Top 10 Reasons Why Metal is the Best Music Genre

The Top Ten
It takes talent to be in a metal band

As a guitarist/vocalist of an SBDM band, I'll tell you that it ain't no walk in the park. Hand coordination, memorizing lines upon lines of lyrics for different songs, stage antics so the audience isn't bored when watching, and mixing and recording your own stuff. It's much more strenuous than having a ghostwriter and fake instruments, with someone you pay to do everything for you.

I'm a one-man brutal death metal band called Cauterized Regurgitation (at the moment), and I haven't even started recording yet, but it's a lot of work. Anyone can do it, yes, but the only ones who can are those that are truly dedicated and committed to the music, not the rap and pop artists that the mainstream sees.

Metal bands come out with new music more often than pop artists
Metal isn't completely offensive

In fact, "Raining Blood" is slightly more respectful than Kash Doll. Even with the lyrics about reprisal and the overthrow of Heaven, "Raining Blood" isn't in your face. The guitars provide some "distance" between the vocalist and the listener. Even the lyrics are more intricate.

Rap music is sexist and sometimes racist. Metal music is against both sexism and racism.

Rap is in your face and disrespectful. Metal isn't that bad.

Metal celebrities have interesting lives

Most rock stars had so much sex and did so many drugs, it's amazing they're still alive. But when you hear of the rare sober guys like Dee Snider or Gene Simmons, it's exciting to hear they didn't do drugs.

Bruce Dickinson can do many jobs, and some metal musicians have other careers as well.

Metal is more fun, exciting, and complex

Especially progressive metal. It is a really complex genre with the incorporation of other genres such as classical.

Metal fans are more versatile

Maybe. There are open-minded ones and elitist ones. Some metalheads listen to other music genres as well.

Metal lyrics have more variety

Metal music often discusses themes and concepts in their songs that would not be respected or suitable for other genres. They are freer to express more complex emotions. For example, there are many pop songs about grieving for someone, but the only emotion directly correlated with the song is sadness. Then you listen to Lech by Slipknot, and it is about how the vocalist is grieving Paul Gray. It is not focused on sadness. It is focused on murderous hate and anger toward the killer, saying that he wouldn't hesitate to kill him. It also touches on self-blame and draws upon more complex themes. The raw pain and emotion in his voice make it so much better.

Metal is original

Some metal bands actually talk about their real-life struggles in some of their songs. They sing about pain, war, and struggling, and even tell stories and myths. This music genre is amazing for what it is, from having incredible songs with real meaning to awesome kicking guitar solos and riffs.

No other style of music sings about World War II, starts mosh pits, or produces headbanging. All you can find in hip hop, dubstep, or rap is partying and drugs. Dave Mustaine's snarling voice is original. The glam scene? Original.

Metal has the best image.

The hair bands such as Motley Crue, Poison, and Warrant are bold and ballsy for teasing up their hair. Thrashers wear the denim vests and leather jackets, which are simply cool. The long hair makes them able to headbang.

Metal songs can be educational

Through Iron Maiden, I have learned about Alexander The Great and the Second World War.

The Newcomers

? Metal helps relieve stress and anger through the human body.

In my personal experience, metal becomes light in my life. It motivated me when I felt stressed out.

? Metal is good for relieving anger

Thrash metal is the best for relieving anger. Whiplash by Metallica, for example, always works for me whenever I need it.

The Contenders
Metal can be slow and melodic, fast and dangerous, or both

Take Alice In Chains, for example. They have some very slow, thoughtful songs like Down In A Hole, which is about the dangers of heroin. They also have some very heavy, fast songs like Them Bones, which contain guitar solos.

Def Leppard has slow, melodic songs, such as Hysteria, that everyone can love and dance to. Megadeth has angry, fast music that makes you want to join a mosh pit.

That's what makes metal versatile. There is something for everyone. I think I like the melodic and fast stuff the most.

Metal music is creative

Not one metal song sounds the same. The arrangement of the lyrics, instruments, melody, everything is intricately designed and created by the musicians - people with real talent.

So true. Instead of talking about spouses, friends, or parties again and again, if you really listen, you'll realize that actual thought is put into metal music.

Yes, every genre has creativity. This genre takes a lot of creativity.

Metal pumps you up

If you are angry, sad, or experiencing any other type of negative emotion that you can possibly imagine, turn up some good old '80s thrash metal, and the adrenaline will start pumping you up until you forget what's wrong!

