Top 10 Theory of a Deadman Songs

The Top Ten
Bad Girlfriend

This song needs to be number one! It's by far their most recognizable song. How it isn't at least in the top 5 is beyond me. Vote it up!

Wow. This song is wickedly awesome. Hardcore badass. Deserves a number 1 for sure. PS: Wonder why Angel is not up the list yet... That's pretty amazing.

Come on, man, just see the first line of the lyrics: "My girlfriend is a dick magnet, my girlfriend is gonna have it" and now decide whether it should be 1st or 3rd!

All or Nothing

All or Nothing is my top favorite song ever. I listen to it all the time and have never gotten sick of it. This song is how I found my love for Theory of a Deadman! Definitely deserves the #1 spot!

This song is so catchy and such a cute song to listen to! I listened to this song with my mom for the first time, and we were already dancing to it! I think this song should be #1!

It's got all anyone needs from a song: the drive, the motivation, and all that comes with it. Take a chance, and you'll never be the same since then.

Not Meant to Be

Probably my favorite breakup song of all time, mostly because the words "Maybe we're not meant to be" sum up so much in so few words. Other than that, no downsides as far as I'm concerned.

I was stuck between this and All or Nothing, but I think this song has got to be more depressing. Just the lyrics make me sad! Should really be number one, right?

My absolute fave is Make Up Your Mind, but it wasn't an option, so this song places a high second! But in my opinion, every song they do is their best song ever!


I remember hearing you play this in London this year. Love the song, the words. Perfect soundtrack.

Absolutely love this song and love Theory of a Deadman. They are by far my favorite band ever!

I don't really like Theory of a Deadman, but this song made my heart drop. Absolutely amazing.

Santa Monica

Not only their best song pre-Scars and Souvenirs, but just such a good, quality acoustic-driven song. This song made me a fan of the band. As someone who owns all their records and has heard all their songs, I still think this song stands out among the best.

Plus, it's a really good song to impress if you can play and sing it.

I'm a huge Theory of a Deadman fan! Love all their albums and songs, but nothing compares to one of their very first hits and songs.

This song should be higher just because I feel this is where Theory's foundation started to build. No Santa Monica, no Bad Girlfriend.


This is an awesome song. It totally fits all the people in the county I am from. It's like it's the theme song here. I love it!

This is an awesome song and reminds me of the people I travel to work with. They clearly are the reason why you wrote the song.

Fantastic start to a fantastic album! Every song in this album is great, but this one starts it all off in the best way.

Hate My Life

This is the song I introduce everyone to Theory of a Deadman with, as everyone can relate to it. It is done in such a cool, funny way. I love it. It should be number 1.

This song is so darn cool. It's one of those songs that come together from an awesome jam session.

First song that turned me on to "the Theory." In turn, I used it to turn my brother on to them.

Nothing Could Come Between Us

This was the song that got me to dig deeper into Theory of a Deadman.

Nothing should come between this and the number one spot!

The song that started it all. Should be top 3.

Out of My Head

This song is great because it shows the variety of songs that Theory of a Deadman has. This song is very soft and gentle, which is the exact opposite of most of their music, proving that they are very diverse in their capabilities.

I cannot believe this is so low! It's a beautiful song and, in my opinion, their only true masterpiece! How can a misogynistic song like Bad Girlfriend be #1 over this?

Wait for Me

All these are great songs. Tough to pick a favorite. What about Country Song?

This song is almost perfect for anyone that is away from their family.

I love this song. It has that amazing feeling that the singer actually feels what he's singing about.

"You wait for me,
Ever so patiently."

The Newcomers

? RX (Medicate)

Pretty real song, hits home for a lot of people. Much better than their bubblegum pop/rock crap they usually do.

? Invisible Man
The Contenders
Make Up Your Mind

This song is amazing. It's so good. I just love it. 110% would recommend!

By the Way

This is my favorite by far! I have to listen to it any time it comes up on my iPod shuffle!

My favorite song by them! One of their best!

Very heartfelt. Awesome sounds!


I just love Hurricane. It's on my list of favorites and accurately describes relationships with the perfection of TOAD's musical talent.

The lyrics really resonate with a lot of people. This song should be way up the list.

I listened to this. It is musically awesome, and the lyrics are amazing. My opinion: should be number 1!

Salt in the Wound
World War Me
Leg to Stand On
The One
In Ruins

My favorite song on the Savages album!

Bitch Came Back

The Truth Is... this album rocks. It's by far their best. Scars and Souvenirs has some great songs, my favorite being Hate My Life, but I can't say it's flawless, and I don't like every song. However, each song in The Truth Is flows with the one before and remains unique. What more can you really want?

How can this awesome song be in this position!? This should be in the top 5.

This song is the first song I heard by them, and it should be in the top 10!

Since You've Been Gone

This song was the second Theory of a Deadman song I ever heard!

Head Above Water

This is a beautiful song, actually! I'd sing this to my girl!

Say Goodbye

This song, Santa Monica, Make Up Your Mind, Better Off, and Hate My Life. Top 5. That might change tomorrow.

Say Goodbye is in my top 3 Theory of a Deadman songs. I don't go one day without listening to this song or Santa Monica.

This and Santa Monica must be on the top.

So Happy

Such an amazing song. Definitely deserves to be in the top ten.

How come this is not in the top ten?

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