Top 10 Reasons Why Taylor Swift is Better Than Katy Perry
Taylor writes lyrics like:
"Now I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes
All that I know is
I don't know how to be something you miss
Never thought we'd have a last kiss."
"You call me up again just to break me like a promise!
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here."
All by herself.
Meanwhile, Katy Perry fails to write lyrics that top:
"Boom, boom, boom!
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon!"
with five other writers.
Katy: "You change your mind like a girl changes clothes." SERIOUSLY?!?! That's so gendered! Taylor: "Time won't fly. It's like I'm paralyzed by it. I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still tryin' to find it." So sweet... Maybe cheesy, but sweet.

Yeah, absolutely! Taylor's songs are full of emotions, and she derives them from real-life incidents, unlike Katy Perry!
It's true because she doesn't act silly or make fun of things on shows. I've seen Katy going the revenge route countless times - whether it's mocking how she wasn't allowed to show cleavage on a kids' show during Jimmy Fallon or badmouthing learning, especially science and math, in front of a world-famous scientist. I've never seen anything like this from Taylor. She appears to be very respectful to everyone around her.
Definitely! My friend and I think she is a great role model, and she inspires us to follow our dreams!
She was born and raised in the country. She has suffered a lot of pain from backstabbing men and sabotaging celebrities. The fact that she has come all this way, enduring jeering crowds and haters, while withstanding insults all this time, proves she's honestly amazing. This one's for you, Taylor.
I hate it when all these people are showing off their bodies. NEWS FLASH! Nobody cares, and nobody needs to see it. It's your body, not the world's.

Taylor Swift is so pretty, while Katy Perry does not have the same appeal. Plus, Katy's songs are meaningless, and her music videos are dull (especially the Firework one). If you think Taylor is ugly, you are out of your mind.
Taylor was raised as a country girl. Why does she need more makeup to make herself pretty? Her makeup is very natural and simple.
Katy uses a lot of makeup in all her music videos, but Taylor doesn't need that much makeup in hers. This proves that Taylor is prettier.
The Newcomers
It's so true! She even admits what she does in "I Did Something Bad."
In Katy's music video for "California Gurls," she is dressed really inappropriately. But in Taylor's videos for "Wildest Dreams" and "Look What You Made Me Do," she looks like a pageant queen. See how I incorporated "Speak Now"?!
Taylor, if you're reading this, if you stop making music, please be an author!
Taylor treats her fans like they're her best friends, while Katy treats them like trash and even curses at some of her fans!
Yes, she does! I recently went to her concert, and she actually points to signs!
She always posts about her personal life on Instagram, which I think shows she really cares. It even makes her fans feel like they are her family members.
She is always writing songs and releases a new studio album every two years. Maybe it'll be different after 1989 since she took a hiatus from music.
I actually like Taylor's music. Even though a lot of people think it sounds whiny and dumb, at least she comes up with good lyrics.
Both are good musicians, but Taylor's videos are better, and overall she is better.
The fact that Taylor is consistent with her music proves she is the more serious musician.
Katy has several platinum albums, but all of Taylor Swift's studio albums have received platinum status.
Taylor can belt, use her head voice, and play with her voice in many other ways. Taylor is successful in both country and pop because her voice flows naturally. While Katy is great in the studio, her live performances are weaker than Taylor's.
Remember that time when Taylor only used a guitar and performed LWYMMD? That video really showed us how strong and powerful her voice is. She doesn't rely on autotune.
I don't like either of their voices, but at least Taylor's voice isn't as annoying and doesn't sound like she just ran a lap and is out of breath.
Taylor plays four instruments, right? (I'm not sure about that). And Katy plays three, if you count the acoustic and electric guitar as different instruments.
Katy Perry embarrassed herself in front of the whole world by pretending to play the flute, while Taylor plays every type of guitar, the banjo, and the piano. +1 to Taylor for NOT being fake.

Yeah, I watched Katy Perry live, and I thought I would have to go to the hospital for ear surgery. I watch Taylor live all the time.
I heard her sing London Boy live and wondered if she was lip-syncing, but she wasn't!
To be honest, I think she used autotune in I Did Something Bad. I think.
Taylor Swift treats her fans like they're her besties.
Katy Perry treats her fans like trash and even curses at some of them.
Juicy J is the worst rapper, and Katy Perry chose him to collaborate with her on Dark Horse. But Taylor Swift chose Kendrick Lamar, one of the greatest rappers of all time.
Before Katy and Taylor's fight, Taylor said on Instagram, "I hope we'll always stay friends."
Katy never responded, then stole Taylor's backup dancers.
Compared to Katy Perry, Taylor never mentions sex in her songs or videos. Her work doesn't include anything about exposing her body for men to see. At least she was born with her looks, unlike Katy.