Top 10 Best Black Sabbath Songs

The Top Ten
1 War Pigs

I have a gift - the gift of seeing that older music is vastly superior to today's "music," which is just sounds from computers and bad rapping about butts. But few people share my gift, which means I can't really talk about the greatest metal band of all time with my friends. My band does a cover of "War Pigs" (and "Paranoid," but I like "War Pigs" more), and I get the tingles when I do it.

The message it displays, the vocals, the sick guitar. I love all of it, and I couldn't think of a better song that shows what metal stands for than this legendary tune.

2 Paranoid

"Paranoid" is the song that made Heavy Metal the great genre it is today. Its lyrics are like poetry, especially the line "People think I'm insane because I'm frowning all the time," and I think Geezer Butler should win the Nobel Prize for composing such great lyrics.

But Tony's guitar playing made the song great!

I vote this song number one because of the riff and the voice. It's a real metal song. The lyrics are another reason why this should be number one. So powerful, and if there was no Paranoid, there would be no metal. This has to be number one. It is better than Iron Man.

3 Iron Man

I have never listened to this song in a circumstance where I just let it pass. I always find myself singing along to it, and I cannot name a song or band that is better. I have a microphone and have sung along with Ozzy throughout the whole album, really.

But there was this one day when I was pulling into the driveway, and I hear it in the basement. And what do you know, my wife and kids are trying it out!

Iron Man is such an iconic song. It leaves traces in people's minds for a lifetime. I'd put that one on top because it has influenced millions of musicians and fans all over. It's not brutal, nasty, or religious. I see Iron Man as the creator of all.

4 Black Sabbath

Never mind "Best Black Sabbath"... This is THE bar by which ALL heavy metal can be measured. It is the definition of heavy metal. This song should be put in a time capsule, labeled "Heavy Metal," to explain to our alien overlords in 2642 what this ancient human music called "Heavy Metal" was.

If I traveled back in time, on a mission to bring Heavy Metal to ancient China, I would bring this song because even though they wouldn't understand English, the purity of this song would awaken the Beast and cause irreparable damage to their economy for centuries.

Paranoid is overrated. Sorry. It's true.

5 N.I.B.

There are so many great songs by Black Sabbath, but this is one of my favorites. I love the bass/guitar riffs and the lyrics about the devil falling in love. Certainly one of their best along with War Pigs, Paranoid, Black Sabbath, and many more.

Another misunderstood song by Black Sabbath. This song is not about worshipping the Devil. It's simply about the Devil falling in love and having a change of heart and becoming a good person. I'd say it's a great and meaningful song.

Astonishing chorus! The riff is shivering, as well as Ozzy's vocals! This is definitely one of the best songs ever created by humanity.

6 Heaven and Hell

It's just amazing that they could come up with this after Ozzy left. It's amazing how much they had left in the tank after the '70s coke-fest. Dio resurrected them.

Perfect. Especially the longer live version.

This song really captures the real meaning of heaven and hell in such an awesome way.

From the great lyrics and the awesome bass part to the amazing guitar work of Iommi, in my opinion, it's not just the best Sabbath song but the best song ever made!

I love the Ozzy and Dio eras of Black Sabbath, but one thing will never change for me. I believe this is the most epic and well-written song by Black Sabbath. However, there are so many other songs that come close.

7 Children Of The Grave

Easily my favorite from Sabbath, tied with War Pigs. Paranoid is decent, but by no means their best. Children of the Grave is heavy, well-written with good lyrics and riffs, a good solo, and a long and creepy outro. Overall, it's one of Sabbath's definitive tracks.

Love this song! It was on the album that is purely responsible for giving birth to doom, and this song sticks out the most along with Into the Void. Plus, it has a pounding bass and drum line with epic vocals and guitars and a catchy tune.

Best Black Sabbath song hands down. On a top ten headbanging songs of all time, Children Of The Grave should have all ten spots. Great lyrics and all the instruments sound amazing.

8 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

This is the most original of the lot. Iron Man borrowed from Schizoid Man. Paranoid from Communication Breakdown. NIB from Sunshine of Your Love. Black Sabbath from Dazed & Confused. The song alternates between heavy and light like no other. Plus, Geezer and Ward came up with their best lyrics on this album.

