about my name right now, all you should care about is living! In simpler terms you are stuck for my enjoyment. And if you try to escape you WILL DIE!

Top Ten Game Show All Stars
Yes Top Ten Game Show might make a comeback it will feature 30 Users 15 from both seasons 15 new people. Here is a sneak peak.

Top Tens Channel Manager: Hey your Top Tens Game Show might be making a comeback.
Admin: Seriously?
Top Tens Channel Manager: Yes.
Admin: No way!
Top Tens Channel Manager: Yes way.

Music Madness

I will probably start this anyway but it is a bunch songs put in a bracket and faced against each other.

Back In Time.
It is about a man named Coby Westwood who is brought back in time by God because he has lived a very sinful life. Here is a sneak peak.

God: Coby.
Coby: Who is this?
God: How do you not know who I am Coby.
Coby: No I am dead. How do you know me?
God: I know everyone I am the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End!

In Prison
This will 3 groups of Toptenners one is the lawyers and Judges another is the police and another is criminals. Here is a sneak peak.

?? Order in the Court! I sentence all ten of you to prison until this can be figured out.
???: No please I got children!

So quick pick you have till the 16th.


Stuck - visitor

Stuck - Nateawesomeness

Music Madness - visitor

Music Madness - ProPanda