Top 10 Best Red Songs

This American rock band has been creating deeply intense, emotionally charged music since they debuted in 2006 with their album End of Silence. Known for blending hard rock with emotional, introspective lyrics, Red has built a loyal fanbase over the years, resonating with listeners who connect to their honest, often raw themes of struggle, resilience, and redemption. Their music combines powerful instrumentals, melodic elements, and vocals that move from haunting whispers to raw screams, creating songs that are as emotionally complex as they are intense.
The Top Ten
Already Over

Please realize, it's far better than Breathe Into Me. It has everything. It's addictive, but Breathe Into Me, with its lyrics and feel, is awesome. I prefer listening to both of them rather than judging them.

1. Breathe Into Me. 2. Already Over, all I can say.

By far my favorite song by them. I think the lyrics and the way they're sung are beautiful. And the music is awesome too. It's not too hard but not too soft either. All in all, this song is great, and I highly suggest you listen to it.

Red is one of my favorite bands of all time, and this song is one of their greatest! It's not their best song, but it is one of their signature songs. The Linkin Park influence is also very apparent in this song.

Breathe Into Me

Haha, it's already over, so let go of this faceless contest. Don't feed the machine, and leave this list in pieces, or else it may be the death of me and I'll be lost! So don't lie to me forever, and just hide the mystery of you because then you'll never be the same. Which song's the best? Let it burn, come to the ordinary world, start again, and vote for Breathe Into Me!

This song is beautiful and has very meaningful lyrics. My boyfriend introduced me to this song, and I fell in love with the acoustic version. They did an amazing job. It flows together perfectly. It's the best song to listen to for a relaxing summer drive.

Feed the Machine

Feed The Machine... oh gosh, where and how do I begin? Undoubtedly the heaviest track in their entire discography and right up there with the most brutal songs I've ever heard. Currently, it is my favorite metal song, even after exploring and listening to a plethora of great bands like Opeth, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Tool, Ghost, etc.

I lost count of how many times I've battered the replay button. Particularly, the scream in the chorus followed by the breathtaking guitar blast. Michael Barnes puts so much passion and emotion into his singing and especially his screaming ("GIVE UP, GIVE UP, FEED THE MACHINE!") that it's hard not to get carried away.

Let Go

This song is incredible. The second half is one of the most beautiful-sounding pieces of music I have ever heard. The whole song incorporates multiple genres, seamlessly sculpted together to create a melodic masterpiece that I can't help but love every time I hear it.

I love the fading in and out. I wasn't for it at first, but the fact that it's a long song really works for it. By listening for a while, you don't realize you fall in love with it until it gets down to the ending chords. It leaves you wanting more.

Fight Inside

This song should be equal first with Breathe Into Me. Fight Inside consists of amazing lyrics, soft verses, and heavy choruses and bridges. The vocals and guitar work are absolutely amazing as well.

I was surprised that Fight Inside wasn't among the top 10. The beautiful combination of strings and metal, of passionate singing and desperate screaming, the contradictions - it's a work of art.

The way he sings and screams the lyrics is just breathtaking! The lyrics are absolutely perfect! One of the best songs I have heard in my life.

Death of Me

Great song, but I interpret it differently than most people. Just because Red is a Christian group doesn't mean every song has to revolve around God. I think this song is about recognizing that some people are fake - they claim they care about you but only want to screw you over - and letting go of them.

This song is awesome! No other song the band has made sounds like it. The dark side of our nature is the enemy it speaks about, and we have to identify and fight it. It has such an epic feel, with the heavy guitar riffs and the violins. It's also the most resonating song for me.


I'm probably a little biased because of a personal connection I have to this song, but it really says something when an artist that's primarily metal can make a song using piano and cello, having it still be as good as their other work. And it really is, if not even better. Definitely my favorite Red song.

This song dissolves you into its melody. It melts you and molds you to fall in love with it. It is so much more than what I can describe. It is surely one of the best songs that I've heard in my life. It's just perfect.


When I first heard this amazing song, it was around 2 AM, and I loved it so much that I just had to hear it again and again. Later that night, when I actually woke up at around 5:30 AM, I couldn't prevent myself from listening to Faceless one more time. I know there are songs way better and deeper than this one, but at least I will remember it for turning me into a music addict.

What? This is the best. Among all their singles, this song deserves to be in the top 10. First, listen, then vote on this page. This is the best one.

This song should definitely be number one. It describes everything about me. I used to be lost and didn't know who I was. This song saved me. This and Not Alone.

Not Alone

I really love this song. It has a very sweet message, and I love the music. It's softer than Red's usual, but it's beautiful. After listening to this song, you feel like there are others out there like you. There are people who are with you. You're not alone.

"I will be your hope, when you feel like it's over, and I will pick you up when your whole world shatters, and when you're finally in my arms, you'll look up and see, love has a face!" Definitely the best song lyrics ever, and the best song by Red!

One of my absolute favorite songs of all time. It is so powerful and uplifting, with the perfect build-up of tension being released at the right moment. It is a very cathartic experience, especially when I'm feeling down.

Darkest Part

This song had a profound effect on my life. It eloquently describes the dark, introspective thoughts I feel when I ponder the cosmos and how the human race fits in it. I don't really like people. Both philosophically and musically, this song is perfect. It should be number one.

In my opinion, it's the greatest song ever written and recorded. Songs have never gone this deep into the human experience, and it really sets this song apart from all the others. If this song had been by The Beatles or Linkin Park, it would have been so popular, but because it was from a band that isn't that well-known, it will forever be a hidden gem.

The Newcomers

? The Evening Hate

It sounds great, like something from Of Beauty and Rage.

? The War We Made
The Contenders
Lie to Me (Denial)

This song is just magnificent. It should be 3 or 4, definitely one of their brilliant songs, and more recent. So it's 12, for God's sake? Seriously?! This is a great song. Vote for it!

