Hardest Songs to Play on Bass Guitar
I agree YYZ is very hard, but this song is just impossible. YYZ is fast, but Tommy is extremely fast with slap and just insane. It's #1 for sure.
Man, this is probably one of the hardest. In some parts, it sounds very loud.
It was between this song and Tommy the Cat for me. YYZ is just so fast and spread out with the random bass solos. Tommy the Cat is extremely fast while slapping and popping. It's a tie.
Seriously? You're putting Metallica and LZ higher than Rush? No way, man. It's insulting for Ged.
Really? People legitimately put YYZ under the top three? This is an insult to Ged.
The start and other parts are easy, but the end part with the drums and the development is very hard.
I won't say it's the hardest, but it's quite hard.
Crazy song. Random bass solos and very complex.
Entwistle was amazing, especially when you consider the '60s guitar he was playing.
When I first played this, I thought I was pretty much done by the end of the sweep section. But no... the song went for another 5 minutes, and my arms died midway.
With all the time signatures, not to mention the impossible bass solo, this is one of the hardest.
If you can play this song on the bass, you will be able to play anything you want.
The Newcomers
I'm surprised this wasn't on the list.
"Aurthohin - Nikrishto (RockNation III)" is on YouTube. I never believed it would be that difficult. I always thought it was a slap bass played at the intro. I never thought a tapping bass could sound like this.
Michael Anthony is my favorite bassist of all time.
Michael Anthony can actually play!
Hope you have hands made out of solid iron. Otherwise, your hands will turn to mush before you even get halfway through the song.
Different bassists tried to cover it, but no luck. No one could play like him. They just couldn't get the speed like him.
It's not a complicated bass line, but keeping up with the tempo throughout the whole song is hard.
Most bassists say this is extremely tricky, frantic bass playing for nine minutes.
This should definitely be in the top 5. It's 13 minutes of torture.