Top Ten Werewolf Movies

Why in God's name is Twilight above this? David could rip Jacob to shreds!
This is the best werewolf movie of all time!
Best werewolf movie ever made!

Nice concept: escape a wolf-like killer in the city, go to a peaceful psychiatric camp in the countryside to recover, find out everyone there is a werewolf, and try to escape again.
It has always been overshadowed by An American Werewolf in London, but I actually think they're even.

This movie sounds basic, but there is suspense, action, horror, and I love it. Very underrated.

I love this movie. It's just as good today as it was in the '80s. The special effects were top-notch, no CGI, and I love it that way. Corey Haim and Gary Busey were stellar!
This movie has several high-tension moments. It should be in the top ten.
My favorite, number one in my book!

Best werewolf movie! This werewolf is better and more realistic (50% beast and 50% man). The other, overrated-by-ignorant-people werewolves of modern movies are basically giant wolves with human hands! The second-best werewolf is Benicio Del Toro's Wolfman in the 2010 Universal remake. The third-best is Oliver Reed's werewolf in the Hammer film Curse of the Werewolf.
Larry Talbot easily beats any werewolf on the list. He would kill the Van Helsing werewolves and those bald wolves from Underworld.
Putting the wolves of Van Helsing against Lawrence Talbot would be the same as King Kong vs. the T-Rex (or V-Rex). Larry Talbot = King Kong, Van Helsing werewolves = T-Rexes.
Larry Talbot wins!

The Newcomers

My favorite movie of all time! It's the only film I've ever seen with realistic werewolves and equally realistic werewolf transformations. There's also much more discussion of the lycanthrope legend than there is in movies like Dog Soldiers.
Add in the awesome storyline, incredible acting, and action-packed fight scenes, and you've got not only the best werewolf movie but the best movie of all time. Full stop! Plus, Hugh Jackman makes a pretty hot werewolf.
This movie is just sick.
P.S. Man, keep that Twilight crap out of this. There are no werewolves in Twilight. They're obviously shapeshifters, turning completely into wolves. It's not lycanthropy at all.

Jacob is the most powerful werewolf, more so than any other werewolf in any movie. Though many try to argue this, it's the truth and the fact.

The fact that this is below *Cursed*, of all movies, breaks my heart. *Ginger Snaps* is the greatest.
WHAT? This movie is way better than *Dog Soldiers*. I don't know why people love *Dog Soldiers*.
God, this movie is great, and so is the sequel.

Michael Sheen as "Lucian" is a raw and powerful performance. A rebel, a hero, a leader of men and Lycans alike. Awesome.

This film should be higher on this list. For an entire generation, it is their first werewolf film.