Best Behemoth Songs

The Top Ten
At The Left Hand Ov God

This song changed my life. I wasn't a fan of Behemoth until I came across the music video and bam! That was it. I was hooked. I'm now in the process of checking out all their albums. Great song, great band.

Best masterpiece by Behemoth without any doubt. Every time I listen to this song, it gives me goosebumps and makes me high!

Hail Behemoth!

Strong growling vocals with a seriously angry bang-crash rhythm. Way to go!

O Father O Satan O Sun!

When I first listened to "O Father O Satan O Sun," I was walking down a street with "The Satanist" in my headphones. I got bumped into by someone, and as I turned around, I suddenly realized that I had stopped walking, enthralled by what I was hearing.

More than a song, it is a manifesto, an occult prayer of immense, overwhelming power. From start to finish, it sends shivers down the spine, leaving you both exhausted and imbued with a sense of dark, twisted serenity.

Purposeful and absolutely crushing, this song is as close as music gets to a mystic experience.

Ov Fire and the Void

I do not want to tell you about what kind of feelings this song gives me every time, but it has the best drums I've ever heard.

This is the first Behemoth song I heard. I was blown away by the absolutely brutal vocals and awesome guitar riffs!

This song is just the definition of brutality. It's not overly complicated, just one message, and that is evil.

Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer

The essence of Behemoth for me is the brutal, relentless rhythm and drum parts, which are like a cosmic stampeding ravenous demon. The lead guitar part then snakes its way through this maelstrom like a wily and cunning serpent. The crushing breakdown gives way to the return of the verse, which has somehow been engorged with even greater fury as the protagonist disembowels the cosmos. There's nothing like it that I've heard.

For thine is the kingdom and the power. Amazing song. In my humble opinion, the best Behemoth song, even better than At The Left Hand Ov God.

Conquer All

Lucifer was my favorite after At The Left Hand Ov God. But this song deserves the 1st position. Evil vocals. Evil riffs. Evil, evil, evil!

The guitar is awesome! Great riffs, great drums, great lyrics. Could listen a million times.

I don't know why Conquer All, but I love the song the same as Lucifer, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, Decade of Therion, The Satanist, and much more.

Slaves Shall Serve

The brutal vocals of Nergal in the beginning, the totally awesome guitar lead, and one of my favorite heavy riffs ever following the guitar lead make this such a good song!

This is their best, maybe. And also, it is the most brutal song I have ever listened to. This growling is pure blood. It is even scary. So it could be number 1.

This song has a cult following among Behemoth fans.

Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V.

This song has got a seriously amazing rhythm! The solos are epic too. You simply have to love this song if you like Behemoth!

Excellent solos, amazing vocals, outstanding riffs. It's got all! Evil, satanic song. Truly a masterpiece!

This song is just amazing. What a great way to end their best album, Evangelion. It has one of the best riffs ever!

Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel

From a biblical perspective, the angel Gabriel blows his trumpet to signal the return of Christ. In this song, Nergal is saying, "Blow your trumpets, let Jesus return," because the world is full of awfulness, and he's asking where God is. He's saying, "Let Him show up and do something" because He doesn't seem to be here.

Not only is this song great musically, but the meaning adds a lot to it. It's a character portrait of Satan, describing the biblical events he witnessed and creating a hellish setting for the rest of the album.


This is just a masterpiece. The trumpets blowing in the first part of the song are just a miracle. Amazing drumming patterns follow. I LOVE DEMIGOD!

Must hear this if you love Behemoth.

Stay metal always.

The song that made me love Behemoth. Incredible drumming.

Inhuman musicianship and vocals. The most brutal song ever.

The Newcomers

? A Forest
? God = Dog
The Contenders
Decade of Therion

Clearly their most memorable song (before The Satanist).

This song has some fantastic musicianship. Great, wicked fast guitars, fantastic drumming as always, and fearsome vocal delivery. Best of all, it's quick and to the point. A great song to rock out to.

The Satanist

Hard to decide on just one song. They have a lot of good songs. But this and Slaves Shall Serve infected me the most.

Should be higher, at least within the top 5. The most evil song I've ever heard, with harrowing vocals by Nergal and awesome groove and atmosphere.

Impossible not to love the dark atmosphere, the amazing combo between guitar and bass, and the groove it makes.


I really don't understand why Behemoth doesn't play this song live!

Messe Noire

The last verse of this song is terrific lyrically: "Who shall crucify the last prophets/And have them wilt on splintered stems/Who shall churn hells across the earth/And reascend to seat himself at the left hand of Satan/Be gaoler over the living and of the dead as it was in the beginning." Some of the darkest, most hateful lyrics he's written. I love it.

Spellcraft & Heathendom
Inner Sanctum

Probably the most unique song I've heard from them. It's very different from the rest, but it is my number one favorite song and definitely deserves to be in the top!

This song is incredible. I'm looking for darkness in a tunnel of light - no one touches this guy lyrically.

This song is beautiful and unique on a global scale. I've never heard anything like this in metal.

As Above So Below

The intro riff is killer. This is the epitome of Behemoth's transition to full-blown death metal.

Alas, Lord is Upon Me

This is the song that led me to Behemoth. Without this song, I wouldn't have discovered this phenomenal band. This song has made my life better.

I can't believe it's not even in the top ten. Seriously, the riff is so evil yet very good.

You gotta be kidding me! This must be in the top ten.

Ceremony of Shiva

Amazing drumming by Inferno. Badass vocals and theme too!

A great and underrated track. Unrelenting drumming, strong vocals, and badass riffs.

Ben Sahar
In the Absence Ov Light

Maybe the only way to describe this song is that it makes me want to beat people to death with my bare hands, stop in amazement, and bask in the accomplishment of the surrounding corpses. Then, beat the dead bodies until there's nothing left but a bloody pulp. Yeah, it feels just like that.

Chant for Eschaton

I find myself constantly going back to listen to this song, and with good reason. It's one of Behemoth's signature and best songs and deserves to be much higher on the list. The re-recorded version is good for what it is, but nothing beats the sound of the original. Considering how relatively young Behemoth was as a band at the time, it's astounding how much of a masterpiece it is. It truly sounds like the gates of Hell opening, and that's always a good thing.

Just... amazing.
This is the song that got me listening to Behemoth.

Hidden In a Fog
With Spell of Inferno
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