Top 10 Best Metalcore Bands
The best Metalcore bands there are on this planet...
Trivium in third place? They should be first. Their albums cover every range of metalcore you'd ever need. Shogun is a work of art. Ascendancy is a scream-along album, as is In Waves.
I'll admit The Crusade isn't the greatest, but it has good songs like Ignition, Detonation, Tread the Floods, and Contempt Breeds Contamination. Vengeance Falls is an album where you can sing along, and it really showcases Matt's amazing singing voice.
Trivium is one of the bands out there making proper music and writing from the heart and soul. This is unlike bands like Bring Me The Horizon. Why are they even on this list?

The indisputable superiority of As I Lay Dying is something to behold. The first time I heard them, it was a delirious experience. I knew they would be the metalcore band that would leave a mark on my life. The feeling was impossible to describe - deep, intense, and magical.
Their bright talent and outstanding creativity were evident. I appreciate the weight they bring to their music, the rhythmic guitar, the mind-blowing guitar solos, and the powerful growling vocals and drums. There is harmony in this band, as well as strength, good melodies, and beautiful compositions.
They are worth listening to. As I Lay Dying deserves a biography for their story. Their tragic separation in the end was unfortunate, but they made a major impact on contemporary metal. They have become unforgettable. Good night!

Metalcore is generally pretty subpar, but only a few bands are actually any good. Killswitch Engage is the best of those bands. They may not be the most technical on this list, but they are quite capable, and their songwriting is simply better. Not to mention, they've had not only the best vocalist in metalcore but also the second best.
I would say Jesse Leach is the best, but it's really a toss-up. Each is easily the best at their respective style. Howard has great lower "roaring" vocals, and Jesse has probably the most intense screams I've ever heard.
He's more of a mid-range vocalist, but I usually prefer him because his lyrics are better. Higher vocals aren't to my taste, so there's no best in that category, haha.

August Burns Red's music is incomparable to that of any other band. The excellent work of drummer Matt Greiner blends perfectly with the bass and guitars, as if there couldn't be any other way to play them. This is further complemented by Jake Luhrs' unique and superior scream and vocals.
Additionally, the lyrics are exceptional. The song Meridian includes some words from the Holy Bible, and they turn it into music in an excellent and incredible way. They deserve to be the #1 metalcore band.
To me, August Burns Red produces some of the most beautiful and dynamic music out there. With multiple instruments not specific to the metalcore/hardcore genre, they infuse many genres into their music, making every song a piece of art rather than just a number to complete the album. August Burns Red is going places where no other band has gone before, and they're doing so with excellence.
Sure, all the other bands on this list are great metalcore bands that deserve to be in the top 10, no matter the ranking. But when it comes to August Burns Red, they are the most unique. Some characteristics that set them apart include their bone-crushing breakdowns, intricate guitar riffs, expert drum work, and spot-on screaming. Examples can be found in songs like Internal Cannon, Empire, Spirit Breaker, Creative Captivity, Black Sheep, Composure, Crusades, Mariana's Trench, Animals, and Count It All as Lost.

Bullet for My Valentine is a great band. I really like how they can sound both calm and aggressive. Listen to Watching Us Die Tonight and No Way Out for examples.
While they have some great albums, the weakest one is Temper Temper. In this album, there are almost no screams, and many songs sound quite similar. However, they did an excellent job with their latest album, Venom, which features many screams and good solos. I recommend this band to every metalcore fan because they have a great sound, can be both heavy and calm, and the solos are amazing.

Jeff Ling is an amazing guitarist, and Ben Gordon is underrated for his drumming. He has killer blast beats. This band doesn't produce generic music. They are capable of creating complex, dynamic riffs while still delivering some of the greatest breakdowns in the genre.
Winston's vocals are incredible both recorded and live. Each of their records is god-like, and their lyrics are meaningful. Check out Breaking Point and Horizons for their best work.
The only differences between Parkway Drive and the other bands on this list are the publicity and soul in their music. Parkway Drive is an Australian band that has been around for over 10 years, and they have made their career with little support or publicity. Even so, they are still one of the biggest bands in their genre, which, personally, I believe Metalcore is the correct genre they should fall into.
Asking Alexandria and Avenged Sevenfold are not true Metalcore, though both fall into similar subgenres. AA is Post-Hardcore, and A7X is Hard Rock, although some of their earlier works are very Metalcore-derived.
Parkway definitely deserves to be higher, as well as Killswitch, ABR, All That Remains, and Northlane. These bands are true Metalcore, not Post-Hardcore or Deathcore. Parkway's music is also very soulful and complex.
Metalcore is the second-best subgenre of metal next to its precursor, Groove Metal! Pantera! M/