I think this is their greatest tune. It's just so powerful. The riff is unreal.

I think this is their greatest tune. The riff is unbelievable, and the lyrics are something most of us can relate to.

9 Symptom Of The Universe

This song might be the song where Ozzy shines the most. His voice is incredible in this song and showed me how good of a vocalist he is.

The radio songs "Paranoid," "Iron Man," are my least favorite. Try "Juniors Eyes," "Into the Void," "Symptoms of the Universe," "Dirty Woman," "Megalomania," "NIB," "Planet Caravan," etc. There's so much! But they are not radio songs, thank God! The lyrics are fantastic, not to mention the sound!

P.S. Don't forget the Dio years - "Heaven and Hell," "Voodoo," etc. This band is something special! But I also do have a soft spot for Zepp!

10 Sweet Leaf

Number 9? OK, sure, it doesn't beat War Pigs, Iron Man, or Paranoid. But, besides those three, this is their best song by Black Sabbath, in my opinion.

My view on the song's meaning:

A bag of weed, a bag of weed, oh, everything is better with a bag of weed. You don't need meth, and you don't need speed because everything is better with a bag of weed!

I already threw my vote for Children of the Grave, but otherwise, this is my favorite Black Sabbath song. The catchiness of this song makes it one of Sabbath's greatest.

I'm not one to advocate marijuana, but this song is so beautifully trippy, and the riffs are awesome! I love it!

The Contenders
11 Snowblind

This song introduced me to the world of Black Sabbath! I still love it. It should at least be in the top ten. Also, Volume 4 was initially going to be called Snowblind, so you can be pretty sure this song is awesome!

Should be at least in the top 10. My eyes are blind, but I can see the snowflakes glisten on the trees. This is a Black Sabbath classic.

Better than Sweet Leaf in my opinion, and I think Supernaut should be higher up too.

12 Electric Funeral

Best song by Black Sabbath due to the riff being such a systematic orchestration with a synchronized, methodical repeat. It has the most compelling rhythm and melody as well as a nuclear, post-apocalyptic feeling and a definitive juxtaposition of culmination coupled with a mechanical flow which is highly memorable.

By far the best Black Sabbath track.

This song pretty much inspired most of doom metal. The only song I can think of that had a bigger influence was their self-titled song. The main riff in this song is just... amazing.

13 Into the Void

The main riff is powerful as hell. The lyrics from Geezer are why Sabbath is Sabbath. The bass is heavy as hell on this song. Love it.

Give me a break. This is the song that invented Doom Metal. And, Doom Metal is really just a big copy of this song.

Anybody who voted for just about any other Black Sabbath song really should just stop what they are doing and listen to this one before making their decision.

My all-time favorite Black Sabbath song! You've got killer bass, badass lyrics, astounding drums, and the Riff Of Doom! Not to mention the fact that it's heavy as hell! I mean come on, it's hands down the best Sabbath song out there!

14 Fairies Wear Boots

Wow. Anyone who did not consider this the best Sabbath creation... well, calling them lost is an understatement!

I have seen them right from the beginning when Ozzy could still speak properly. I've seen them many times since, with and without Ozzy. Live or through the album, tape, or disc, it cannot be beaten. Period.

It's a great song. The mere thought that fairies wear boots is a common misconception, which changes your views on the song - especially the lyrics. Anyone who has smoked and tripped will agree. Laugh out loud!

15 The Wizard

This needs to be on the list. The iconic part of the song isn't any guitars, drums, bass, or vocals. It's the harmonica. Instantly memorable and one of their best tunes.

Wow, this song is top 10 for sure. The amazing guitar riff breathes for a moment only to allow the drums to kick your ass.

Best Sabbath song ever shown. The harmonic I is used perfectly to create the creepy atmosphere. Satan has risen.

16 Supernaut

Seriously underrated. It's a real shame that Paranoid had three really big hits, and as a result, listening to anything other than Paranoid is obsolete. Volume 4 is really underrated and has some of Sabbath's best songs. Supernaut tops this list.

