Top 10 Scariest Songs Ever Written

Halloween may still be many months away, but any time of the year is close enough to Halloween to create a list like this. These are some of the scariest songs I have ever heard.

Try listening to these songs in a pitch-black room. It's quite an experience!
The Top Ten
Daddy - Korn

The song is truly terrifying, as it tells the story of a child who was abused by an unknown intruder. This is a harsh reality! The child who sang it is none other than Jonathan Davis. It's based on a true story about how Davis was abused by this man. He tried to convince his mother that he was being abused, but she never believed him. What kind of parent doubts a child's stories of abuse?

Speaking of the mother, at the end of the song, Jonathan cries and his mother's voice can be heard. This is not only disturbing but also sad. The unknown man who attacked Jonathan may still be alive or dead to this day.

Edit: I'm not a fan of metal and rock, but this song is just... something else. Also, Kim is just as scary. But what about Frankie Teardrop? That song is not really a song but more about the lyrics and the story. I would place Frankie Teardrop at number 3 on this list.

Kim - Eminem

He raps about forcing his wife into his car, driving into a secluded spot, and then chasing after her when she tries to run. He catches her and slits her throat. This song is a favorite of feminists. You'll have a new appreciation of this song if you get cheated on.

Music doesn't scare me, but this song is quite disturbing. For those who don't know, this is about Eminem's ex-wife who cheated on him and treated him badly. At the end, he slits her throat. Damn!

This is basically Eminem screaming at his ex-wife for the entire song. This is arguably Slim's scariest song ever made, and quite possibly the scariest rap song.

Revolution 9 - The Beatles

This song scares me so much! If you look it up, this song has more lyrics than "Number 9, number 9, number 9." It's really creepy. But, if you listen to it backwards, that's where the "Paul is Dead" theory is put in a little. It scares the living daylights out of me every time I listen to it backwards!

What's creepy is when it's backwards and you hear "Satan, look at me please." Holy smokes. I know this is an 'experimental' song, but it would be better if it wasn't released. Plus, I wonder if John had taken a little too many drugs before recording.

Stalaggh - Projekt Misanthropia

I love depressive black metal songs, but this one makes you feel like you have a metal heart that's empty inside, and you hammer it with all the power you've got. After listening to this song, you will understand. You get changed and never feel the same as before. This is my feeling about it.

The most horrifying "song" on this list and possibly ever written. The Beatles one is another good choice, too. That one used to scare me as a teen. Stalaggh would have given me death nightmares.

The fact that it's made up of real screams of terror by real mental patients is enough to make this song/album so much more disturbing! If this doesn't scare you, I don't think anything will!

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

This song is very scary. From the beginning with the crashing thunder and rain, to that dark riff by Tony Iommi and those doomy lyrics by Ozzy.

This song should definitely be in the top 10.

This is the first and best heavy metal song ever written, and the creepiest too. You can't make a guitar sound scarier than this. Tony Iommi is just the best!

How is this so far down? This was probably the first genuinely scary song and remains the best.

'97 Bonnie and Clyde - Eminem

This song tells me many things:

1. Slim Shady is a sick individual.
2. Slim Shady deeply cares about his daughter.

Everybody else sees this song as some black comedy or something. Am I the only one who sees it as a twisted-yet-endearing love story? (Parental love, nothing weird)

This is basically the sequel to Kim. Eminem takes his daughter with him to dispose of Kim's dead body in the ocean, trying his hardest not to let his daughter know that she's dead.

This song talks about rolling his wife off a bridge after killing her. I love Eminem's music, but this song is not one of my favorites!

Inside the Fire - Disturbed

This song is about suicide. How is it not scary?

This song is about the real-life experience of the suicide of David Draiman's girlfriend. It's one of the best songs by Disturbed in general.

It's about committing suicide and seeing your younger self going to hell with her.

Vorkuta - Gulaggh

God, this is not a song! It's real children and elderly women who are patients at an insane asylum undergoing scream therapy! Still, the rumors about the kidnapping of said patients are fake. The band members asked for permission to take 15 patients for an hour or so to record this abomination. They used an abandoned chapel to record it! If this doesn't make number 1, then people who vote for other songs know nothing!

It's true that Gulaggh used mental patients for the screams of agony, but luckily none of the insane were harmed! The asylums gave Gulaggh permission to use them. Many of the patients say that it was fun, which means that either they are too insane to know what fun is, or they were sworn into secrecy with Gulaggh, or they would be sacrificed by the great Goat.

The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson

This is a good song, but the repetitive "ugh" noises gave me nightmares. I will not listen to this song before bed again.

The cover is starting to scare me.

The album cover is terrifying!

