Top 10 Best '90s Rock Songs

The Top Ten
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

If someone says this song is "overrated," well, maybe it is. But the intention of this song wasn't to become a legendary change in the music world. This song was written to be heard. However, it became a revolution. It was a '90s head-turner. It brought the grunge scene to the world, which opened up incredible opportunities for other bands. Not only do I love this song, but I truly believe it deserves the spot it's in.

Normally, I wouldn't vote for Nirvana as they are the most overrated band of the '90s, beside Metallica. However, this song is the anthem of the 1990s. There is no doubt about it. Nirvana had a much greater influence than Bon Jovi.

November Rain - Guns N' Roses

Come on, man. This is the 6th best guitar solo of all time, and the best from the '90s. The song is so mesmerizing that, even at about 9 minutes long, it doesn't leave your head for the entire time it's playing. With Axl's best rock voice and Slash, the best guitar soloist in the world, this is absolutely a perfect beauty. Please vote for it!

Everything is just perfect in this song. Slash's mind-blowing two solos, Axl's haunting yet calming vocals, and Duff's and Matt's fills sprinkled in there make it perfect. Everything about it is perfect.

Enter Sandman - Metallica

This is a great metal song. People like to say this is where Metallica went downhill, but I strongly disagree! By the way, what the hell is Bon Jovi doing on this list?

This is the best-known Metallica song, off their best-selling album. Hammett's solo is another work of art. It is still played at every sporting event to this day.

This might technically be metal, but it has more similarities to rock, and this was when Metallica was becoming rock.

Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden

Why is this fourth? I know Smells Like Teen Spirit is considered the best '90s song, but it's not. Culturally, it was more important. However, from a purely musical standpoint, the melodies and emotions drawn from Black Hole Sun beat any cultural effects a song has. It is the best '90s song.

The only songs that make sense here are Black, Black Hole Sun, and November Rain. Nirvana and Metallica are so overrated. Vote this up to number 3. Enter Sandman sucks.

Wow, this song has one of the trippiest videos I've ever seen and has one of the most unique sounds ever. Love it!

Basket Case - Green Day

Probably one of those songs that has nothing really great individually, but is just a ripping song when put together. Precise drum beats, lively bass, and probably one of the most hilarious (albeit nonsensical) lyrics.

I think Basket Case is Green Day's best song because it is a really good representation of the light-hearted, quick-beat rock that everyone loved in the '90s.

Green Day will always be one of the greatest bands of all time, up there with My Chemical Romance and Queen. Number one song of the '90s for sure.

The Show Must Go On - Queen

This is a masterpiece! This powerful music, this anthem of a man who is dying, but does not give up. The best song ever is so powerful that you feel and understand the suffering he had, but then he tries to calm you. It's hard to lose someone so talented.

Are you kidding me? This should be number one. I get that we all love Nirvana, but no one will ever be remembered like Queen will. This song is so powerful and was their last song.

One of the most powerful and emotional songs ever written. And the vocals are outstanding, even though Freddie was dying when he recorded it. R.I.P.

Everlong - Foo Fighters

I can say, without a question in my mind, that this is THE best song I have ever heard. This song is sheer harmony: the vocals, the drums, the unforgettable guitar riff. It all comes together perfectly. If you have never heard this song, you need to listen to it. It's Dave Grohl's best piece.

I think Everlong is one of the best songs ever, and the Foo Fighters are the best band ever. You should have a lot more by them, preferably All My Life.

Everlong is the best song I've ever heard. It's probably the best song ever recorded. And this is a hip-hop head from the projects in Brooklyn. Pure genius.

Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers

The first song I learned on guitar and still my favorite to play. I started singing it at lunchtime at my school, and my friends heard it. They asked me what song it was, and I told them. They went home and looked it up. The whole of year 7 loved it.

My band is still trying to learn it, even though I learned it in grade 6. Everyone thinks I'm a genius because I can play it. This is my favorite song, by my favorite band forever!

In my opinion, Under the Bridge is the Red Hot Chili Peppers' best song, and it really shows how amazing the 1990s were with catchy lyrics you just got to love!

Would? - Alice in Chains

One of my favorite bass lines of all time. The band showed incredible chemistry in this song, with Layne and Jerry's vocal harmonies being the cherry on top that makes this the greatest hard rock song of the '90s.

This song is just truly amazing. This was the first Alice in Chains song I ever heard, and I still love it. This song kills the new songs! No music made today will beat Alice in Chains! Ever!

One of Alice in Chains' best songs and it's a tribute to Andrew Wood, one of the best frontmen of the '90s who died before he could get the fame Nirvana would get later on. Rest in Peace, Layne, Andrew, and Kurt - the best frontmen of the '90s!

