Top 10 Most Beautiful Songs of All Time

The title speaks for itself, but please try to include some variety as to which artist and time period you add. This list is for the most beautiful songs we've ever heard, not simply the most beautiful songs of our era.
The Top Ten
There's Never a Forever Thing - A-Ha

To be honest, the mid-to-late '80s were full of ethereal, atmospheric songs like this. "Life In a Northern Town" by The Dream Academy, "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister, "Hands to Heaven" by Breathe, and "Heart and Soul" by T'Pau are a few others that deserve mention. All these songs contain a soft or bombastic sound while still managing to feel sleek and sophisticated.

Three of the songs I mentioned are part of the British sophisti-pop subgenre. While they may sound a bit dated by today's standards, the way these songs were executed made them resonate - even in the United States. The subgenre still has a niche fanbase, but, like yacht rock, it's challenging to classify which songs are definitively sophisti-pop.

November Rain - Guns N Roses

The lyrics aren't the most complex or original. However, the melody is absolutely stunning. The harmonies are traditional but simply breathtaking! The mix of traditional melodies combined with a rich variety of instruments is just extraordinary.

I don't know much about music, but November Rain has always struck me as one of the most gorgeous and melodic pieces of music I have ever heard. It's also surprising how well Axl Rose's raspy voice complements the song. Everything works so beautifully. It's truly a masterpiece.

Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley

This is the number one song in my view. The rest are just trying to emulate it. Heartfelt and genuine, it made me weep the first time I heard it. This is also his best vocal performance.

Unfortunately, the song has become a staple of shows like Idol and X-Factor, which cheapens its rawness and intensity. I don't believe Leonard Cohen was capable of the emotional reach that this song requires, as revealed by his version. I also suspect that half of the songs on this list have uncredited or ghostwriters. So, here's to me!

Hands down, this is the most beautiful song ever, and it should top the list without question. I know Cohen wrote it, but I believe Buckley made it his own.

The song is absolutely perfect. Only Jeff could create such a simple, elegant sound that makes all your troubles disappear for seven minutes with just an electric guitar and his flawless vocals.

Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

Every note, every rhythm, every single chord, and the lyrics - nothing can beat this song as the most beautiful song of all time. It has everything a song needs to send shivers down your spine. At this point, it's simply sublime.

This is an incredible piece of art. Why this isn't ranked number one is beyond me. I cry every time I listen to this song.

It has changed lives and made bad days better. This song deserves a spot in at least the top three.

This is a classic song that perfectly describes one's feelings. Unlike contemporary songs, it actually has meaningful lyrics. Sadly, they just don't make songs like this anymore.

Nella Fantasia - Jackie Evancho

This gifted 13-year-old prodigy is already being called "the most beautiful human voice ever recorded" and broke Michael Jackson's record as the youngest artist in US chart history with a Top 2 and Platinum CD.

Jackie sings simply. There are no embellishments, and everything is understated. The natural, pure beauty of her incredible voice is enough. This song and Jackie's voice were made for each other.

Jackie has a voice of beauty and power. She doesn't have to speak English to convey a message. Age does not matter. It's the talent, and she certainly has some. We should all be proud of her and her success. She is amazing!

Imagine - John Lennon

How is this song not among the top three? There are a couple more I'd consider beautiful, but seriously, this one is one of the most beautiful songs ever. Period.

I'd consider Stairway to Heaven also beautiful, and I am surprised that one is not even on the list! Imagine should be number one. I mean, Summer of '69 is an awesome song, I agree, but it is nowhere near more beautiful than this song. Get real, people!

This is a very simple song with a very powerful message. If all the world could at least consider this vision, it would be a very beautiful world indeed. If you love this song, then "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne is also well worth a listen, as it too is a beautiful song that preaches much the same message.

Art of Life - X Japan

X Japan is generally a band whose music makes you say, "I like this, and nothing else." Had they started doing more in the West in the '80s and early '90s, they would be much more well-known than they currently are.

"Art of Life" is their masterpiece. You see the 30-minute runtime and you think, "I'm not going to listen to a song for 30 minutes." But once you get captivated, you can do nothing but enjoy it. X Japan is THE band, and "Art of Life" is THE song.

So many of X Japan's songs should be on this list, but that wouldn't leave any space for anyone else on it. Everything they have done is beautiful, including this one.

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

Simply the greatest song known to man. The lyrics envelop you at the beginning and take you on a wild ride.

As you reach the end, you find yourself deeply thinking about life and all of its wonders.

Wow, number 15? Really? This song is truly timelessly beautiful! The voice of Freddie Mercury, the opera-themed song, and the emotions it evokes throughout are truly something beautiful. Definitely should be in the top five!

This, I cannot stress enough, is perfection! It all blends together to create a truly incredible experience for the listener. It should be in the top 5, not 7!

Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles

One time, I was on a plane and the descent was happening. The plane lowered through the clouds, and I saw the sun appear over one of them. It was beautiful, especially since I was listening to this song on my iPod. It just gave a warm feeling to my heart.

Come on, this song epitomizes the meaning of "beautiful." Such mundane words cannot begin to describe this masterpiece of a song.

This song is really beautiful. It makes me feel different and good. I simply love it, and that's all I need from a song.

