Top 10 Worst Defenses Against Music Criticism

If you're going to defend a musical artist, song, or album, don't use these kinds of statements. Also, these are not direct quotes, but rather representations of one would often use as a defense against most criticisms.
The Top Ten
"It hit No. 1 on the Billboard charts."

A few of these reasons are kind of the same, based on other people liking it rather than any actual attribute of the song itself. Another reason not added would be that it got really positive reception from critics.

Well, we had a horrible song at No. 1 just two weeks ago.

So that would mean Despacito is the best song of all time? Haha, no.

"White people can't criticize Black music."

Calling rap music "Black" music makes you racist.

It's kind of weird to use racism as a defense against music criticism.

"If you don't like it, then don't listen to it."

If you are listening to it for the first time to see if you like it, then this comment wouldn't make sense.

However, if the song plays on the radio, just turn it off or switch to another station. Nobody is "forcing you" to listen to the song. It was your own choice to sit through the song without changing the station.

Obviously, you need to listen to it to have an opinion on it. But stop making bands like Blood on the Dance Floor relevant by repeatedly trashing them.

I would rather rant about songs or albums I thought were going to be good but turned out bad. I will say nothing whatsoever about bands I don't like.

"I'd like to see you do better."

First of all, the person commenting can't do better. Second, the person they are commenting to isn't a musician, so he can't do better either.

Third, that doesn't make every artist ever immune to criticism.

"It's just a song."

It's just my opinion on the song.

"You have bad taste in music."

Because music is subjective, no one has bad taste in music. I used to say things similar to this, only about songs I hated, not ones I liked.

I don't get this one because there's no such thing as real music. All music, as well as all forms of art in general, is subjective.

Music is subjective, so it's a dumb defense.

"But it's catchy."

Sometimes a song can be catchy in a good way (think Charlie Puth's songs), but having What About Us in my head for hours annoyed me to the extreme.

This is a perfectly reasonable excuse to like a song and avoid critical thought.

I don't know why people think this is a good thing. I generally find catchy music annoying.

"This artist/record won a Grammy."
"These singers made a lot of money from this song/album, while you're just sitting behind a computer hating."

Actually, another common reason why quite a few of these fail as arguments is that they are direct attacks on the person you are arguing with, which shouldn't be the point.

It doesn't matter if the person you are arguing with is Black or White, if they have "a life," or whether they can sing themselves. That has nothing to do with the song.

And you're sitting behind a computer complaining about a stranger's opinion of a song that doesn't define you.

"It's still better than any of today's music."

So you're telling me that "We Built This City" is better than "Irvine," "Jesus Alone," "I'm Going To Do It," and "Blackstar"? Nonsense.

The Newcomers

? "Music doesn't have to be timeless."
? "This song came out when I was a kid. You're too old to enjoy it. This song is for the [insert age group here] crowd."
The Contenders
"Everyone at my school likes it."
"It's a dance song, so the lyrics don't matter."

Some songs aren't meant to have lyrics. As long as they're not offensive (like Juju) or annoying (like Watch Me), I'm fine with mediocre lyrics.

What if it's an unlistenable piece of garbage dance track?

Not all songs need to have lyrics, such as video game tracks and some electronic dubstep songs.

"You obviously didn't listen to it."
"Be honest. You only hate this song because of overplay or overhype."

If they say a song is bad, they usually have reasons for saying it besides, "I've heard this song 921,653,932,165,891 times on the radio. It's driving me insane."

"You just don't like it because it's not from the '80s."

It would be so easy for one to use this argument on people who like old music and hate modern music, and maybe it's true.

In the best songs list, there are virtually no songs from the 2010s. Or maybe I'm just a total idiot and people actually have legitimate reasons to like old music and hate modern music. I don't know... likely the second option, though.

"You're just jealous."

By that logic, I would hate every famous band or singer.

"But it's a [insert what the song is not here]."
"It's better than the rubbish you listen to."

See Norah Jones on the list of artists who make boring music for an example of such reasoning being used.

"It received positive reviews from critics."

I don't always have to agree with them.

"You hate this song because it's popular."
"This band/singer makes money every time you hate on them."
"All mainstream pop and rap are rubbish. Metal is way better."

Whenever these conversations come up, it's always Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and Lil Wayne that get brought up.

"I am biased. This song reminds me of my friends."

I kind of disagree with this one because it doesn't really sound like it's being used as a defense. Really, it's a reason why I like this song, although I know this doesn't objectively make it a better song.

"This song defined my childhood."
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