Top Ten Things That Most Ruined the Music Industry
Madonna was the one who started this unfortunate trend. She paved the way for mediocre singers to become famous because of their sex appeal and their willingness to create a provocative and overtly sexual image of themselves.
People love to focus on appearances over others. They always flaunt themselves and put such a stress on it. This does impact the music industry, but it definitely did not start there.
People's looks have nothing to do with their music. Just like how people judged Lady Gaga's looks.

Some songs sound fine with auto-tune, but most singers who use it end up sounding like robots. Auto-tune hides real singing talent, and some singers have abused it by relying too much on it.
It's annoying! If you can't sing well, then get good at it! Don't use an effect to make it sound like you can sing.
It gets worse when it targets minors, encouraging them to engage in such activities. It's one thing to use these references as an allegory for something else. It's another thing to promote it openly.
Except for songs exclusive to animated movies.

I thought that whoever put this on the list actually meant mumble rap. Rap was on fire and had legends back in the day, but then Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and others contributed to what some see as a decline. It's actually mumble rap, with artists like Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Future, and Young Thug, that is often criticized. Rap as a whole did not ruin the music industry. It's just most of today's rap, best known as mumble rap, that has received backlash.
Rap started off okay, but now a lot of songs sound like a 6-year-old put together lyrics they found in some angry deviant's journal. Bring back talent, instruments, and melody.
Thank you! I was scared this wouldn't be on the list. This should totally be #1. Music is mostly about sin nowadays. It's so sad. The end times are here.
That's all there is to mainstream music. Except Tones and I, but her singing could really use some work so it sounds less annoying.
This is just becoming exacerbated through internet culture.

This gets my vote because MTV is a television network that focuses more on what you see (looks) than on what you hear (music).
MTV always cares about incompetent pop stars.
MTV discourages rock, classifies artists like Hozier inappropriately as rock, and promotes popular teen issues instead of focusing on music.
Peer pressure levels are through the roof. It's honestly awful.
I really hate that people think this. I love rock music, but that doesn't make me a satanist or anything.
Could you at least put this at number 4?

He is the logical result and product of this same industry - he embodies it.
He killed music along with Nicki Minaj, no doubt.
Yummy is his worst song ever, even worse than Baby.
The Newcomers

Not everything from TikTok automatically sucks, but lots of it sounds lackluster and uninspiring.

Pop music got a lot worse in the late 2010s and early 2020s with even more low-quality and cringeworthy music coming from this genre.
It's made with ghost producers and all sounds the same.

That's all there is to music now.
Screw greed.

The biggest ass to ever walk the face of the earth.
He is one of the reasons why the charts are crap.
Hope he goes away soon. He is a disgrace to music, giving us people like Honey G, who has no talent at all.

They are stupid. Once I said, "I don't like One Direction" on MSP, and some teen girl told me to kill myself.

Guitar solos may not apply to all genres, but they do take a lot of talent. I don't really see songs with long guitar solos nowadays, but I'm not saying that having no guitar solos is necessarily bad.
The only number one songs of the year with guitar solos are Thinking Out Loud and Rude. They're not exactly Eddie Van Halen.