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel

Truly chilling. The harmony of these two voices is electrifying. Simon & Garfunkel will always be listed among the best vocalists of all time, and "Bridge Over Troubled Water," as well as "The Sound of Silence," are chilling reflections of said talent.

This is the most fantastically wonderful song I've ever heard. You can hear the eternal faith and love he has for his wife, and his devotion to her. Everyone should create such fine and pure works of wholesome virtue.

Beautifully written and performed, this song is able to give me chills over and over again. It starts quietly and builds to a passionate crescendo, with Garfunkel's angelic tenor soaring perfectly. A truly sublime song.

The Newcomers

? In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel

The saw played in this song is amazing! Also, the vocals are weirdly beautiful.

? Sunshine Brightly - The Arcana

I'm so pleased to see this song here. The words and music come together in a way you wouldn't have thought of, but when you hear it, you say to yourself, That's exactly how I would've written it.

I tried to learn it on the guitar because it sounded simple to play, but there are some very awkward chords that, frankly, I can't figure out how to play. It's frustrating.

The lead solo in the middle and end of the song is gripping, unexpected, and a bit Floydian. Very beautiful words. Beautiful.

I had this song playing when I proposed to my girlfriend. She said I will twice - once at the beginning and once at the end.

The Contenders
God Bless the USA - Lee Greenwood
Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams

This is such an amazing song. It deserves to be in the Top 5! This song is probably everyone's summer anthem. It's so beautiful and nostalgic. Please vote!

What can I say? This is just an awesome song. I spent my early summer listening only to this great rock song by Bryan Adams.

I'll never get tired of it. It always gives off such an intense nostalgic vibe and is just a great song overall.

You are Not Alone - Michael Jackson

Beautiful. That's all I can say. Rest in Peace, the King of Pop. I have been a loyal fan of your talent since a young age, and I will always be moved by your passion for music and entertainment.

I wish from the deepest part of my heart that this MJ song will always be ever-present in my heart. I'm deeply fond of this one.

Michael pulls so hard at the strings of my heart with every note of this song.

Across the Universe - The Beatles

Nothing's gonna change my world.

Jesus, Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

This song gives you a break from all that's going wrong in life and lets you take a few minutes just to think about all that is beautiful. It manages to be happy without sugarcoating life and making the world seem like a dreamland. It's just real life, yet Louie makes you love every other damn human on the planet. A perfectly done song.

Beautiful, classic, timeless. For me, this is the most beautiful song ever. It's definitely in my top 5 all-time favorites. Armstrong had a perfect voice for this song. If anyone has listened to this song and not been moved, then they're just dead inside. Pure gold classic.

Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) - Alan Jackson
Heal the World - Michael Jackson

This is the best song of Michael Jackson's solo career, period. It's so emotional, and the message it sends is so touching. It always surprises me that, on most lists featuring the best Michael Jackson songs, this song ranks relatively lower than some other songs by him.

There's no way Billie Jean, Dirty Diana, and Bad are better songs. If you think so, you're not paying attention to the lyrics.

Good message, good lyrics, good motivation - but nothing beautiful other than those aspects. We want beautiful music. Stick with Only Time by Enya.

Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven

In thirty years' time, this will still be at the top. Most songs that are now in the top ten won't even be remembered by then. That's not to say they're not nice or even moving in their own way, but they just aren't in the same league as Beethoven, or for that matter, Bach/Gounod (Ave Maria) or even Franz Xaver Gruber/Joseph Mohr (Stille Nacht - Silent Night).

Now, this is beautiful. Oh, and it's not a song, but a piece. It makes you relax and lets the moonlight shine on you.

Never goes out of style. Still lovely as ever.

La Isla Bonita - Madonna

Well, yes, this song is one of the most amazing and beautiful songs of all time. Hats off to Madonna for recording such an amazing track.

I want to be where the sun warms the sky
when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by
beautiful faces no cares in this world
where a girl loves a boy and a boy loves a girl

These lines kill me every time. We all want a life like that.

A beautiful song. Each time I listen to this song, I remember the good old days when songs had so much depth in them.

(Everything I Do) I Do It for You - Bryan Adams

How can this be so low on the list? I'd rate it number one! It's the most beautiful song I've ever heard, and it always makes me feel so good.

I LOVE this song! It's one of my favorites. Has no one seen Robin Hood?

Independence Day - Martina McBride
Here, There, and Everywhere - The Beatles

It's so beautiful, both melody and lyrics, and I read recently that it was Paul McCartney's favorite as well.

Definitely one of Paul's best songs of the Beatles.

Love Walks In - Van Halen

Love Walks In is beautiful because it's not saying you're in love. It is explaining how someone feels when they fall in love. Then you sense a change. Nothing feels the same. It's like an alien just pulls a string, and love comes walking in.

David Lee Roth is a great entertainer. He left Van Halen because of what Eddie did for Michael Jackson. Then they asked Sammy Hagar to join. To be honest, Sammy was already famous and did not need to join, but we are glad he did. Some of the best original music for Van Halen came from Sammy's contributions.

None of the four albums that Sammy did with Van Halen are on the Van Halen site, although they all went number one. None of the albums from David did that, but over time they have sold well.

I said David is an entertainer. Sammy is a musician. Big difference.

Yellow - Coldplay

For me, it's the most beautiful song ever written. It speaks to the soul.

How could such a beautiful song be so far down on the list?

This song is so beautiful. I love Coldplay.

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