Best Red Albums

The Top Ten
Until We Have Faces

Honestly, I think Until We Have Faces is their best album. It's the only album with a common theme that flows together throughout each song.

You have songs like Not Alone, Lie to Me, Buried Beneath, Hymn for the Missing, and Faceless, which are five unbelievable tracks. Although End of Silence and Of Beauty and Rage are really good, this one tops them all. 10/10.

From the opening scream in Feed The Machine to the harmonic voices closing Hymn For The Missing, this is a solid album.

Feed The Machine and Lie To Me are my favorite songs, but every one is worth adding to a playlist. 8/10.

Of Beauty and Rage

I love this album! After a disappointing Release The Panic, Red returned to their roots with the heavy distortion and strings.

Everything about this album feels very polished. It feels like the score to a movie, and even though there isn't a story progression, the way the album unfolds connects with you like a gripping movie plot.

My favorite song is Shadow and Soul. This album gets 9/10 from me.

I was pleasantly surprised with this album. There are so many good songs on it. Darkest Part, Falling Sky, Part That's Holding On, Take Me Over, Gravity Lies, and Of These Chains are all amazing.

The only song I don't really like is What You Keep Alive, and even that is better than thousands of others out there. Definitely a must-have! 9/10.

End of Silence

This was my first Red album, and it's my #2 favorite. I love how raw and in-your-face this album is. It's an amazing medley of distorted guitars, deep drums, violins, a hint of beautiful piano, and some screaming vocals.

My top tracks are Let Go, Breathe, and Hide. The outro to Hide has one of the most beautiful piano solos I have ever heard. Overall, I give this album a 9/10.

One of the first REALLY good Christian rock albums by someone other than Skillet! Songs like Let Go, the hit Breathe Into Me, Pieces, and Lost are some of their best work.

After long deliberation, I don't think this is their best, but it isn't far behind. 8/10.

Innocence & Instinct

The only reason this is my fourth favorite RED album is that RED is the best Christian band of all time. Every song on here is absolutely phenomenal (with the possible exception of Ordinary World, but they didn't even write that one!).

Something that many people do not know is that this album has a Deluxe Edition that, in my opinion, makes this a far better album. It has an intro, several incredibly brutal bonus tracks, and honestly, it just makes the record feel much more balanced.

My favorite tracks from the album as a whole are Death of Me, Out From Under, Take It All Away, Shadows (disgustingly catchy, by the way), and Confessions. But still, my fourth favorite RED album. That says a lot.

Release The Panic

It's a pretty solid record. The band has their usual features: gritty guitar tones, a few ballads and a few hard rockers, high and low dynamics, and clean vocals with moments of screaming.

However, the band takes a more straightforward approach in creating songs, utilizing shorter song structures which keep the album moving along at a relatively quick clip. They also experiment with electronic elements, ditching their former keyboard accompaniment in favor of atmospheric sounds that tie directly into the vocals and guitars.

These changes, along with the album being their fourth, make the record feel like a more mature and well-rounded effort.

Release the Panic: Recalibrated

Not much to say, other than the strings added to mimic the old feel of Red do not in any way feel like part of the songs, simply a new layer added over the top of everything.


Great album. Way heavier than the last album by a long shot.

Red String Tribute
Not Alone (Performance Tracks)

I'm not really a fan of this album. I had high hopes following Of Beauty and Rage, but was disappointed by what, in my opinion, is an overly electronic sound in this album.

The songs are decent, although none really stand out to me other than Gone. I give Gone a 5/10. Not bad, but plenty of room for improvement.

It may not be as good as their past records, but it was still enjoyable to listen to. I like the electronic elements they added to this album too. Overall, I'd probably give it a 7/10 rating.

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