Many bands are blurring the lines between genres, such as Bullet For My Valentine, As I Lay Dying, and Caliban, to name a few. However, All That Remains excels at what they do, which is blurring the lines between Metalcore, Thrash, modern metal, death metal, and everything in between. They released one of the greatest albums, The Fall of Ideals, although many felt they betrayed their fanbase.
Setting Overcome aside, all their releases are excellent for those with a broad palette. A War You Cannot Win is fantastic. They are undoubtedly some of the best musicians on the planet and march to the beat of their own double-kick drum.
They are a Triple-A band.

Okay, they are no longer strictly Metalcore, but their first two albums were among the best the genre has ever seen. Now, they've evolved into something very different, yet entirely unique. There Is a Hell was the first step and introduced the electronic elements they were incorporating into their sound.
Sempiternal then took these elements and practically created a new genre. Their latest release, That's the Spirit, has left Metalcore behind entirely. However, the musicality of the instrumentals and the artistry of the lyrics are pretty much unequaled among these bands.
Plus, Oli has managed to go from one of the best screamers ever to a genuinely great clean vocalist. The transformation of the band is impressive and deserves recognition.

I had to go all the way to 40 to find a non-poser band. Haven't you people seen all your favorite bands wearing Converge shirts in band photos? It's because they all know Converge is better than they are.
Why is this number 22 when As I Lay Dying is number 1? Not to mention the other bands that are ranked above this one. This list is a joke.
Metalcore grew up and lost something: aggression. This band takes hardcore punk and metal, adds violence, and there you go.

They're the best live band around. They may not be the best band overall, but they're definitely worth every penny to see live.
If you've seen this band live, you would know exactly why they deserve to be in the top 10.
They have more skill than any other band on this list. Also, Greg is probably the best vocalist in the entire scene.
The Newcomers

I love Wage War. Although their Pressure album was a little disappointing, I can't forget Wage War because they're one of the first metalcore bands I listened to and my first metalcore concert.
I hope they go heavy on their next album.
Damn, they are way too low! One of the most amazing bands, truly!

Incredibly underrated. This band more than deserves a spot on this massive list.

Why on earth is Architects ranked at 53? Are people going deaf? Dear Lord, they're an absolutely fantastic band and deserve to be much higher up the list. They've changed their sound slightly throughout their albums, but they've remained true to themselves. Their newest album absolutely rocks, not to mention the significant meaning it carries, especially after Tom's passing.
Sam Carter's vocals are as powerful, emotional, and strong as ever in Holy Hell. The instrumentation has always been top-notch as well. They also have this unique atmospheric element in a lot of their music.
Lyrics are always meaningful and carry just the right amount of political sting. They're one of my all-time favorite metalcore acts.

How is it that a band that never disappoints on any release ever gets a disappointing place in this "best metalcore" competition? Each and every single song Unearth has ever written is ten times better than most of these bands' entire careers' best work. If you skip past these guys, give them a chance. You'll realize that As I Lay Dying can't even compare in awesomeness.
By far, Unearth is the most underrated metalcore band. They have amazing riffs and songs, and they have never sold out. People saying As I Lay Dying or Bring Me The Horizon are good metalcore? You don't even know how much more influential this band has been on the genre.

Sure, if you consider the actual musical aspect of Asking Alexandria (AA), there are better bands on this list, like Escape The Fate. Not to say that they aren't talented. They definitely are. But Danny Worsnop can scream like nothing I've heard.
His lows are fairly average, on par with most of the bands on this list, but his highs are incredible. His high screams sound like he's screaming through a tube, and the sound seems to come from far away. He makes them sound almost unattached, as if he's throwing his voice. His performance at the Mitch Lucker memorial show was also one of the best.
But this band isn't just about Danny Worsnop. Ben Bruce can produce some pretty intense breakdowns, and his verses are pretty neat too. The topics they sing about are real. Sure, a lot of their songs are about women (wink, wink), but most focus on substance abuse and relationship problems. All in all, Asking Alexandria deserves to be in the top ten, especially after overcoming the many problems they've faced.

