Top 10 Most Extreme Music Genres

The Top Ten
Death Metal

Arch Enemy. All I have to say about the lead vocalist, the solos, the drums, the speed, and just the sheer fact that there are two women who can sound like they have balls that have dropped below their knee caps will make me accept how death metal is the most extreme genre of music.

I don't know why, but I get goosebumps only by hearing its name. I'm happy with only thrash metal. Other forms of metal are a complete no-no for me!

The tempo changes, deep growls, heavily distorted low-tuned guitars, and its sheer speed make it the fastest genre in the world.

Black Metal

Death metal may be heavier but will never be as extreme as black metal. I have a lot of reasons why but it's way too long to put here. I love death metal too, but I have to say black metal is way more extreme.

Still, I don't get why people say that death metal is more extreme. Did Cannibal Corpse impale goats and pig heads during their concerts? Bestial black metal, which is actually different from blackened death, is way more extreme than brutal death metal. Even some normal black metal bands are heavier than Cannibal Corpse (Marduk, Deathcrush Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Infernal War, etc.).


This is more of a punk subgenre than a metal subgenre, and it's one of the heaviest genres out there.

Some punk genres are actually heavier than some metal genres because of how raw and chaotic punk is. I am, of course, talking about the more hardcore stuff and not the melodic/poppy sounding stuff. So, punk is ironically heavier than heavy metal.

This is the most extreme genre that can at least still be considered music, or its subgenre - goregrind - because of the low-tuned guitar, frequent blast beat drumming, and, of course, harsh, sick, and bizarre vocals.


It depends on the bands a lot, but those like Infant Annihilator, Job For A Cowboy, Slaughter to Prevail, and Vulvodynia show how it is done. P.S. Bring Me The Horizon used to make the same type of music.

Harsh Noise
Thrash Metal Thrash Metal is a Heavy Metal subgenre developed during the early 1980s and an early precursor of Extreme Metal. Thrash Metal features a faster and more aggressive guitar work than Traditional Metal with shredding and double-bass drums and can range from melodic singing to loud shouts... read more

Kreator, Sodom, and Slayer are the examples.

Power Electronics

The ugliest, loudest, scariest, most misanthropic, and dissonant music so brutal, it's not music, it's harsh hell sounds. The ultimate in terror. Why is this not number 1?

This is a very extreme genre. It features very distorted noise, extremely vulgar lyrics, and really loud sounds.

Technical Death Metal (Tech-Death or Progressive Death Metal)

The Newcomers

? Brutal Death Metal
? Screamo
The Contenders

The fastest genre in the world. A sub-genre of speedcore. BPM is always 1000+. Many people say that it doesn't sound like music because the tempo is so fast that it sounds like a single tone, thus the name: extratone.

Avant-garde Metal
Groove Metal
Hard Rock Hard Rock is a subgenre of rock music known for having heavier guitar riffs/solos. It originated around 1964-1965 with various Garage Rock bands.

18? Seriously? It should be top 3! The guitar riffs are the definition of extreme. The voices are extreme too.

Foo Fighters and System Of A Down are the most extreme examples of this genre.

Speed Metal

Slipknot, Linkin Park, fast, violent, mixed with death growls and groove metal thick voice, these things are enough to describe how extreme this genre is.

Industrial Metal

Listen to Strapping Young Lad and come back here.

Doom Metal
Gothic Metal

Evanescence is not only dark metal but also heavier than all gothic metal bands. Remember, heaviness is different from violence. They also make their guitar sounds heavier, just like doom metal bands, while still being extreme.

This genre is extreme and symphonic. With death and doom metal roots, there's no way this can't be number one.

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