Top 10 Worst Decades for Music

From classical to pop, there have been countless genres and styles of music throughout history. While some decades are remembered for their iconic hits and innovative sounds, others are often criticized for their lackluster contributions to the musical landscape.

So, what are the worst decades for music? It's a tricky question, as opinions on what constitutes "bad" music can vary widely. Some might argue that the 1970s were a low point for music, with its abundance of disco and soft rock. Others might point to the 1980s, with its excesses of hair metal and synthpop. And still, others might argue that more recent decades, such as the 2010s, were characterized by generic, formulaic pop songs.

No matter what your opinion is, one thing is for sure - everyone has their own favorite and least favorite musical eras.
The Top Ten

This is so easy! All music today is electronic dance music that's overly sexualized and sounds the same as every other song. Every decade has its bad music, but almost every mainstream song nowadays is horrible.

The only good music from this decade is by Adele. We have artists like Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Ariana Grande. Do you notice something all these women have in common? They're all beautiful, but have little to no talent. That's because sex is all that sells nowadays.

Real music and originality are dead. Anyone who tries to be different or innovative gets thrown under the bus by the music industry. The only way music can improve at this point is if rock music makes a huge comeback.


I remember seeing the "Top Ten Best Decades for Music" list and seeing the '80s at #1. Why? A lot of big bands at the time (like Guns N' Roses and Aerosmith) were making songs about inappropriate topics. And pop? Don't get me started on that. Most of it had the same kind of feel and similar sound. It was okay but too boring, yet it got so much love.

The 1980s had some great bands, but 90% of '80s pop was horrible, soulless, plastic crap. This was the decade where electropop was invented, and now, 30 years later in the 2010s, electropop still hasn't died. So blame this decade for all the pop crap on the radio today.


The 2000s must have been the beginning of the end for music. It just got worse from this decade on.

So commercialized and soulless, particularly after the early years.


Before the 1960s, it would have been considered the best decade for music and had a revolutionary counterculture era along with the early 1970s. The early 1960s for music was not very good. I only like a few songs from that era. I believe that music restarted and changed in 1965.

I voted for this one because, for me, this is the least interesting decade of all time. There are literally five songs from this century that I like, A Day in the Life, for example, or Babe I'm Gonna Leave You from Led Zeppelin.

The earlier part is just a leftover from the '50s, but the middle to late part is very diverse. It is responsible for the development of new music genres.


Well, we are not trying to be rude to the older generation, but it's just that the decade didn't age very well. While I love nostalgia, I am not used to music from that far back, like the stuff before the 1960s.

Most songs from this decade didn't age well.


The most overrated decade of all. There are many good songs from this decade. It is still good, but there are bad songs as well.


Basically, they are recycling songs and making poor-quality versions out of them - at least in the mainstream. Authenticity seems to have completely disappeared from popular music. David Guetta is ruining this decade.

2021: Give this decade a chance. It's 2021, and we have 8 years left to save this decade.

2024 edit: This decade sucks! Music has not gotten much better as of 2024. 2020-2022 were the worst years for music. However, 2023 and 2024 were a little better but still horrible. This decade has been terrible for music, and it is far worse than the last decade. Music is never improving, and every day I dread hearing people blasting 6ix9ine, Yummy by Justin Bieber, and DDLG on their radios. So this is the worst decade for sure.


It was a great decade, but the worst part is that they had horrible disco.

Most boring, old-fashioned granddaddy music from this decade.

Retirement village music at best.

The Newcomers

? 1910s
? 1900s
The Contenders
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