Best Kagamine Rin Songs

Love this song. I interpret it as Rin not fitting in and being suicidal. She says she relates to a teddy bear, stitched up over and over again, referring to how she changed herself so many times. She says she needs to listen to the almighty words of someone to tell her who she is, but she says, I don't know. She eventually forgets who she even was, to begin with, with the lyric just a cell in a sea of strings. She says she won't forget who she really is, then commits suicide.
My favorite VOCALOID song of all time, but it is EXTREMELY dark. My interpretation is that it's about a girl who feels no one loves her, so she runs away often and turns to drugs and self-harm. She is bullied at school, where her only friend is a ragged teddy bear. She tries to change herself multiple times before finally giving up and killing herself. This entire song is almost like a suicide note. And Rin was the cute, innocent one.
This song is definitely my favorite Kagamine Rin song ever - it's even my favorite Vocaloid song ever. The instrumental is catchy and powerful on its own, but the lyrics are thought-provoking, deep, and meaningful. Kagamine Rin's voice fits the song very well, and it's definitely better than any other Vocaloid's cover of it. (Not that other Vocaloids sound worse or that you shouldn't enjoy their covers, but Rin is undeniably number one.)
It's about how school and education have turned from being a symbol of hope for the future to a noose around an elementary school boy's neck. I highly suggest watching the video (especially with subtitles if you don't understand the language) because with the background music, the lyrics, and the video altogether, this song will really impact you.

Beautiful. Filled with so much meaning, and Rin's voice is epic. A must-watch and must-hear for all Rin fans or Vocaloid fans in general.
This song is okay. I mean, it's a bit like Electric Angel, which has never been my favorite, but this song has a bit of flavor to it. I like Kokoro a lot. I wish the song would continue. I always think, And then what happened?
WOO! This song is my favorite Rin song (I am sorry, but my favorite song is Servant of Evil by Len), and it's number 1! Awesome!

So catchy and sounds good! The meaning is really deep, too. It makes me cry every time.
FOR THOSE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND THE MEANING: So, a scientist made a robot, who was Rin. Rin, as a robot, wanted a heart. The scientist also wanted to give her a heart, so he started working on it. Unfortunately, right as he finished the heart and was about to give it to Rin, he died. Rin was devastated by this, and she was so overcome with sadness that she gained a heart and was able to express her emotions. However, she wasn't used to the heart and started to freak out. She panicked so much that she eventually also died. Maybe she even met the scientist in heaven. At the end, she says "arigato" (thank you), showing that she was grateful the scientist put so much work into her and her heart, even if he wasn't able to give it to her. Truly sad.

It is beautiful and soft - such a masterpiece. Though you can't trust the majority to vote correctly, like how is Naruto #1 on the anime list? Sorry, I love this song though.
It's a sad final song in the Daughter of Evil series.
Not even on the list? What the hey hey! This is a very sad song, and I cried my eyes out.
This series is heart-touching. You will cry while watching this... At least one tear, I'm sure. The whole series is amazing, but my personal favorites are Servant of Evil, Daughter of White, Regret Message, and Kept Waiting for a Response.
As previously stated, it's a series. A really, really good series. My personal favorite is Servant of Evil, but the whole series is amazing and tells a really interesting yet sad story.
Lord, don't even get me started. It's actually a lot of songs, but the basic four (Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, Regret Message, Re_birthday) are the best.
Its tune is awesome, and you can't help but nod your head to the music. This is amazing! Go listen to it now... Seriously, I guarantee you'll fall in love with this song.
I love Electric Angel because the background music is amazing. I love Meltdown too, but I love this song more.
This song is one of the catchiest songs by Rin I have heard yet. For some odd reason, I never get tired of it.

The Newcomers

Very special song. Rin's version is exceptionally awesome!
Rin's voice is so adorable! My heart wants to jump out of my body!
One of my favorite Rin songs (my favorite is... I don't know, I love them all). It's so good. Maybe it's because I love Rin. I wish she was my girlfriend.
Would have been higher if she redid her version the way Len did his original.
The lyrics are very interesting, and it's very catchy!

My favorite song of all time! More people should listen to it.
Rockin' Rin! Rin is so rockin' here.

People barely know about this song. They don't know how good it is. It could almost be as good as The Lost One's Weeping.
One of my favorite songs from Neru-san! People should listen to it! Really!
Why does no one ever know this song? This song is great! Listen to it!

I personally think this song needs way more love than it gets.
The emotion in this song, along with the beat, just makes it amazing. It truly is an amazing piece of art.
Let's not even start on Len's version of this song...

How is this not higher? Whenever I think of a high-energy song, this comes immediately to mind. The Kagamines' voices work so well together in this and should get much more recognition for how great it sounds.

Good song, but very dark. Essentially, it's a song about Rin's love for dismemberment. She then takes these body parts and "plants" them in her garden, specifically the arms. The PV shows images of her fellow Vocaloids before they died, with special emphasis on Len.