Best Anthrax Albums

The Top Ten
1 Among the Living

Love the title track. I could listen to this album for an eternity and never get tired of it. Especially Caught in a Mosh, One World, and I Am the Law. There really isn't much more to say than this album is perfection.

Each track is memorable and draws me back almost as soon as I take the earphones out. The bass also gets to shine, which I love.

I remember hearing this album for the first time and thinking that metal was taking a really kickass step forward. The tight riffing along with Charlie's pummeling drum work is like having a lobotomy performed by a jackhammer.

When I think of true eighties thrash metal, this is among the first albums that come to mind.

2 Spreading the Disease

Among the Living is probably the most brutal speed metal album ever made, but for the purists, Spreading the Disease is easily Anthrax's finest album. Its production is tremendous, there's barely a comedic line to be found, and Dan Spitz and Scott Ian kill it on this majestic speed metal beast.

As a sophomore effort, it's right up there with Ride the Lightning and Peace Sells... The improvement over their debut is quite simply remarkable. In fact, it's so good that it's not only Anthrax's best but should be included in the top ten metal albums of all time. Just check out Gung-Ho and Madhouse and see how immense this album sounds three decades on without a remaster.

3 Persistence of Time

By far the most mature Anthrax release lyrically and in musicianship. If you can get past the toned-back thrash sound, this album has it all. Everybody is on point on this record, and the songwriting is phenomenally austere to boot. This is what metal music needed at the time.

This has been my favorite Anthrax album for so long, and I don't see it changing any time soon.

So many underrated songs on here, such as Keep It in The Family, Gridlock, In My World, and Time. But let's face it, the whole album is fantastic!

4 Worship Music

This album shows us that quality thrash songs are still being written, and hopefully, there will be more to come.

Song quality and speed match Among the Living, but the production is better! Amazing album!

This is Anthrax at their best! For me, it's Worship Music, Spreading the Disease, then Among the Living.

5 State of Euphoria

Most underrated album of all time, by anyone. On any Anthrax album, there are one or two songs that are so good that they will be stuck in your head for the rest of your life. But what makes State of Euphoria so good is that you never get sick of the songs no matter how many times you hear them.

I loved Among when I first heard it, but 25 years later, I pretty much only listen to the title track and A Skeleton in the Closet. With SOE, I still listen to almost everything: Make Me Laugh, Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Misery Loves Company, Schism, Finale, and especially Now It's Dark.

I still listen to more tracks than any other album except Worship Music, which is too new to have gotten old.

6 Fistful of Metal

The only real aggressive, wicked, wild thrash metal made by Anthrax. Their best in my opinion. Joey's vocals are just too soft for me. Metal thrashing mad!

Sure, Among the Living and Spreading the Disease are the masterpieces, but this is pure, raw thrash. It makes you metal thrashing mad!

Best ever Anthrax album. Real thrashing madness!

7 Sound Of White Noise

There is no doubt that this album should be #1 on this list. I simply don't understand why it's not. This ranking is whacked. Not only is it the best Anthrax album, but one of my favorite albums of all time.

#2 on the list is correct, and #3 should be We've Come For You All. Just listen to Sound of White Noise. Songs like Only, Room For One More, Packaged Rebellion, and Black Lodge. Enough said.

This album is diverse and simply brilliant. My favorite Anthrax album. The strongest lineup, being Bush's first album and Spitz's final album. 1000 Points of Hate, Potter's Field, Invisible, Only, Black Lodge, Room for One More, and This Is Not an Exit are my favorite tracks. Their best album. Yes, even better than Among the Living.

8 For All Kings

Out of all the Big 4 (and thrash bands in general), Anthrax is putting out stuff that the others can only dream of making. Seriously, this and Worship Music are arguably better than the records Anthrax put out back in their prime!

I think they are more mature here after they created Worship Music. I think they had a lot of ideas on Worship Music, but in this album, they are more established with their sound and songwriting.

You Gotta Believe, Breathing Lightning, Evil Twin, Blood Eagle Wings, For All Kings, Monster at the End... This album should be in the Top 4. Instant classic. Awesome album.

9 We've Come for You All

One of Anthrax's most sonically diverse efforts to date, We've Come For You All features the experimentation of Vol. 8, but with direction. The incessant hard rock of Stomp 442, but with more memorability and accomplishment. The atmosphere and relentlessness of Sound of White Noise, but with a certain confidence and improved production.

Basically, it's the best Bush album, and I would dare call it the best Anthrax album.

Songwriting is unmatched on this. This album contains the most memorable Scott Ian riffs, in my opinion. Not one weak tune in the bunch!

10 The Greater of Two Evils

John Bush + Belladonna-era music = perfection. This album is great. I love Bush albums and Belladonna albums alike (I prefer Bush, though), but this is an awesome mashup.

The Contenders
11 Attack of the Killer B's
12 Volume 8 - The Threat Is Real

An excellent album with lots of consistently good songs. Really diverse. Probably the best Bush-era album.

13 Stomp 442

Not my favorite, but a worthy contender. The album can be a bit inconsistent at times, but overall it's not too bad. It also opens with one of Anthrax's best songs, and the next 2-3 songs after that are very strong.

Underrated album - hence it gets my vote...

Better album than it gets credit for!

14 Anthems
15 I'm the Man
16 Armed and Dangerous
17 Summer 2003
18 Penikufesin
19 Music Mass of Destruction
20 Live: The Island Years
21 Inside Out
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