This has been my favorite song out of any artist, album, or song ever! I love how it starts out with an amazing intro. The lyrics are amazing. Just everything is perfect.

It's just so amazing, the way he sings and the music. I can't even explain it right.

Mystery of You

Wow, I was looking for this song for the longest time. I had to use this list to find it, and now I'm so glad I did.

Really surprised this isn't higher. Like one reviewer mentioned below, it gives me chills every time I listen to it.

I get chills every time I listen to this song.


I'm listening to it right now, and by God, this song truly is one of my favorites. I certainly have no idea what it's doing all the way down here, but if you have yet to listen to it, then listen immediately. I just can't get enough of this song!

Talking about your shadows...

This song is so underrated! It talks about the internal battle that everyone goes through. Finding that inner peace usually comes through another person. Some say their significant other, others say God. Either way, this song is truly amazing!

Buried Beneath

Give this song a listen. Think "Break Me Down," but with the more refined style attuned to the rest of the "Until We Have Faces" album. This is everything Red. The Linkin Park, Chevelle, and Christian rock influences just explode in this song.

Their most underrated song. It really is amazing. Just listen to it.

This song is amazing! It should at least be in the top 10.


I agree this is for sure the best song I've heard by Red so far. I am a new Christian currently looking for songs by Christian bands. Based on this song, I found it at number 12 on here. I just listened to the first five of these songs on YouTube and have to say the lyrical content is great, but musically this one is way better. Maybe it's because the breakdowns don't impress me as much. I prefer August Burns Red type music when it comes to breakdowns.

People, listen to it and connect it to your lives. I bet you will vote for it. Epic emotional scream, epic lyrics. No one can scream and sing emotionally like Michael Barnes. Love you, Red!

Let It Burn

This song made me love rock songs when my friend posted it on his Facebook profile to show me how he felt when he didn't find me when we decided to meet. The song really expressed what happened exactly, and I felt like he was singing the song. I felt like I fell in love with him when I heard the song, and I think he had the same feeling, trying to say it to me.

Without a shadow of a doubt, this is their best song ever, in my opinion. While Red's discography is chock-full of sensational songs that can blow anyone's mind, this one just puts the rest of the songs in the shade.

Break Me Down

I think this is one of their most underrated songs, even though it's clearly one of their best, other than Buried Beneath!

I think this is a really good song and deserves to be higher up on the list.

My first experience hearing a Christian rock song I identified with in 7 years (since "Comatose" by Skillet)! I think I'm officially addicted to a band instead of drugs. I'm a recovering addict.

Who We Are

There is just so much that is done right with this song, it's hard to even talk about it. The guitar is simple but extremely awesome, and the vocals on this song, in my opinion, are some of Michael Barnes' best.

If any of you Red fans have seen this song live, then you have seen one of the best performances by modern rock artists.

My top 5 songs by Red are:

1. Who We Are (obviously)
2. Death of Me
3. Mystery of You
4. Let It Burn
5. Already Over

No. 32?! This song deserves to be in the top 5. This is one of the most awesome songs I have ever listened to. Amazing vocals, amazing lyrics, amazing guitar, and so catchy. Definitely one of Red's best songs!

Never Be the Same

This song is one of my favorite songs, not just by Red, but in general. It's certainly a different song for them because it's not as intense as some of their other songs. However, it's not as slow as their slow songs. I feel like this song is the happy medium between the two different styles and really showcases all of their abilities. It should be number one.

This is the most amazing song I have ever heard in my life. It reminds me of the girl that I love and how amazing she is. This song should be number 1, not 15. It is easily their best non-screamo song.

I love Red. They help me keep my faith. All of their songs are great, but none of them can top Never Be the Same.


I heard this song on a video my sister was watching. It had hardly any views, with no one knowing the song. A few months later, I was listening to some music when I noticed Red - Forever in related. I clicked it and heard the song. This song was the first one I heard from Red and, in my opinion, one of their best.

When I listened to this song the first time on Pandora, I couldn't stop. I am extremely surprised it isn't number one because it's too damn good not to be.

Out from Under

This song should be at the top. The fact that it isn't makes me question this whole list. Easily one of their best. I get chills listening to it.

I love this song. It's different, crazy, and full of the awesome guitar and mayhem Red is known for.

Not sure if people just don't know this song, or if it's just underrated. Everything about this song screams greatness.

Start Again

This song is just incredible. It takes the best parts of Already Over and adds amazing lyrics and an even better beat. By far, the best song of Innocence and Instinct.

I am very surprised that this song is so far down on this list. Amazing chorus, stunning instruments.

I don't really like this type of rock, but this song is just amazing. The vocals just take you to another planet.

Of These Chains

This song is definitely one of their softer songs, but it's still beautiful nonetheless. It has a good mixture of piano and violin throughout the song, with probably the prettiest soft male voice I think I've ever heard. The song itself is absolutely enchanting, and I wish that it was somewhere on the actual list.

Great song. Michael has a magical voice.

Shadow and Soul

Beautiful masterpiece! This is definitely one of RED's best works. This song tells a remarkable story. It's about not knowing where to go. 'Should I go back to who I used to be? Or should I join the dark side?' The chorus is very captivating, with a beautiful sound. When you hear this song, it's impossible not to feel immense emotion.

The reason this is now my favorite RED song is because it embodies the ultimate struggle, the internal battle to discover who you were and who you are. Shadow in this case refers to the evil, and soul is the good. The tragedy, although still beautiful, is that you eventually fall into the shadows once again. But there is a part of you, a small part, that still remembers who you used to be. I give this song 10/10.

The Outside

One of the best. I don't understand why this song is number 30 on this list!

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