Top 10 Best Sepultura Albums

Sepultura is a Brazilian metal band from Belo Horizonte, formed in 1984. The band was a major force in the death metal, thrash metal, and groove metal scenes during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In later years, they experimented by blending nu metal, hardcore punk, industrial music, and extreme metal into their sound.

They have released fifteen studio albums. Their most successful records include Arise (1991), Chaos A.D. (1993), and Roots (1996). Sepultura has sold over 3 million albums in the United States and close to 20 million worldwide.

Personally, I think they are one of the greatest thrash, death, and groove metal bands, and the greatest Brazilian band overall. However, in my opinion, the new Sepultura (with Derrick Green) is not as good as the old Sepultura (with Max Cavalera).
The Top Ten
Beneath the Remains

Raw and fast while also displaying stellar musicianship. Schizophrenia and Morbid Visions may be faster, but they lack the same musicianship that Beneath has, while Arise lacks the ferocity, speed, and aggression of Beneath the Remains.

All killer, no filler, unlike Arise, Chaos AD, and Roots. The riffs and drumming in particular stand out on this album. The lyrics serve as a bold statement of individualism and a critique of a hypocritical society.

An album that I'd put as the fourth best thrash metal album of all time, behind Bonded by Blood (#3), Master of Puppets (#2), and Rust in Peace (#1).

Rating: 100/100


A great album and a classic in its own right, but definitely not Sepultura's best work. It is not as raw or fast as Beneath the Remains or Schizophrenia, yet it's not as original as Chaos AD or Roots (albeit better than the latter).

Arise is a brutal death-thrash record with elements of groove thrown in. In my opinion, these groove elements are what bring the album down. Whereas the groove is what drives the songs on Chaos AD, on Arise, it slows down the momentum the songs have. Beneath the Remains is superior precisely because it doesn't have as many of these moments.

Essentially, if I want to listen to some early Sepultura, this is not the album I put on first. If I want to hear groovy Sepultura, I don't put on this album either.

This album does have some outstanding tracks, including, obviously, Arise, Dead Embryonic Cells, and Desperate Cry. I also like Under Siege (Regnum Irae) for its originality and Infected Voice because it is faster. However, the album does get a bit bogged down in songs such as Murder, Subtraction, and Meaningless Movements.

I'd have to put this as my fourth favorite Sepultura album, with Beneath on top, Schizophrenia second, and Chaos AD third.

Overall rating: 94/100

Chaos A.D.

A critical transition between the death-thrash of Arise and the tribal nu-metal of Roots. The best way to describe this album would be tribal thrash mixed with tribal groove.

The album is heavily front-loaded, but this is forgivable because Chaos AD is more about the concept of sticking it to the man than the music itself. That said, I thoroughly enjoy it, even more so than Arise, just because Arise feels a bit redundant in places.

This would be my third-favorite Sepultura album, behind Schizophrenia (second) and Beneath the Remains, Sepultura's magnum opus.

Rating: 95/100


A controversial album, but one that I thoroughly enjoy. Although many claim they sold out on this record, there are no sappy ballads. The songs are heavy as ****, with the style firmly entrenched in groove and nu-metal, and the lyrics continued the more political/personal overtones of Chaos AD.

I'm actually glad Sepultura decided to innovate, as I feel like another BTR/Arise would have been a stale affair. This record is what nu-metal should have been: savage vocals, brutal riffs, and wild atonal solos.

Although there is some filler, the best tracks more than make up for it, and the acoustic/tribal stylings are a welcome continuation of Kaiowas.

Rating: 91/100


Inquisition Symphony is worth the price of admission by itself. Add the crunchiest thrash guitar work of all time in Septic Schizo and the tantalizing rhythm throughout the record, and Schizophrenia is the quintessential Sepultura album.

This is their best album. I wish the sound quality/production didn't sound so awful because the compositions and riffs are the best Sepultura has ever done.

More raw than Beneath the Remains. Blends death metal and thrash metal to great effect. My second favorite album by them.

Dante XXI

It is very boring to see narrow-minded, infantile HM fanboys just dismissing everything the band has done post-Max out of hand. At least give this a chance and LISTEN to it. THEN if you don't like it, you can leave it alone - no one is forcing it on you.

I personally prefer this to any Max era album. If others listen to this and think that it is not as good as old Sepultura, then that is fair enough. Opinion by definition is very subjective. There is no need for people to act like they are 6 years old. If you don't like it, then at least respect that there are others who do, and who are glad that Sepultura is still going and making albums.

Machine Messiah

From start to finish, this album just pummels you with great instrumentation, hard-shredding riffs, and outstanding vocals. I typically only like Max albums, but wow, this really feels amazing to listen to. To all you Max-only fans, please give it a try. It's absolutely amazing.

First album of the band that I listened to, and I am already a die-hard fan of them!

Probably one of the best from the Derrick Green era.

Morbid Visions

Darkest album. Hail the spirit of angry youngsters!

This is how Sepultura started. This is how they should be remembered.

The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be the Heart

This is a very good album. It's not the type of music Sepultura used to make, but if you like this type of metal sub-genre, then it's nice. The problem with Sepultura is that they are too diversified, which is a headache for their fans. Sometimes thrash, sometimes tribal, then groove, then death, etc.

Bestial Devastation

Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions are the best Sepultura albums.

The Newcomers

? Quadra

Way too low! I get the point that the old-school albums were classics and part of history. But it's just plain ignorance that makes people dismiss "new" Sepultura. Best one.

This one is probably their best since Roots. There are some really good songs on here.

? Dupla Identidade

This is a very unknown album. Sepultura recorded the soundtrack for a Brazilian TV series called "Dupla Identidade," and the album is available on Spotify. It's only 22 minutes long, but it's perfect.

The Contenders

The best song Sepultura ever wrote: Sadistic Values. Very consistent album despite unnecessary instrumental cuts.

I prefer this over Kairos and The Mediator by a long shot. It is a much more exciting and rhythmic album.

Better than Kairos. Should be on the list right behind Dante.


The Japanese drumming on this is sick. It has a similar raw feeling as Roots.


This album has my favorite Sepultura song ever, Apes of God. A truly ferocious piece of music.

I love this album! Best album since Roots!


The best post-Max album. Check it out again. Great album!


The first great Sepultura album with Derrick Green, in my opinion.

This album is their best with Alex Greenem, bordering on death metal. Epic!

The riffs on this one are really nice. It's not my favorite for sure, but it's one of my favorite albums with Derrick.

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