Top 10 Best Arctic Monkeys Albums

This album is as close to perfect as anyone will ever get. Every song is just so electrifying and captivating. Everything from the vocals to the lyrics to the instruments is so hard-hitting and sharp.
This is one of the only albums I've ever listened to where I love every single song on it. Classic British album, one of the best in the world.
This is obviously the best album. The songs are so catchy and full of energy. Favourite Worst Nightmare is also pretty good, but I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor, Mardy Bum, and A Certain Romance are all basically perfect songs. Few albums have so many brilliant tracks.

Something I love about this album is that, although it was a very quick follow-up to the debut, it doesn't feel rushed. There's such a cheeky feel to this album as well.
There's so much energy and feeling in this as well. I love how sexually tinged some of these tracks are, although they may not be very sexual topics. It just adds to the overall atmosphere of the album. Stellar sophomore effort.
There are some great tracks on Whatever People Say I Am..., and they're the ones that made me a Monkeys fan, but their second album is incredible. With most artists, I enjoy a couple of songs on the album, but this one I could play on loop all day. There's not a single song I truly dislike.
The tone and energy are perfect. I wish their newer music sounded a bit more like their classic albums.

5. Suck It and See (2011) - Not terrible, just could have been better.
4. AM (2013) - This is spectacular. Nothing really bad, but can be bland.
3. WPSIATWIN (2006) - Great debut with amazing songs. 5/5.
2. Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007) - It was my favorite, not anymore, but a close second.
1. Humbug (2009) - I had to listen a couple of times to get into it, but now it's my favorite album by them and of all time. Perfect balance between punky Arctic Monkeys and psychedelic Monkeys. 5/5.
What?! This is such an underrated album! It was an experiment, but what an experiment it turned out to be! This is by far my favorite album. It shows how much variety they're capable of!
It shows their versatility and also that they're making music just for the sake of making music and not for commercial success or anything. This is a really brilliant album. It's genius.

On AM, the Arctic Monkeys seem to combine all of their previous albums into one unique and smooth-sounding record. You can hear elements of their first two records with the hard-hitting instruments and tongue-twisting lyrics, along with the smoothness and maturity of their two previous records.
This is definitely the Arctic Monkeys at their most skilled and mature. They developed a new sound I've never really heard before, and it's great. The riffs and instruments on this album have such simplicity to them that not many bands can pull off as well as the Arctic Monkeys.
Alex Turner's vocals on this album are unlike anything I've ever heard from any male singer before. Everything on this album is cohesive and smooth. It all works. One of the best albums of the century so far.

Although it wasn't their strongest, it definitely deserves to be much higher than this. Suck It and See gives you such a warm and happy feeling when you listen to it, a feeling that I haven't gotten from any of their other albums.
You can definitely tell Alex Turner was in love when he wrote this, and you can feel it too. There's no way you can't feel joyful after listening to any of the songs on this album. Lyrically, this was a huge turning point for the Arctic Monkeys and Alex Turner in particular.
The metaphors in this album are unreal (e.g., "You're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock," "She's thunderstorms lighting up my world," etc.). I wish more AM fans would give this album a chance because it's a truly amazing and captivating record.

This is their masterpiece! Great atmosphere, music, and lyrics. It makes me feel like I am in the Tranquility Base Hotel. They have always made good music, but this album is art!
It was great that when people expected AM II, they released this jazzy and sci-fi-inspired record. There are no hits on this album like AM, but I feel it's better that way. They want to challenge themselves and their listeners.
So inspired, so courageous. I am beyond glad they made this album. The album is so inspired and plays around with so much fun. My favorite songs on this album are definitely Golden Trunks (probably about Miles), Star Treatment, 4 out of 5, and Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.

The Newcomers