Top 10 Easiest Instruments to Play

The Top Ten

As a percussionist, I must disagree with this. Though playing the triangle is not very difficult, there are still some challenges to it. Playing the triangle is not simply hitting it. There is a technique to it. A perfect upstroke is required to create a good sound. A steady hand is necessary to hold the triangle. Moving the triangle may even create fluctuations in the sound for the audience, so location is also key. The triangle is not the most difficult instrument, but it definitely isn't just hitting a piece of metal.


I think the writer means tin whistle, do they not? It's definitely simpler and easier than the recorder on account of having only six finger holes. It's a great instrument if you like Irish or African Qwela music. It leads on very easily to the traditional keyless flute, which in turn can lead to the classical (old style) keyed flute or even, with a bit more effort, to the modern orchestral Boehm flute. This in turn is related to the saxophone.

All in all, the tin whistle is a great foundation for learning any woodwind instrument and is still a fine and rewarding instrument in its own right. It's also cheap and robust, making it a fine instrument to take on your travels.


Step-by-step: How to Play the Kazoo

We're here to help you with hard things!

Step 1: Put your mouth to the kazoo. This may be a bit difficult as many people experience complications holding the instrument up when they are new.

Step 2: Blow. It might be hard now, but we promise you it gets easier with time and practice!

I think this is the worst, and easiest, instrument. But anyway, I'd like to ask WHY the guitar, piano, flute, clarinet, and saxophone are on here!? The guitar is simple but still takes a lot of practice. The piano is easy at first, but if you start playing Beethoven or Mozart music, it's hard.

And for the clarinet, flute, and saxophone - they are very tough because you have to blow perfectly to avoid squeaking, going flat, or anything like that. But with the kazoo, ALL you do is blow. It's pitiful!

Trumpet A trumpet is a blown musical instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group contains the instruments with the highest register in the brass family.

Eh, it's not easy but definitely not the hardest. There are two challenging aspects: buzzing (the less difficult of the two) and remembering the note combinations (the hardest). Buzzing is not hard. It just takes time to get used to. In fact, I found the trumpet's embouchure WAY EASIER than other instruments. Seriously, look at the flute or any woodwind for a hard embouchure.

The same goes for the note combinations, but that is actually kind of hard. I only really know four of them. Well, that's all. It's not easy, but it's not hard either.

Ukulele The ukulele is a member of the lute family of instruments; it generally employs four nylon or gut strings or four courses of strings.

So I saw this and went straight to YouTube to watch a ton of tutorials, and it looked pretty easy! My mom got me one on Friday, and honestly, it is so much fun to play. It's super inexpensive for an instrument, holds an amazing tune, is light to hold, and is so easy to pick up!

When I first got it, the only thing I had trouble with was tuning it, but after I went on YouTube, I am fine and can tune it in my sleep. It only takes like 10 seconds. I've had mine for 4 days, and I can already play anything with the chord notes. I can even play some stuff by ear! This is a really fast, fun, and easy instrument to learn, and everyone should have one!


I recommend this instrument to anyone. Acoustic or electric guitar has a beautiful sound. I've been practicing electric guitar for almost 2 years. Every instrument takes practice, duh! But for the guitar, once you get the hang of it, trust me, you'll never want to stop practicing and playing.

Electric guitar has volume and tone controls, and you can buy pedal effects if you like. The reason why I chose electric is because God inclined my ear to the instrument, and I liked it. I thank God for that and for training my fingers day by day. God gave us many talents. You can play any instrument, but without a purpose for playing, you're doing nothing. All honor and glory to God. God bless.

Harmonica The harmonica, also known as a French harp or mouth organ, is a free reed brass instrument used worldwide in many musical genres, notably in blues.

I really agree with this. I started playing yesterday, and I already know 16 songs. It's really fun!

So easy, especially as all of the notes are in the same scale, so anything will sound in tune and in key, or basically anything sounds decent on it! No lessons required!

Easy and fun to self-teach and play along to songs with harmonica!

Cow Bell

I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

This is like the triangle. Clamp it to a stand and teach a 5-year-old to play it in a day.

Timing and loudness. That's all you need to worry about.

Piano The piano is a musical instrument played using a keyboard, which is a row of keys that the performer presses down or strikes with the fingers and thumbs of both hands.

I love playing the piano. I have played it for five years now, and I still find it very fun. You feel really good when you have a polished piece that you can play to your friends and family or just to yourself!

Piano helps you to learn notes quickly, and it works well if you sing too. You can play many songs and sing at the same time, or you can simply express yourself through playing! It is an amazing instrument!

It's all about that learning curve. Piano starts out as an easy instrument to learn. If you're just doing basic chords to a 4/4 or even 6/8 (3/4) beat, then it's pretty easy, especially if you're within the key of C. However, after you get past SMP (Sheet Music Plus) level 4, it gets pretty hard.

With the guitar, it's a moderately difficult instrument to start, but as soon as you master the basics, it's fairly easy to get to a higher level. With the piano, this isn't the case. You start off with easy basic techniques that 5-year-olds can master in days. After that, though, you start to reach a level where it's hardly possible for humans to play.

Imagine playing 32nd notes in a 5/4 time signature at pp with a BPM of 80. Not to mention the fact that one of your hands can be playing a completely different melody than the other. That's hard. Easy instrument? No. Easy instrument to start? Yes.


I have played tambourine for one week, and I can play to any song already. I have eight years of experience with piano, two years with mandolin, and one year with harmonica. Because of my experience, I can tell you that all that is needed to play this instrument are basic rhythm skills.

