Top 10 Best Tim Minchin Songs
If you're a fan of sharp wit, biting satire, and musical talent that leaves you in awe, then you've probably fallen for the work of Tim Minchin. The best songs by Tim Minchin, the genius of musical comedy, showcase his ability to take everyday topics, big ideas, and even deeply personal reflections, and turn them into something unforgettable. His lyrics can make you laugh, cry, or think hard about life's absurdities - often all in the same song.
Tim is my hero!
I'm ginger!
And I believe this song represents me. Hehe.
I'm Brazilian, so there are very few gingers here.
It's our word!
The intro scared me. I thought he was going to go too far, but I was so wrong. Great song.
Very witty. I love the way he draws you into believing something early in the song before flipping it entirely.

Simply the best musical and lyrical work by Mr. Minchin! The epic performance with the Heritage Orchestra is one of the best musical moments in modern history, and the message is bright and honest.
A wonderful melody, witty lyrics, and a great buildup.

It's beautifully performed and written with Tim's signature cutting humor and sarcasm. An amazing blend of music and blunt humor that should be at the top.
A masterpiece that captures something we've all encountered when debating religious apologists.
I simply cannot believe this isn't first. It's an absolute masterpiece!

This song should be No. 1 at Christmas. I love the emotion in his voice. The first few times I listened to it, I cried.
I now know all the words and sing it whenever I feel stressed.
This song is beautiful, a perfect combination of wit, humor, and seriousness. I can relate to it so much. This is my favorite Christmas song by far.
Absolutely beautiful. It touches so many of us who can relate to his thoughts of family at Christmas. I listen to it several times each December.
Witty and catchy. This song has everything one wants in a comedic song. It really captures Tim Minchin perfectly.
Not just funny, but I love how he sounds while singing it! I love you, Tim!
Very relatable song. Basically tells the story of my life.
Manages to be both funny and blunt at the same time. Brilliant.
Laugh-out-loud funny, brings you back up when you're down. Shout out to Channixburton, laugh out loud. Love you, babe. From Maxwell.
The Newcomers

Hilarious, and I know all the words to it now!
Hysterical, catchy, musically impressive, and all-around fantastic.
Nobody can top this. This is poetry at its very best.
A wonderful, witty, and memorable poem!
This song is amazing. I adore Tim Minchin, but this is my number one song of his.

Beautiful song! It's hilarious at the beginning, but you soon realize it's extremely beautiful. I consider it one of my favorite love songs because of how honest and sad it is. I've cried at this song!
This is the most honest, true, and beautiful love song I've ever heard. The metaphor seems silly at first, but Tim sings it with utter sincerity. This song has brought me to tears.
A song dedicated to "that creepy-uppy kind of love." If you watch it on YouTube, listen to the audience's reaction. They laugh at first, then realize how beautiful the song is.
Offensive but very funny.
Music: Excellent.
Lyrics: Funny, offensive.
He repeats the lyrics, "if you don't eat pigs and we don't eat pigs, why not eat pigs together?" But it has very good music. I love it!
"Why not not eat pigs together?"
Great song, loved it, very funny!
Underrated song by Tim. It's absolutely fantastic, very funny, and has a lovely tune.
Come on! It's such a catchy romantic song! Great, great song!