Most Dangerous Animals in Japan

While Japan is known for many things, such as its delicious seafood, fashion trends, and much more. It is home to many deadly creatures, from venomous snakes and insects roaming the forests, to those that strike the sea. If unbothered, and admired from a distance, these animals will probably never harm you. Anyway, here are the top ten most deadliest animals inhabiting Japan.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Pufferfish

They look funny lol.

2 Asian Hornet
3 Asiatic Black Bear
4 Ussuri Brown Bear
5 Japanese Mamushi
6 Japanese Wild Boar
7 Habu Snake
8 Redback Spider

These things give me nightmares.

9 Japanese Mountain Leech
10 Japanese Keelback Snake
The Contenders
11 Viper box jellyfish
12 Ticks