High Hopes - Pink Floyd

Although Pink Floyd's greatest albums were from the '70s, they have produced one of the most beautiful things (things, not songs in particular) that have ever come across my life. Ever wondered what heaven looks like? Listen to that slide guitar solo at the end. High Hopes is amazing. High Hopes is a classic!

This is a beautiful end to The Division Bell and what we, at the time, saw as the final Pink Floyd album. It calls back to the old days of Cambridge and speaks of a bright future. This great composition should at least be in the top 10.

The Newcomers

? Young and the Restless - The Bang Gang
? Drop the Gun - Kings of the Sun
The Contenders
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains

I'm still hearing this song on the radio in 2012. It's obviously as good today as it was in the '90s. I can't help but crank the volume whenever I hear it.

The most underrated rock band in the '90s! Overshadowed by other Seattle grunge bands like Nirvana, causing them not to share the same spotlight.

How can Alice in Chains take the fourth spot? Unbelievable. They are by far the best band, both vocally and lyrically.

Far Behind - Candlebox
Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers

John Frusciante killing it on this track, complimented with Anthony's chill vocals and Flea's laid-back bass. The drums are quite fine as well. Not to mention those beautiful guitar solos - damn, they've got some emotion.

It's just like getting you into outer space. Clearly one of the best alternative songs of the '90s and '00s too!

Black - Pearl Jam

The lyrics are amazing, and the slightly weird guitar solo goes along perfectly with it.

"And now my bitter hands
Cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures had
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
All the love gone bad
Turned my world to black"

Pearl Jam sure knows how to plant their emotion into a song. Both sadness and anger are basically mixed into this song. I must tell you all, this song is a masterpiece.

This is the best song ever. It's so emotional and powerful. All of the other songs are classics in their own right, but Black is incredible.

Don't Cry - Guns N' Roses

One of the best songs of all time. I love all the guitar parts, and Axl sang it with so much soul. This should be in the top five!
"There's a heaven above you baby, don't you cry tonight..."

It should be on every list of the greatest songs of all time, not just the '90s.

Greatest song I've ever heard, fantastic.

Keep the Faith - Bon Jovi

I love this band. The songs are amazing. I just can't stop humming them. Time and again, when I listen to the songs, it feels like I'm hearing them for the first time. This band rocks. I have kept my faith in this band.

This is a great song. Bon Jovi registered their most mature rock performance with this number! Never mind the fancy haircut JBJ had! This song is an absolute vocal delight and a great rock song!

It's one of the best songs by Bon Jovi! Amazing guitar solo, amazing rock, and amazing backing solos! Lord, we're going to Keep the Faith!

Rooster - Alice in Chains

How is this song not in the top 5? I'm a disabled army veteran who did five tours of duty between Iraq and Afghanistan. I know this was about Vietnam, but even now, after being retired for almost 6 years, I still get chills when I hear it come on!

I really like Rooster by Alice in Chains because it is a slow-paced song. It is also heavy metal music, and I really love it.

Why this song is not in the top ten is beyond me. I could get lost in this song.

Heart-Shaped Box - Nirvana

For me, no band can compare to Nirvana. Kurt was the spokesperson of my generation, for the bullied, the misfits, the teens that felt like they didn't belong. Rest in peace, my friend. Thank you for the music.

Great song. A bit depressing, but depressing seemed to work for Nirvana. Haha.

This is a great song, even better than Smells Like Teen Spirit to me.

Soul to Squeeze - Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song meant a lot to me in my teenage years growing up. I think it definitely belongs in the top 10!

When I Come Around - Green Day

Awesome song with a great meaning behind it! Great bass work, Mike! I also love the music video - how one person looks at another, creating a chain reaction, and each person seems to think to themselves, "Hey, I have a great life. I'm going to live it!"

Plus, this song is addicting. (And Billie's sexy.) Also, Tre's hair is a beast in the video!

Alright, this song deserves to be ranked much higher than 67! The way everything comes together perfectly is just breathtaking.

Nutshell - Alice in Chains

Layne's voice is incomparable and amazing. Every time I hear Nutshell, I literally get the chills. So raw and emotional. "If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead." RIP Layne.

Best Alice in Chains song! "We chase misprinted lies. We face the path of time!"

Amazing song! I can listen to it over and over again.

Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins

An alarmingly touching song, drenched with emotion, sung with Billy Corgan's distinctive voice. Songs don't get much better.

I think Disarm is a good song by the Smashing Pumpkins that you can't help but love. The first time I heard it, it stuck to my brain like a magnet.

Only in Dreams - Weezer
The Unforgiven - Metallica

One of the best by the heavy metal gods, Metallica.

Having The Unforgiven at 31 is a travesty.

Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots

I loved this song when it first came out, and it still makes me smile to this day. Although I love Bon Jovi, this has got to be better than "Keep the Faith," right?

I think Interstate Love Song is really catchy. I strongly feel it well describes the nineteen nineties.

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