Greatest Richie Sambora Songs

Rosie is probably my favorite song that has no indication of being associated with Bon Jovi. It sounds better by Richie, anyway. Jon did it way too calmly.
Full-rounded tone with an amazing range!

Really shows the strength in Richie's voice, which continues to be underrated. He is a great blues singer.
My very favorite Richie song of all time! There is so much heart and soul in it. I just love it. Xo
This song has something I can't describe...

What a great, timeless love ballad, definitely an all-time favorite. Richie Sambora is an amazing guitar player, singer, and songwriter.
I'm listening to this as I type. I love it.

The definitive Sambora song. It showcases his best skills as a composer and musician: deep lyrics, emotional vocal performance, and an amazing guitar solo. This tune is pure soul, and I don't understand why it wasn't a hit worldwide. It is one of the most underrated tracks ever.
I love this song because it pretty much says how I feel in this town I am living in. No one cares to get to know me! I feel Richie really pours himself into this song.
The best, including Richie Sambora's most beautiful guitar solo of all time!

I love all the songs in this list, but I think One Light Burning has deep lyrics and the music is great.
You can feel Richie's talent flowing through this song. Amazing ending solo. Turn off the lights and just listen.
A real classic, a showcase for guitar work and playing from the heart. 10/10

First song by Richie that I listened to.

Awesome track! This highlights Sambora's talent as a credible artist.

This song got me through a really bad time in my life. I call it my black hole time. I just played this song on a loop over and over, and it got me to where I could face my big bump in the road.
Richie Sambora is a god of versatility! The Answer is a great soft song with amazing lyrics and beautiful finger-picking and chords by the greatest guitarist born on the planet.
Just listen to it! So much meaning in it. It has got me through some rough times in my life!

I totally love this song! I think that it has to be one of the best songs by Richie!
I love this song! His voice is at its best right here! Listen to this song please!
Great song from a great album. Everyone support Sambora!
The Newcomers

1. The video is sexy.
2. His voice is amazing.
3. The lyrics are amazing and show faith.
I like every song he has written, but I chose this because I listen to it whenever I'm feeling down and need a little faith.
Amazing bluesy licks. His voice is to fall in love with. It's hard not to get moving to this song!

Awesome lyrics, awesome guitar, awesome singing. Richie still has it - and much better than JBJ nowadays.

Beautiful song with an incredible acoustic solo! Give it a listen!

One of the most underrated songs! It features amazing guitar solos and reveals what Richie came from on his solo album.