Yes, definitely one of the easiest. More percussion should be on the list. I play tambourine when attempting to play guitar. Any instrument that requires multiple refined techniques of body parts, including the piano, should not be on the list.

The Newcomers

? Claves
? Turntables
The Contenders

The clarinet is easy to begin with, but once you start playing harder pieces, it becomes difficult. If anyone thinks they make a perfect sound on the clarinet, they are wrong. You don't just blow into it. To make a good sound, you have to have a trained embouchure and perfect airflow.

Your fingers also have to be light and speedy on the keys, something that takes years of practice. I've been playing for two years. I make a good sound, but it's far from perfect. People playing other woodwind instruments find it very difficult to learn the clarinet.

However, playing the clarinet means that you can pretty much play any woodwind instrument with ease. This is because of the amount of strain playing the clarinet puts on your embouchure. It trains your mouth to become a much better musician than other woodwind players. Also, the third register is very hard to learn. The fingering is all over the place, and to get that high, you have to have a very strong embouchure.


Yes, it's "easy" to play initially when you use about four notes, but the recorder is actually very difficult to play well. It takes several years to produce a tolerable sound, play the top notes without squeaking (up to the second G above middle C), and perform dynamics without sending the note out of tune.

Anyone who thinks the recorder is an easy instrument never bothered learning to play it properly.

I learned how to play this in 5th grade. We were hardly taught anything, and I could still play very, very well. It takes almost no air to make a sound, and they are sold as children's toys. This is definitely the easiest thing you could play.

Double Bass

I've been playing for the last 4 years in school. It takes some skill to be able to pluck and shift fast, control the bow, and manage the gargantuan instrument itself. But I also took guitar lessons for a while, and the double bass was far easier to learn.

Vibrato can be difficult on bass too, and glissando can be painful. By the end of All-County last year, my back was aching, my fingers were raw and calloused, and I could barely stand up straight. It takes a toll on your body, yes, and it's difficult to manage, but as far as mastering the instrument goes, it's actually pretty easy.

Harp The harp is a stringed musical instrument that has a number of individual strings running at an angle to its soundboard; the strings are plucked with the fingers.

If you aim to play Celtic style instead of classical style, it is much easier. Celtic style uses three fingers (two and a thumb) on each hand instead of four fingers (three and a thumb) as in classical. The actions are quicker and easier, and continuity is achieved sooner. This is music for enjoyment, not disappointment and frustration.

Flute The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening.

Flute is hard for some people and easy for others. Since I am a flutist, I have experienced everything, and I'd say it's in the middle. I disagree with the "crazy sheet music" thing. Yes, there are a lot of different fingerings, but that's how it is with every instrument.

Look at the clarinet. You also have to have a correct embouchure, but that is an essential part of playing the flute. If you look at the clarinet again, you'll see that you have to be careful about specific things, like not dropping the reed so it doesn't get chipped. If it does, you won't be able to make a sound. You can't drop the mouthpiece of the clarinet. Otherwise, you won't be able to make a sound either.

If you dent the flute, you can still make a sound. Think before you speak.


Even though this might seem easy to use, it might be hard to make the right rhythm or keep the right beat.

All you have to do is rotate a stick. Definitely one of the easiest.


Bongos are a very fun instrument to play and very easy. Bongos can be hard when doing solos because it needs very fast hand movement.

Not even kidding, this takes almost no skill.


This is extremely easy. I don't know how this is not #1 because all you literally do is shake it.

It's not easy if you play in an orchestra, but if you play freely, it is.

Saxophone The saxophone is a family of woodwind instruments. Saxophones are usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to that of the clarinet.

I have been playing the tenor sax for 1 year, and it is very simple. I can play most pieces at sight, and the fingering is probably more logical than brass instruments (except for sharps and flats). It is probably the easiest of the woodwinds, as it is easier to get a sound. Your fingers don't have to be that long, and although my teacher recommended an alto, I still play the tenor, even though I am small.

Your embouchure has to be perfect, though. Otherwise, your G's will squeak, and you have to relax your lip. Otherwise, it will be sharp. But other than that, it is easy, as long as you want to play it.

Tin Whistle

Okay, the tin whistle is actually kind of hard if you literally want a song to come out. It just takes some practice, though.

Bass Guitar

It's basically a simpler version of a guitar, with fewer strings to worry about.

Bass is easier to pick up than guitar, but harder to master.

Some percussion instruments are easy in that you don't have to worry about notes, but the drum set is still pretty hard. The electric bass is one of the easiest instruments with notes.


A few YouTube tutorials and about four hours of practice, and I can play well enough to jam without holding anyone back. Maybe it's because I'm already used to playing music, but it was insanely easy to pick up.

I think all the people attacking the simplicity of learning the drums are a little defensive of their craft. Half the people's argument on difficulty was "You have to hold the drumsticks in a specific way." LOL

It's harder than something like a vibraphone but easier than something like a violin. It's in the middle, but it is very hard when you have to play fast with a hard rhythm, such as playing to "Your Best Nightmare." It is much easier to play to songs with good and easy rhythm, like "Megalovania."

Slide Whistle

Easier than the flute because you don't have to learn embouchure. You just place your mouth on the mouthpiece and blow. Easier than the recorder because you have much less range - fewer notes to learn and worry about.

Be sure you pick the "transverse ocarina" - the one that looks like a sweet potato! It's the easiest. "Pendant ocarinas" are the competing alternative. They have only six holes (four on top and two thumb holes on the bottom). These are harder to learn because there is little relationship between the fingering pattern and the scale.

Stick Dulcimer
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