Best Bodybuilders of All Time
Ronnie Coleman needed 50 more pounds of body weight to match Arnie's size but could not match his muscle shape. Arnie had perfect arms, chest, back, huge calves, and great definition in his thighs. Arnold did win on stage under 240 lbs without looking like a freak!
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the godfather of bodybuilding. We can't think about bodybuilding without him. He is a living legend and a god of bodybuilding. I love him from the depth of my heart.
Father of Bodybuilding and the Fitness Industry. He has motivated everyone on the planet to be fit and healthy. He is the reason why this industry is still alive and booming. Thank you. Numero Uno.
In terms of muscularity, density, overall shape, and just freakiness, he will never be matched. The 1999 Olympia stands a notch above anything I have ever seen on stage.
The Greatest of All Time. Admit it! Arnold was the greatest until Ronnie Coleman destroyed everyone on stage! He is the god!
Jeez, would you look at the size of those?
Flex definitely deserves a higher ranking in this group. By this group, I mean that Lee Priest, Mariusz, or Paul Demayo should not even be mentioned. Simply because best means best. In bodybuilding, you have to have the total package. I agree with Sergio, Lee, Markus, Flex, Dorian, Ronnie, and Arnold. But then again, it is about what we prefer. Mass? Definition? Symmetry? Smile? Posing?
He's called the Sultan of Symmetry for a reason, guys. He should be top 3!
Frank Zane was not the biggest bodybuilder, but he undoubtedly had the best body in bodybuilding history. He's one of only three men to have beaten Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest.
He is everything that bodybuilding today should be!
Most aesthetic physique ever.
Dorian has the best size, proportion, and definition of all these bodybuilders and can't be compared!
He has to be at least number one or two! I mean, look at his lats and his calves...
Awesome. Yates was definitely number one.
Kevin Levrone is probably one of the most aesthetic mass monsters with amazing delts, arms, and traps. Too bad his back was never up to par.
Best front upper body of all time. His legs were also very good early on. His back thickness always was an issue.
Tiny but effective. His upper chest is one of the greatest things in bodybuilding. He is probably the strongest Olympian.
Big Lufer! He was the nicest guy in bodybuilding. Successful off the stage as well.
Everything that Arnold has, Sergio has it better: waist, arms, chest, legs - you name it. Those who think that Arnold is better than Coleman or Yates are like those who think Manchester United is better than Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Bayern Munich. They don't know anything about football or bodybuilding. They just support Arnold because he's the only bodybuilder they've heard of.
He should be number one. He was so far ahead of his time. He should have beaten Arnold in 1972. Please, the guy had a 27-inch waist. He was better than Arnold.
Probably my fourth favorite. #1 Arnold, #2 Flex Wheeler, #3 Levrone, #4 Ray. He deserves top 10-15 at least!
The guy got screwed by the IFBB. He's won more shows than anyone I know. He should be rated higher!
Phil Heath is one of the few guys to score a perfect score in Mr. Olympia. It's funny how he's rated so low because he won't be beaten until 2020. There are no current or up-and-coming bodybuilders built like him with his perfect aesthetics. Jeez, he's nearly perfect down to the smile and eye color.
He is starting a new era in bodybuilding. He is clearly the best in the world, proven by the 2011 Olympia! He has so many years to go and is already a two-time Olympia champ!
Love him or hate him, you cannot deny the intensity he has and his dedication.
#26? What's the predator doing here? Definitely deserves a much higher place.
The current Mr. Olympia's biggest rival with greater size. The people's champ.
He should be way higher on this list!
If I could have the physique of any bodybuilder in the history of competition, it would be Steve Reeves - period. If Steve's body was not available, Frank Zane would be my second choice. Most of the rest look like freakish mutants (not trying to be cruel). I'm a fan of smooth strength. Steve Reeves had it all.
He set the stage for all to follow and opened the doors for those to follow. Second only to Arnold, he should be #2 on this list.
The perfect physique before steroids took over bodybuilding.
Larry Legend. The first/original Mr. Olympia. Anyone who came after him took something from him to enhance their own physiques.
By today's standards, Larry was well-built, not overbuilt or puffy, like a comic book superhero. I would take that body any day over any Mr. Olympia of the past 25 years.