Most Famous Music Artists Without Honorific Nicknames
Many of the biggest music artists have been given honorific nicknames for reasons (like king/queen of pop), but many also haven't been given such names despite their success in music & other activities.He became a major staple in the EDM industry, with songs such as Levels, Wake Me Up, and others, creating the most superior dance music you'll ever hear. He nailed it in the progressive house and others. He didn't get his official honorific nickname from the public. Many fans have been calling him the king of EDM. R.I.P. (1989-2018).
She became the best folk artist of all time. She hasn't gotten her honorific nickname.
They became popular for using a wide variety of genres such as progressive rock, folk, soul, progressive house, synth pop, gospel, lo-fi, and blog house. They gained major and international success worldwide and are known for raising awareness of issues like man-made climate change. All that and they never got honored with any nicknames. They deserve it all.
She was Australia's best folk artist of all time, with a voice like no other. She was the front member of the Seekers, which became the first Australian band to gain international success in the UK and the US. She scored number one hits and is still on the UK charts.
She never got her honorific nickname, but she should be nicknamed the Joni Mitchell of Australia, Australia's queen of folk, and the voice of Australia, the voice of a generation, and the nightingale of Australia.
He was a truly fast-playing guitarist and was like Eric Clapton's opposite twin. Eric Clapton was honorifically nicknamed Mr. Slow Hand. Roy could've been nicknamed Mr. Fast Hand. He was truly one of the best guitarists of all time.
She was known for pioneering the microgenre hyperpop, which helped countless people get into music and highlighted today's music generation. She and her partner A.G. Cook made new sounds that nobody else ever made before and she became an original artist. Despite all that, she never got honorifically nicknamed. She deserved it all. R.I.P. (1986-2021).
He became one of the biggest rappers of all time, scoring number one on the Billboard Hot 100 with his signature song Sad. He was one of the most versatile rappers of all time, using not only traditional rap, but SoundCloud rap, emo rap, lo-fi, indie rock, nu-metal, R&B, and punk rock. He didn't get honored with a nickname despite all that. R.I.P. (1998-2018).
He played with some of the most influential blues and rock-n-roll performers of his time and received numerous honors, including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and induction into the Blues Hall of Fame, but not an honorific nickname. R.I.P. (1913-2011).
He was one of the most acclaimed and influential musicians of the late 19th and early 20th century, renowned for his intensity, perfectionism, ear for orchestral detail and sonority, and his eidetic memory. R.I.P. (1867-1957).
The Newcomers
He's Avril Lavigne's guitar partner and he didn't get an honorific nickname. He should be prince of punk guitar.
She should've been nicknamed the voice of YouTube as well as the queen of YouTube. She was YouTube's biggest singer besides Justin Bieber during the 2010s. R.I.P.
She dominated music in Japan for over 28 years until her retirement. She should've been nicknamed queen of J-pop (Japanese pop) for all she did. She was known by her stage name as Senya and was also the co-founder of Yuuhei Satellite.