Why are songs like Kickstart My Heart, Rock You Like A Hurricane, Enter Sandman, and plenty of others played at sports events, parties, and more? Because they pump you up.

Just hear these songs:

Sudden Death - Megadeth
Ravenous - Atreyu
Dyer's Eve - Metallica

And feel the effect!

You can't kill metal

Metal lives on. Punk rock tried to kill the metal, but they failed, as they were smitten to the ground! New wave tried to kill the metal, but they failed, as they were stricken down to the ground! Grunge tried to kill the metal. Ha-ha-ha-ha. They failed, as they were thrown to the ground!

People started organizations and clubs. They were protesting, appearing on TV, burning the records, and what happened? Metal grew stronger, and more genres were formed under the metal name. Proof you can't kill metal no matter how hard you try.

Metal is a music of passion

Nobody is more passionate about their music than I am. Just ask anybody that knows me, and it all roots from discovering metal 25 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I know how to recognize a good song, and I like songs from all genres. But it's like I always say, "It's not my fault metal is the best music. I never made it that way. I just simply go along with it."

Between the epic guitar playing, the development through the song, the softer singing, the screams, and the relatable lyrics that make you actually think, I definitely agree with the statement that metal is a music of passion.

Metal fans don't just listen to a song, like it for a week, and move on

This is probably why people like metal. When the style is changed to be more radio-friendly, it becomes forgettable. For example, if we don't like what's happening to metal now, young fans will change it back to what they want to see (glam to thrash, nu to more thrash). That's why we still see good bands in metal: Ghoul, Black Breath, Municipal Waste, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth, Mastodon, Jackdevil, The Black Dahlia Murder.

I think what makes metal so unique is that with many of the songs, you don't just hear them the first time and suddenly get attached to them because of the catchy chorus. The music usually grows on you, which makes you like the song and want to listen to it for a long time.

Metal does not rely on society's approval
Metal musicians and fans have the most integrity
People can relate to metal

Like all metal songs, they're written with a story. Metal bands like Five Finger Death Punch write from personal experiences that deal with real emotions. Metal has a diversity in songwriting that most music genres don't have.

I can relate to some metal songs a lot with their emotional lyrics that are sometimes about pain and even suicide. Yet, it doesn't present those real-life topics in a whiny or pretentious way. That's just awesome.

True indeed. I hate this world, and so do metalcore artists!

Metal writes their own lyrics
Metal musicians are smart

Mark Jansen (mastermind behind the lyrics of EPICA) has a master's degree in Psychology. It's prevalent in their lyrics, which deal with philosophy, religion, culture, nature, politics, topical events, science, and many more themes revolving around EPICA's music.

Steve Harris from Iron Maiden went to college and earned a history degree. Dave Mustaine, as idiotic as he may seem, is actually a genius and went on Jeopardy. I don't think Eminem did anything cool like that.

Actually, Lars Ulrich from Metallica was on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"! He got pretty far! Don't believe me? Search on YouTube!

Most dedicated fans

I saw an article somewhere that actually confirms this. We metalheads don't like an artist for two weeks until the next popular song comes out and then move on to that artist. We stick with our favorite artists till the end. We may find others we like, but we will almost always listen to our favorite band no matter what.

Because metal, unfortunately, isn't as popular as mainstream pop or hip hop, there aren't as many metal fans as there should be. However, every metal fan you meet is sure to be a fervent supporter of the genre. Get in a fight with a metal fan, and you will surely lose.

Metal has the best riffs

Absolutely no doubt! Don't believe me? Listen to Black Sabbath, Metallica, or modern metal bands like Motionless In White.

Listen to Seek And Destroy, and you'll be convinced. Listen to The Number Of The Beast, and you'll be convinced.

I like the riffs in Kill the King, Take No Prisoners, and Devil's Island. All three are Megadeth songs.

Metal has the best concerts

While I agree with all the other points, I've actually been to a Metallica concert. The whole stadium of around 90,000 people was on their feet, headbanging and just having a good time. It's not only about the band. It's about the whole experience, and I can't think of a better experience than a metal concert.

The most epic concerts: The Big 4 Live!

Flashing lights, fireworks, wild theatrics. Heavy metal bands definitely have the best stage shows in the world! For example, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Twisted Sister, and the hottest band in the world - KISS.

Metal lyrics are more creative

Metal lyrics can be about anything. They can be about life, death, lessons learned, or something happening in the world today or in the past.

Rap focuses more on heavy sex lyrics and drugs.

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