Making a post very similar to something someone else does is not ripping them off

445956 Now, a certain user went to my post reviewing the Best Memes of 2018 list. I thought list reviewing just seemed like a really fun idea, and I thanked NuMetalManiak for giving me the inspiration. But seriously, if Danteem made a series about what he likes about Luigi, then I guess if you made a post series about what you like about Linkin Park, would that be a rip-off? Well this user I won't name accused me of "ripping off NuMetalManiak" and that brings me to my point that inspiration and rip-off are not the same thing.

Reviewing a list when someone else has done that and giving the original user credit is not ripping-off. End.


*Slowclaps* Your dumb logic absolutely astounds me... it really does... - visitor