Worst Kidz Bop Lyric Changes
Kidz bop sucks, it just sucks. One reason is because they mess up the lyrics to make it kid friendly but fail.No, you are not taking over and ruining our favorite songs or destroying the music industry with your cheap and horrendous rip-off songs. This doesn't even fit in with the lyrics of this song!
What has humanity come to? My parents let me listen to explicit songs when I was six, and now we have Kidz Bop? Their lyrics don't even fit!
No, the only thing you're taking over is the contest for least talented music artist!
Are you kidding me? They changed the word drink to dance? The word drink is not a bad swear word. They ruined this song - how shameful.
Besides the fact that this line makes no sense, the problem with many of these changes is that the "bad" words thrown into the song are not there by accident. They are the whole point of the song.
Seriously? That's not even proper grammar.
There NEEDS to be a no Green Day rule. This is just a disgrace to the music industry.
This is the worst Kidz Bop song. It basically ruined the entire message of the song to appeal to conservative parents.
These are made to appease right-wingers who want to shield their kids from everything!
They literally just took the song and stripped it of all meaning.
Did this one need to be changed? At all? They censor that but allow lyrics about giving your number to strange guys.
That just sounds even more inappropriate than the original!
You're just making it sound more disturbing, Kidz Bop!
I understand why saying "sexy" may be problematic, but "hey" isn't the same amount of syllables, so it just comes across as really awkward. Why didn't they just go with "pretty lady"? That would've fit perfectly!
They really ruined the song by changing the lyrics.
Kidz Bop should Kidz Stop making songs.
This one is just stupid. And they also took out the Snoop Dogg rap.
How is that changed? Is it inappropriate?
Seriously, Kidz Bop? What's wrong with the original lyric? This is one of the most unnecessary lyric changes in the history of music.
They are both actions that can harm you.
Dance that what, Kidz Bop?! You don't make any sense at all! You replace so much stuff with just the word "DANCE" all the time!
The Newcomers
This one is ridiculous. Why would you wave to the world that broke your heart?
There's nothing wrong with doing a night. Why, Kidz Bop?
They should have changed the "two-ply hefty bag" lyric.
Okay is a massive step from just right.
What's wrong with the word "woman"? It's not like it's a swear word!
Kids are girls/boys. Adults are women/men.
More like, "And if you don't like it, you can shut your damn mouth, Kidz Bop."
Why are you packing to go to a party?
This one is hilarious. Also, "Tryna get a little bit silly" 20 seconds later in that song.
Kidz Bop changes every shop/ball pit/sisterhood reference in songs but keeps "flip your hair" in "What Makes You Beautiful"?
Because HATS. There is so much shop in that song. Why do that song, Kidz Bop?
What's wrong with the original? Am I missing something?
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever! Throwing in random words that don't make any sense just ruins the whole song and the lyrics!
Just replace it with "stuff" or something.
Everybody knows what you do at the club. Why even bother with this change?
"My love for you went wild" actually sounds way more sexual than the original lyric.
So what? Kids watch viral videos! Why can't other viral things be explicit?
That doesn't make sense, and the original song is clean anyway. There was no need to change it.
Not only is the original not harmless at all, but how on earth does that make sense?
What's so bad about the original?
What happened? Did you lose your voice or something?
Drank is not a bad word. Same with drunk and drink.
Drunk is not a bad word and replacing it with sad just ruins the song!