Hamburger Lady - Throbbing Gristle

The roots of the song are even more terrifying than the song itself. The story tells the tale of a burn victim whose face and body looked like raw hamburger meat. The music video accompanying it is just as bad, with close-ups of the woman's face and the grayscale hospital.

But the video that inspired the song itself brings things to a whole new level - the real footage of two men holding a woman down and killing her baby, turning it into hamburger meat, and forcing the woman to eat it. The roots of the song are even more terrifying than the song itself.

The Newcomers

? I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross

You won't believe how scary this song is. It's about Jimmy mourning over his girlfriend's death in a motor accident. At the end, he digs into his dead girlfriend's coffin and gets in it.

? Good Kid - Kendrick Lamar

Is it just me, or is this sampled from Revolution 9? I don't like Revolution 9, but I love this song.

The Contenders
Tip Toe Through the Tulips - Tiny Tim

This song is so creepy it gives me nightmares!

This is the creepiest song I've ever heard.

This song is about when you sneak a midnight snack and you don't want to wake anyone up.

Dance with the Devil - Immortal Technique

The song is about a teenager named Billy who gives up on his life to join a gang, sell drugs, and commit other crimes. One day, he meets his gang and they bring in a woman. Billy takes her upstairs and stomps on her face until he breaks her jaw.

His gang later comes up, and they all kick her until they break her ribs, then they beat her up even more. After that, they each take turns raping her. Billy takes a new .22 gun and points it at her head, only to find out it was his mother. He shoots her in the head, killing her, and then is horrified that it was his mother, so he commits suicide.

After that, Immortal Technique tells a very creepy yet short story about devils. But anyway, the rapping is amazing.

Curtain - Portal

The fact that I had to add this myself is just ridiculous. I thought it was the top 10 scariest songs, not your top 10 favorite songs. Songs like Dead Skin Mask by Slayer are quite creepy, but this is genuinely terrifying.

This sounds like the entrance to hell.

This is from another dimension.

Fireal - Deftones

It's so scary when a strange voice starts to sing, and the worst part is that we don't know when! So creepy!

I have to admit it is a pretty creepy song. Especially when he screams like he's possessed.

Down with the Sickness - Disturbed

It's like the heavy metal version of Kim by Eminem, but instead, it focuses on child abuse rather than domestic abuse.

I love rocking out to this song, but I'll admit that the child abuse lyrics that David screams are disturbing.

That bridge is so disturbing. I cannot listen to this song…

A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold

For everyone saying this isn't scary: this song is about a man who murders his girlfriend because he fears that he might lose her. He then preserves her body and has sex with it. Eventually, the corpse comes back from the dead and kills him in the same way.

This song is about a man who cuts his wife's heart out (Is it such a sin, for me to take what's mine? Ripped her heart out right before her eyes) and eats it (eat it, eat it, eat it!). Isn't this scary?

Later, they got married as zombies, right?

This is not the best from their self-titled album, but definitely the most wicked song they've ever posted.

Kill or Become - Cannibal Corpse
Frankie Teardrop - Suicide

This song deserves to be in the top 10. The simple drum track, his screams, and the song's subject matter make it deserving of a higher place on the list.

Anyone who listens to this will instantly put it at number one. Trust me, this is disturbing. Turn off the lights and you will get freaked out.

Holy crap! Even just listening to the very beginning gets me so freaked out! The long pauses with only the beat are just messed up.

Verboten Genesis - Impetuous Ritual
Burn the Pages of Quran - Janaza
Poltergeist - Zatox
Danse Macabre - Celtic Frost

This song is scary. First, it starts with the creepiest use of the triangle ever! Then, it has Tom (I think) chanting "Lah" as if he's having an organ or something. Then, it sounds like he's struggling or being possessed. You then hear heavy breathing with the sound of a badass guitar in the background, accompanied by a random hit from the scariest gong ever.

Then there's the gibberish, high-pitched voices, messed-up violin (or fiddle), and the voices at the end. This song should be in the top 3.

Oh my God! This song is a total collection of nightmarish sounds and a collaboration of what Hell would sound like.

Yung Rapunxel - Azealia Banks

The song as a whole is great, especially Azealia's rapping, but the part of the song where she screams the lyrics is slightly disturbing.

Not to mention the video in which she has mouths instead of eyes.

The Forest Whispers My Name - Cradle of Filth
Shoots and Ladders - Korn

It's a song about the nursery rhymes we used to sing as kids, although we didn't know what they originally meant. The nursery rhymes we sang had evil stories behind them.

For example, everyone is so happy singing Ring Around the Rosie, but it's really about the Black Plague.

This was my first Korn song. I heard it when I was about 10, and it scared me to death. I thought the band was evil and they were living in my basement (I'm dead serious).

Now I'm a teenager, and they are my favorite band.

After listening to this song, I'm now starting to think about how messed up our childhoods were back then.

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