It's unlike anything I've ever heard. The only other Black Sabbath song that can rival this, in my opinion, is Children of The Grave.

This is tied with War Pigs for me, but Tony's guitar tone in this one is just absolutely perfect. It's seriously the epitome of guitar right here.

Add in a nice grooving pace, epic bass work, flawless drumming, Ozzy's vocals, and Tony's master riff-writing, and it doesn't get much better.

17 Neon Knights

Why is it lower than Turn Up The Night? Both are very similar, but Neon Knights is definitely better.

Amazing biker song! Every time I go out on the road, I jam to this song. The whole album is great!

Very polished performance with Ronnie James Dio. An amazing improvement over Ozzy.

18 Hand of Doom

A great song that features some of the heaviest work on an already heavy album. Ozzy's vocal range has never been better explored. Butler's bass moves the song along, while Iommi and Ward fill in wherever they want.

This is easily one of the most complex songs, both lyrically and arrangement-wise. It's just pure Sabbath, and I love it.

This song is the invention of doom music to the core. Lyrically, it's still relevant.

Listen to this song with the lights out. You'll be a bit scared.

The bridge to this song (particularly the live version, Paris 1970) is, to me, one of the great moments in rock history!

19 Sabbra Cadabra

The song is fast, Ozzy's voice is outstanding, and the instrumental part at minute two with the keyboard support of Rick Wakeman gives the song a progressive note. This, in total, increases the value of Black Sabbath a bit.

Listen to this carefully! It's one of the most romantic songs ever. It is badass, progressive, heavy, groovy, beautiful, and one of a kind!

All I can say is, beautiful, just beautiful.

It's a very good song. It brings back loads of memories from the eighties and early nineties.

20 God Is Dead?

"God Is Dead?" is just epic. Really, I can't stop listening to it. Black Sabbath's style never died. The riffs are awesome and epic, thanks to the great guitarist Tony Iommi. I love him.

Though it's their last album, it makes me really sad because I just started to listen to Black Sabbath. Even now, I'll always have all their albums in my heart as I have them on my iPod.

Black Sabbath rocks.

Love this song. It's a huge masterpiece. It may not be the best, but it deserves to be in the first 10. Ozzy's voice is still awesome. Tony's riffs are still epic.

I love this song and all the other songs on the album 13 - just great songs like Loner, End of the Beginning, and Live Forever. I heard the complete album without skipping any song. It's very complete. But I loved God Is Dead? and Loner the most.

21 Killing Yourself to Live

Okay, seriously. I very rarely make comments on this website, but what the hell happened here? I don't actually have an absolute favorite Black Sabbath song, but goodness, this song has one of the catchiest verses I have ever heard in all of my life! I'm not even kidding!

Also, it's very interesting when the tempo progressively increases! Not to mention, Metallica guitarist, Kirk Hammett, has stated this song as his all-time favorite of theirs!

My personal favorite Sabbath song. It has so many unique qualities to it. The song is very progressive and changes time signatures all the time. Just my two cents.

22 The Sign of the Southern Cross

107th? For what could be the greatest song in heavy metal history? It starts so serene with Dio's beautiful voice, building up into some of Iommi's heaviest, most badass, riffs. Butler's performance is masterful as well, particularly live, making this song into one HUGE force.

And the lyrics: so open-ended and abstract, yet creating such a glorious environment of doom. This is a song that gives me goosebumps when I simply read the title. It's that good.

Tony Iommi himself said this was the heaviest song Black Sabbath ever recorded... ever! Extremely underrated. Any of the Dio stuff rewrote the book of heavy music and propelled them into the '80s. From the book, the word is spoken.

23 End of the Beginning

This song, despite being on the newest album, is amazing. The riff, the lyrics, everything is in place and it feels awesome listening to it. If you are reading this, listen to the song if you haven't yet. You will like it, I promise.

One of their greatest modern songs I've heard!

24 The Writ

This one and 'Looking for Today'. Changes is up there too. I prefer Paranoid over Iron Man for the radio-friendly songs. It seems to have more genuine energy.

Come on, have you even listened to this song? It cranks. At least the first half!

25 Shock Wave
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