Best Darkthrone Albums
The best albums produced and released by Norwegian Black Metal band Darkthrone led by Nocturno Culto and Fenriz.To date, they have 14 studio releases... Vote for your favorite album by them.

Such a strong bond to black metal! This album defined the music I'll be listening to for the rest of my life. It was the first black metal album I listened to and the top of them all!
This is one of those classic Black Metal albums produced in Norway, and it can only be compared to Mayhem's Deathcrush, Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, or Emperor's In Nightside Eclipse!
A true masterpiece of pure Norwegian darkness. This album got me into Black Metal. Aargh!

The first Darkthrone album I ever heard was when I first started getting into Black Metal and it is still the best of their discography today!
This is my personal favorite. In my opinion, in some cases, it even outstands Transylvanian Hunger.
Amazing album and I must say better than Transilvanian Hunger.

Creative and different from the rest of the Norwegian typical sound, Panzer mixes cold atmospheres and fast tremolos with groove and riffing of 1980s metal. The variety and influences make this my favorite from Darkthrone. A Blaze is a great choice too, and both are mandatory listens for those who want to know black metal.
Creative and different from the rest of the Norwegian typical sound, Panzer mixes cold atmospheres and fast tremolos with groove and riffing of 1980s metal. The variety and influences make this my favorite from Darkthrone. A Blaze is a great choice too, and both are mandatory listens for those who want to know black metal.

This isn't only their best album, but also the best Norwegian Black Metal record ever produced.
This one is better than Panzerfaust in my opinion.
Ugly album - a reason why I love this.

This is their only good album. It actually sounds like an album. It has a very straightforward and aggressive death metal sound to it and it actually sounds produced.
The rest of their albums sound like underproduced garbage recorded in a sewer tunnel and sent to a record store from there. Transilvanian Hunger? Ha! What a joke. Soulside Journey is a true metal album.
This is the only Darkthrone album I like, because it's actually produced.
Underrated album. It's actually better than Under A Funeral Moon.

Underrated album that perfectly blends the necro sounds of the unholy trinity era with the crispness of Soulside. This is a sharp record that is sadly overlooked.

Not their best work but it is very underrated. This deserves to be much higher up on this list than number 10.
I love this album, their best since 'A Blaze in the Northern Sky'.
The Newcomers

Wouldn't say it's the best, but clearly among the top five. Great necro black doom metal sound.

I have been a fan for many years, but my personal top three are: 1. Circle the Wagons, 2. Soulside Journey, 3. A Blaze in the Northern Sky!