ModernSpongeBobSucks, Gamermike35, MCS, and other suspended users, here's some advice


What's happening guys, this is DCfnaf, here to give some quick advice to anyone who is suspended and doesn't know why. Admin did respond to the link above and I want to tell you what you should do.

First of all, Here's what you guys should ask yourselves: Why would Admin/Finch suspend a user because he felt like it? I know people are making that joke, but why? He only suspends users if they have violated the terms of use SEVERAL TIMES. So if you have gotten MANY Terms of Use Violation Warnings (I've only gotten one) then why are you guys surprised about your suspensions? If you DIDN'T have that many TOU violations, please let Admin know that. Please.

Second of all, the way you have been "messaging" him not going to get you an answer. Most of you who want to know why you've been suspended have been going onto random lists and writing irrelevant items like "Admin, WHY DID YOU SUSPEND ME????" Guys...this isn't going to get you anywhere. The item is irrelevant and Admin can't respond to you.

The way to know how you've gotten treated with suspension is to contact the administrator so you need to go here:

Thanks for reading. Hopefully this helps.

Comments - VideoGamefan5

Yes that is the link you need to go to if you would like to know why you've been suspended. - DCfnaf

You made YouTube video about it. - visitor