Ask Wolftail

Wolftail I think a few other users are doing this sort of thing, so why not me?


  1. Nothing personal

  2. Nothing offensive

  3. I'll answer your question/questions as soon as I can. :)

So go ahead! Ask me anything (withing reason)!


How long have you been a fan of warriors? - keycha1n

Two or years. - Wolftail

What other music genres, besides alternative, do you listen to? - visitor

Mostly different subgenera of rock, some pop, some other stuff that I listen to every once in a while. - Wolftail

Do you like video games, if you do, PS4 or Xbox1. - IronSabbathPriest

Yes I do. :D
I have two Xboxes, and I play Call of Duty with my Dad and brother (I'm a complete fail at it by the way) Naughty Bear, Minecraft, games rated 15-18 (My family has a lot of them) and some other games.

And to the latter question: Xbox One. I'm more used to an Xbox. - Wolftail

What grade are you in? - AnonymousChick

In the UK instead of grades we have year groups, and I'm in Year 8, which is equivalent to Seventh Grade.

Seventh Grade then. - Wolftail

Oo I gotz question! You do know me, right? (I am sure I already know the answer >:3) - Stormver101

Yes I do. :3 - Wolftail

If Apples plus Purple equals Ladder, can you calculate how many onions are on the roof? - Puga

21 - visitor

Whats your favorite Fruit? - CoolCat999

Mango. - Wolftail

I love mango too! It's second only to the pineapple. - PositronWildhawk

If you could change your TheTopTens name. What would it be? - Mumbizz01

Mapleshade. That would be my name. It's not taken so yay! :D - Wolftail

What is your planet in that Solar System? - visitor

Earth, I guess. I've studied the planets before in school, but they don't have much of an impact on my life (unlike Total Drama, which I am obsessed with) so that's a hard question. - Wolftail

What is your fave ice cream flavor? - Garythesnail

Anything as long as it isn't minty, bubblegum, coffee, weird flavours, etc. it's so hard to choose! - Wolftail

What part of f (ζ)=ʃf (x) e^(-2πixζ)�'x don't you get? - PositronWildhawk

The following signs:
And the one that's been replaced by a square.

I have a feeling they're all Greek letters, and represent a number/value, like π.
Other than that, it's completely understandable. - Wolftail

What is your favorite subject - 2storm

A tie between English and Math. Both have their pros and cons. - Wolftail

Could you follow me? - visitor

That way I could message you. - visitor

I'll check if I'm following you already, if not, I'll follow you. You're a decent person. - Wolftail

You ever play mortal kombat? - visitor

My brother has and I have watched him a few times. But I haven't played it myself. - Wolftail

Have you seen the movie Sixteen Candles? - visitor

I've never even heard of it, sorry. - Wolftail

Where do babies come from? - letdot52

A woman's uterus, approximately nine months after an egg is fertilised by a sperm. - Wolftail

Do you have any favorite alternative rock bands? - visitor

Coldplay, Arctic Monkeys, Of Monsters And Men, Florence And The Machine, The Killers, OneRepublic, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons... I think that's all I can think of right now. - Wolftail

Do you like any older bands like Nirvana and The Smashing Pumpkins? - visitor

What do you think about Nicki Minaj? - TopTensFan

To me, she's okay. Her fans are loyal and I guess they have valid reasons to like her. There are one or two songs of hers that I like mad I listen to them every once in a while. I don't dislike her, I don't paticularly consider myself as a fan of her either. So I'm neutral. - Wolftail

Do you like Linkin Park? - visitor

I do! They're very good. - Wolftail

What is Your favorite Restaurant. - visitor

DEFINITELY Longhorn Steakhouse! I hope I'm going there again this summer. - Wolftail