"Hiding Lists" A New Improvement of TheTopTens

zxm Okay, I will try to keep this as short as possible.

Recently there is going some issues with some users that they can't delete any lists. Thus some users regret for making some lists that they don't like. But as for TheTopTens, a submitted list when it's approved, it can't be deleted. Because it would be unfair for the users who commented on the list and remixed the list. They will lost their achievements if the lists are being deleted.

So in this case there should be a new improvement that should be brought up on TheTopTens. And this is called "Hiding Lists".

Hiding Lists :
Hiding lists is a pretty simple process. But this will be only available to the user who created the list and only on those lists which are personal. Like, "Top 10 Facts about me" etc. But this option will not be available for the lists which contain celebrities, artists, songs, movies etc. Because any list which contains celebrities, artists, songs should be readable to all. But some personal lists should be hidden if the user doesn't like the lists to be seen by others.
Thus the lists will be non-readable and no one will be able to see the lists. But the users who commented and remixed the list , those remixes and comments will be stayed, but hidden.

So, in this way a user will be able to hide his lists and make it non-readable to others but the users who remixed the list and commented one the list won't lose their achievements.

Does anyone agree with me here?


Our exception to our policy of not deleting lists once they have been approved is lists about a particular user. In those cases, we will honor requests to delete the list from the person that is the subject of the list, whether or not they created the list. - admin

But what about the users who commented and remixed the list? will they lose their achievements? - zxm

Wow. I never knew that. - visitor

Woeful rule. - Puga

If someone doesn't like a list they made, it should be deleted. - visitor

Good point - ProPanda

I Can't Listen to Song Samples When I'm in Safari, Can You Please Fix It? - kcianciulli