Best Sabaton Albums

The Top Ten
Carolus Rex

The album is just perfect. It evokes so many different emotions and just makes you inspired to keep going. Nothing beats the epic, nostalgic feeling of singing along to Long Live the King.

See the white in their eyes, Caroleans are marching on! The synth is there, however not as much as in Coat of Arms. Probably their most famous album, too.

If I were trapped on an island and could only take one album with me to listen to forever, Carolus Rex would be it.

The Last Stand

My personal favorite album, with songs that didn't introduce me to the band, but I love nonetheless. This album includes some of my favorite songs, like The Last Stand, The Last Battle, and Shiroyama.

Also one of their best-researched albums, with many accurate details in each compelling story. It also inspired me to do further research into some of the battles described in the album.

The Last Stand (song) is my favorite song off this album. This was the first song I ever heard (heard it on Sirius). I've listened to this album 100 times this last month. Now jamming to Primo Victoria.

Thanks to Google Play Music and their 4-month trial.


Starting off softly and lightly with the muffled singing, then it hits you in the face. Everything about it makes it their second-best intro song, after Ghost Division.

No Bullets Fly has great guitars, with a kind of muffled sound at the start. Then comes Smoking Snakes. It's not a bad song, but I think it's a bit weaker than the others. To Hell and Back is arguably one of Sabaton's best songs. Inmate 4859 tells an amazing tale about probably one of the bravest men ever.

The only thing that puts it below Art of War, in my opinion, is The Ballad of Bull, which is the weakest Sabaton song of them all.

The Art of War

The Art of War is the best album of Sabaton, in my opinion. The quotes from the book The Art of War are geniously braided between the songs. Every quote has a reference to the next song.

The songs themselves are almost all classics. Where Carolus Rex has the problem that the songs standing alone miss this epicness, The Art of War is made by the songs and the total. For me, number one!

I consider it the most epic album. It seems like all the pieces are perfectly put into place: the lyrics of the songs, each with its own story but somehow continuing one from the other.

The entire album is arranged as an opera masterpiece, with acts sublimely defined by Sun Tzu quotes.

Coat of Arms

The emotions when I hear both Wehrmacht and The Final Solution are probably the strongest emotions out of all their songs. Young men seduced to evil, an innocent people slaughtered. Goosebumps and tears have been felt.

With songs like Wehrmacht and The Final Solution, who doesn't enjoy this album? It has that synthy goodness of old Sabaton, as seen in the intros of Coat of Arms and The Final Solution, at the top of my head.

The Final Solution is a great song. Coat of Arms is my personal favorite. Also, Uprising and Aces in Exile are great too.

Primo Victoria
Attero Dominatus

Lyrically, their best album (see: Rise of Evil, Nuclear Attack, We Burn, In the Name of God, Angels Calling, Light in the Black, and every damn song on that album). Plus, when the guitar starts on Angels Calling. HNNGSSsSs YES!

In my opinion, this is the most underrated album on the list. I think it should be at least top three.

By far my favorite album from Sabaton. This is what got me into Sabaton. Also helped a lot in history class.

The Great War

This is the album that introduced me to the band, with some very good hits like The Red Baron, and one of my favorite songs, Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

Though not everything on the album is the best, it's still well done.

Great album that tells great stories. My personal favorite song is either The Red Baron for its fast-paced beat and great riff or Seven Pillars of Wisdom for the same reasons.

Every song is outstanding. Definitely top 4 for me.

Fist for Fight
The Contenders
The War to End All Wars

An amazing new discovery with Sabaton this time around. Awesome!

Beautifully composed album. One of their best.

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