Their earliest works are like guilty pleasures for me, but around the release of 2009's With Roots Above, this band stepped it up big time. One year later, the 2010 Zombie EP shattered preconceptions about this band. They had crafted something insane.
Another year goes by, and the band releases Dead Throne in 2011, which I will say is their most significant record. 8:18 is also good, but the middle portion of the band's career has left a massive impact with these conceptual releases. This is miles above anything BMTH or AA could ever accomplish.
I don't understand why Asking Alexandria is considered to be better than them. The Devil Wears Prada has much better instrumentals and screams. The Devil Wears Prada is one of those bands that always surprises you with each new release.

These guys are amazing. Every instrument is on point. They have nice growling and clean vocals, insane technical skill, and they can pull it all off live. They also incorporate many different genres into their metal, and it leaves me in awe at how smoothly they can transition between them.
Jesus Christ. This list has made me lose faith in humanity. A bunch of third-string wranglers from a terrible metalcore subgenre are taking space away from good bands like Between The Buried And Me. Why are they so far down anyway? I thought they had actual popularity.

The album Singularity features really interesting layers. While the lyrics are good, the vocals can sometimes distract from the music. The instrumental version of the album is incredible.
Marcus Bridge offers fantastic vocals, and some of their older material is also really fantastic.
They have creative tracks that are diverse and enjoyable to listen to.

Best singer ever. Seriously, this guy is amazing. As for the rest, it is just as good: powerful, efficient, and melodic when it comes to choruses.
It's hard to listen to an entire album in one sitting, but once you've sampled a few songs from other bands and then return to Memphis May Fire, you realize there's always something more. Something that most of today's bands don't have: talent.
This is an amazing band. I love the lyrics to many of their songs because they actually have meaning. Take Beneath the Skin, for example. That song is a gift from heaven because it's just beautiful. The lead singer has amazing vocals, and the impact is just incredible.

Hatebreed leans more towards the hardcore punk side of metalcore, and they do it exceptionally well. It has to be said that if you like one album by these guys, you'll like every other album they release, and not in a bad way. The only drawback for Hatebreed is the lyrics. I'm not a huge fan of bands like Suicidal Tendencies, which focus on super tough guy lyrics. Although Hatebreed has more depth to their lyrics, they still have those moments.
This band should definitely be ranked higher than they currently are. They bring the fierceness in every album, and their live show is totally bad-ass. Don't be a sissy. Check them out. You'll thank me for it later.

Volumes is still relatively new, and I won't be surprised when they make it to the top ten very soon. They're an amazing band with a lot of potential.
When you listen to songs like "Edge of the Earth" and "Vahle," you'll want to keep listening more and more. These guys are incredibly addictive.
The riffs are incredibly catchy, and as a band, they can transition from breakdowns to ambient sections. They should rank second or third, not 97th.

Heavy as hell! Great breakdowns.

This band, both artistically and sonically, is one of the better ones I have listened to. I own a good number of metalcore albums, and I hope they don't get overlooked. With so many good bands releasing quality albums, it's easy to miss a great release. They are a band that truly deserves to be heard, and it must be said that their music has tremendous substance.
These are some relatively new guys who really deserve a listen. If you're into unique breakdowns and a sound that can be described as Parkway Drive mixed with clean vocals, then this is the band for you. They deserve to be in the top 10, especially with their latest album Divination.

Please give these guys a listen. They are one of the most complete bands I've ever heard and deserve far more recognition than they've received. In just two albums, they've completely shattered my conception of what I considered a good band to be. These guys are the future of the genre.
Check out songs like "White Noise," "The Architect," "Alpha Seed," "Dreamwalkers," "Hybrid Earth," "Rebirth," "Warrior," and "Lights City."
Anyone who listens to ERRA knows how good of a band they are. Anyone who doesn't should. These guys wear the metalcore crown. Shame on the people who made this list.

Whoa, I clicked on this list really expecting to see them in the top 10, but 81?!?!?
I'm pretty certain most people who have heard of them know how great they are, so I'm not going to rant about how good they are. I will say they are amazing live, even better than Asking Alexandria!
They deserve more credit than what they receive. Amazing band, not to mention they can perform great!
Excellent music. I highly recommend giving them a listen.

Wow, this band is criminally underrated. Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, and Lamb of God were the three bands that popularized the "core" sound we know today. I know Lamb of God is more groove metal, but many elements in their music reflect metalcore, so they are an influence on the genre.
Shadows Fall started incorporating solos early on, which was a break from the norm, as the '90s and '00s were a dark time for metal. During that period, not many bands played solos, and we were stuck with nu-metal. Shadows Fall ignored that trend and paved the way for many metalcore bands to follow. They are top 3 in my book.