Top Tens Celeb Roaster II -Therandom Roasts Hillary Clinton

Skullkid755 You wanted to do so Therandom, and I prefer Sanders over anyone, and you're retiring, and this series needs a new episode now! So, here we go. Sorry for the over one month long hiatus, so here we go!

Therandom - "What do you plan to do?"

Clinton - "Fix the economy and let all teens become pregnant with no consequence!"

Therandom - "How''ll you fix it?"

Clinton - "By going up to that puppy and"

Therandom - "Poor puppy, why is that even legal?"

Clinton - "My fanbase is 1% everyday, 99% feminists man!"

Feminist - "Go women, no men!"

Therandom - "How do you like your husband?"

Clinton - "Who, Bill Clinton? Well, I'll be better than him!"

Therandom - "Will he be the first man?"

Feminist - "Their should be 0 men!But, if there is going to be men, he should be the 2nd wimp."

Clinton - "True that!"

Therandom - "Well, men=women, so . . ."

The feminist then throws a spear at Therandom, but misses and kills Hillary Clinton.

Therandom - "Party time people!"

Admin - "Well, TopTenPizza is sad now."

Keyson - "Bye everybody, see ya in the next episode. Rate us in the comments section under this post, and realize I made a 4th wall joke."


I rate it a cool out of awesome - Martinglez

I'll just point to RiverClanRocks' profile pic now. - WonkeyDude98

So Hilary is dead. Well, at least she won't be president/ - visitor

Cool - bobbythebrony