Top 10 Best Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Music Videos
One thing everyone should agree on: these guys know how to make a music video.
Coming out merely a week ago, I gotta say that not only is the video epic, but the song is just so cool. The first time I saw it, I thought, "What happened to him?" and I hated it. Then the second time, I still hated it. But as I've listened to it and watched the video, I'm just astounded.
Everything about the video is just so EPIC. From the choreography and cinematography to the sheer amount of people involved (a one minute long credit for a five minute video - holy cheese), it took to work on it. I'm blown away more and more each time I see it.
Plus, the song itself doesn't even feel like one song. It feels like a Frankenstein of four songs that range from soft rap to urban hip-hop to funk and pop rock (if that's a thing, but that part is definitely the best in the song). It doesn't even have the traditional structure of a song. Just the most unique mish-mash of different musical elements I've ever heard. It needs a few listens, but it's well worth it.
That said, it's mostly an experimental song. It doesn't have much of a point other than that. No real message, which is definitely the first from Macklemore and Ryan. Still, I applaud.

Like the song or not (I do), but no one can refute how gorgeous the video is! It's the only one that can hold a candle to the new Downtown video. The sheer amount of work put into this video is incredulous. And it paid off because it's perfect. The closeups, the backgrounds, and landscapes are captivating.
Great song and music video. In fact, this is one of my favorite songs of 2013!

Not only does it look beautiful, but the concept is really intriguing. For a song such as this, it was so easy to take the no brainer stance of "kids doing drugs" and "drugs are bad." Instead, it's rather a story of wanting to escape to an island alone. Yet, it still has enough clips to stay true to the original song concept. It's one of those music videos that gives you an out-of-body experience. Plus, it's rather beautiful. The song needs the video in this case, and it's powerful.

This is a tear-jerking one. And another "classic," easily interpreted one. Or rather, I've coined most Macklemore/Ryan songs and videos as "deep music for shallow people." I love it though. And the video is definitely a must-see. The perfect heartfelt touch to a moving song.

This is one of those videos that doesn't complete the song but instead perfectly complements it.

It may be difficult to understand the humor behind this song without the video. It's raunchy, it's weird, but it's definitely funny. The song was done in a pure joke, and it's easy to pass off as another "party and sex" song without seeing the satirical video. It's hilarious when appreciated correctly in conjunction with the video.

Without the video, it's safe to say that this song would not be as popular. Anyone with a good sense of humor can admit it's just plain funny. The humor everyone should be able to enjoy every now and again (the silly kind)!

A classic music video. But I must commend how well put together each of his music videos are. It does take the no-brainer stance on it, with a kid defined by his name-brand sneakers and following the lyrics pretty accurately. Even so, it's great to watch and yet another that complements the song rather than completing it.
It's an amazing video and a well-put-together song. I love this song.

Iffy song, kind of raunchy video. Unenjoyable for me, but well made.