Why The Electoral college should be abolished

ARandomPerson When the Constitution was written, the typical voter had few opportunities to learn about presidential candidates, so the job of choosing the President was given to the Electoral College: Electors, who were appointed by their states, were better educated than average citizens, who were not thought capable of making an informed choice.
Today, with universal education, TV, radio, newspapers, and the Internet, voters can learn about candidates for themselves. And they should be trusted to choose their President.
The Electoral College is unfair in several ways. First, it gives more weight to votes cast in small states. (Each state's electoral votes are equal to the number of members it has in the House and Senate combined.) Second, because the Electoral College is "winner take all" in all but two states (Maine and Nebraska), people who disagree with the majority in their state are not represented. Finally, the system allows the election of a President who does not have the support of a majority of voters.
Without the Electoral College, candidates would campaign to get as many individual votes as possible in every state, instead of focusing on states that provide key electoral votes. Each vote would make a difference and voters would feel they truly had a stake in the elections, which could lead to increased voting across the country. With a system of direct election, all votes would be equally important and equally sought after. We need to abolish the Electoral College and make our presidential elections one person, one vote.
—Kay J. Maxwell
President, League of Women Voters


(i give all credit to Kay J. Maxwell) - ARandomPerson

Pretty much why Hilary lost. She got the popular vote but still came short - visitor

The electoral college is very important. It ensures majority rule. It forces candidates to win not just a majority, but a super-majority. They can’t just win a majority of individual votes; they have to win a majority of votes in a majority of states (or, at least, a majority of large states). This helps legitimize the election. - visitor

But if they don't win a majority of votes, that means the majority doesn't like the new prez... - ARandomPerson

Well, accept it Mr. Maxwell, life is unfair XP
Nah I kid... Completely agreed with this person! I don't want Trump to be U.S.'s next president! XP - Goku02

Umm... Kay J. Maxwell was never a "Mr" - ARandomPerson

I agree completely, the US' system is broken - Martinglez

It shouldn't be abolished, just less important in the elections. - Skullkid755

Trump still would've won because of Absentee Voting - 2storm

I disagree. If it was abolished, CA would determine every election. - visitor

Well, no.
Firstly, we would be voting as a country, not as states.

but that's just me.
also, the other states pop. would overpower California, so...

IN YOUR FACE! - ARandomPerson