Best Sixx:A.M. Songs

The Top Ten
Life is Beautiful

Dear God, this song is so beautiful. From the lyrics to the music, this song is absolutely amazing. Not only my favorite Sixx: A.M. song but my favorite song of all time.

When I hear this song, it sends chills down my spine. It's amazingly written and deserves to be number one.

Hits hard. Makes me feel nostalgic about the 2000s. I remember hearing it a lot at home back then.

Lies of the Beautiful People

I can only say: Great, great song!

This is Gonna Hurt

One of their heaviest songs. Great chorus too.


Whoa! Love this song so much! I will get it in my head and go play it no matter where I am. Nikki talks about how people judge a book by its cover or its past. Show them the angel in your heart and stomp out bullies and heartless, judging people! This is a song that should have massive airplay, but I don't get why it doesn't. Radio stations suck!

It's unfortunate that the less famous songs by Sixx: A.M. are so unknown. The famous ones like Life is Beautiful and Lies of the Beautiful People are great, but Skin is so great, passionate, and potent that more people need to hear it.

Pray for Me
Are You with Me Now
Girl with Golden Eyes

It's the most awesome song I've ever heard. It's really a nice song. When you listen to it once, you'll want to play it over and over again. Believe me.


This should be our new American Revolution anthem. We are being divided and destroyed. Join together and rise. We are almost out of time.

The Newcomers

? Belly of the Beast

OMG! LOVE IT! "What you do when alive is what you do when you die." Honestly, the first time I listened to all the albums after Heroin Diaries, I thought, "That's such a damn good song to every song!" This one is just - OMG, wow!

? Can't Stop

Holy cow! This song is one of my favorites and is so freaking powerful! Another top song that should be all over the radio. Nikki Sixx blows away any competition with all of Sixx: A.M.'s songs! Every song on all the albums is amazing! Never have I seen a band where I love all the songs right out of the gate! Sixx: A.M. rules!

The Contenders
You Have Come to the Right Place
We Will Not Go Quietly
Live Forever
Oh My God
Accidents Can Happen

This song is so beautiful. It helps me through tough times. Even if he's talking about something else, you can relate it to yourself. Underrated.

The Last Time (My Heart Will Hit the Ground)

Sick! Awesome! Amazing! Freaking badass song! Love it so much! It should be a hit! Nikki Sixx tells it like it is, and it's beyond great!

When We Were Gods
Van Nuys

Great song! Deserves to be in the top ten!

This song deserves to be in the top 10!

Better Man

Another heart-pulling set of lyrics. Nikki pours his heart out, and it makes his music so personal and incendiary. Better Man is a powerful song and should be a top-five hit!

Maybe It's Time

Wonderfully powerful song. I always tear up listening to Heroin Diaries and basically most of Sixx: A.M. I feel Nikki's pain. He is an incredible person, and his music says it all.


Oh my God! How is this not a number-one hit? It should have massive airplay. I listen to this song all the time! It's amazing! Everyone that I send it to loves it! The problem is that people don't know about it. Otherwise, it would easily be number one!


This song is just... indescribably awesome!

Without You

Sensational version of this song! OMG! I just love it! Better than the original!

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