My Official Top Ten Favorite Users!

MontyPython Honorable Mentions

And all of my close friends and other favorite users in my description!

10. JaysTop10List

Jay is a great friend of mine. He keeps me supported with plenty of great compliments and we have similar tastes in things, modern music for example. His lists and comments are also quite creative. 😌

9. Garythesnail

Random buddy! Mikey and I are great friends. We talk about how we're doing and what's going to happen in the future, it's just awesome! πŸ˜‹

8. CastlevaniaFanboy128

We have many similar things in common and we have a similar attitude. How can we NOT get along? 😁

7. PositronWildhawk

A very sarcastic and hilarious person. We know when to agree on something and when to not. 😏

6. BKAllmighty

A movie fan, like me! We've both seen plenty of films and I deeply enjoy discussing newer and classic films with him. Gotta love the silver screen after all! 🎬

5. ladybug375

She's been a close friend since the beginning. We've shared our ups and downs and we always make sure we're there for each other. 😊

4. FettiMC

A severely underrated user. He makes great posts and comments and he's very original. Also, he's a great music fan! GO FOLLOW HIM! GO FOLLOW HIM NOOOOW! 😑

3. PetSounds

A very calm and collective person who makes sure to say opinions nicely most of the time. I'm grateful for that! πŸ˜„

2. KeyCha1n

A hardworking user indeed. Such an amazing artist too! Also, I love her lists. 😍

1. Billyv

He's been a friend since the beginning. He's helped me with problems and has given me plenty of support and advice. I alway love his lists and comments. Billy, you're awesome! ☺️


Really, I'm your 8th favorite User? #^.^# - visitor

Yup! 😊 - MontyPython

This is ironic, considering you're #8 on my Top 10 Users Remix!
That's 1 place above Positron! - visitor

Yay - bobbythebrony

Aw, thanks a lot. You're certainly one of my favourites too. - PetSounds

Thank you! ^^ - MontyPython

Wow. That's too nice of you, I'm very flattered. But the Pressure - all I can do now is drop if I'm not careful... Or til the new kid in town comes along - Ni! But at least I was there once, and that's an important lifetime achievement 😊
I think you know that I hold you in the highest regard and deepest concern...for many reasons but mostly because you're you and a Treasured Friend - Billyv

Thanks for the mention, Ashley! Don't forget to mention that you also help me out with girls sometimes! Thanks! #^.^# - Garythesnail