Top 10 Worst Dictators in History
Dictatorships are often characterized by widespread human rights abuses, political repression, and economic hardship. But some dictators have truly earned their place in infamy due to the sheer scale of their brutality and the lasting impact of their regimes.Think of the dictators who have committed genocide, who have orchestrated wars of aggression, who have tortured and killed their own people without mercy. These individuals are not just historical figures, they are cautionary tales about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of upholding human rights.
Hitler was an awful man, there's no doubt about it. He had the ability to turn even the most peaceful people into radical haters through his speeches alone. He directed all his hatred at a more or less innocent group for no apparent reason. He also damaged Germany's reputation for a long time.
Even 70 years later, many people still associate us with Nazism, all thanks to him. He is, without a doubt, the worst dictator in history.
Adolf Hitler was a sociopath who terrified the world with his plans for conquest. His decision to exterminate all the Jews, especially in Europe, was the single worst mistake that anyone has ever made in the history of humanity. He came perilously close to succeeding, managing to kill three million of the total nine million Jews in and around Poland at that time. This makes Hitler not only the worst dictator to have ever lived but also the worst human being to ever set foot on our planet.
It's debatable whether he was the most evil person. It's also debatable how to interpret the numbers of deaths. I'm confident that "One death is a tragedy. A million is simply a statistic" accurately represents how humans think, whether we like it or not.
However, many of these people wanted what they believed to be the best for their countries and used power to try to achieve it through horrible methods.
Stalin was a horrible, power-hungry, and paranoid leader. He cared a lot about his power, simply for the sake of power. Arguably, he was the most dictatorial person on this list. That's enough reason for me, but the fact that he was a terrible person and killed millions of people is the icing on the cake.
The number, the number! How many people died because of him? It's over 80 million people! Some say it could be 100 million. How many people died or were tortured in the Holocaust? Six to seven million.
Why do people hate Hitler? I think he wasn't stupid, with the exception of the invasion of Russia. How about Mao Zedong? He became strong in the military because of the USA. This guy doesn't have the worth of being a living thing. He is the man most responsible for more deaths than anyone else. Many people don't care about Mao but focus on Hitler. Poor man, Hitler. For Mao, it would be "poor-hearted" man, though.
It is too bad that I do not believe in Hell, as Pol Pot should absolutely be there for eternity. The American people still don't seem to realize the extent of the genocide this man committed against his own people and those of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Burma. Jane Fonda was an idiot. She should apologize to the people of Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam.
"Education is not more important unless you have no humanity." I am one of the Cambodian citizens, and my parents, grandparents, and other relatives have experienced such a tough time. I lost one of my uncles, who was a scholar at that time. He had received a scholarship to study abroad.
Unluckily, Pol Pot killed him, and we couldn't even find his body. "If your power harms others, the power should not exist."
Does anyone have any clue what he did? He killed anyone who even slightly offended him. He had hats nailed onto the heads of two men because they didn't take them off in his palace. He killed people in the most painful ways possible, mostly by impaling a stake through the bottom of their bodies, all the way to their mouths. He would then "decorate" by placing them around his house and city to scare away enemies.
At the beginning of his reign, he placed a gold cup in the middle of his land. Until his death, nobody ever stole it because they were so afraid of him. It was terrible. If you want to read more, just Google him. There are quite a few great articles.
Kim Jong-Il is far worse than Hitler could ever be. At least Hitler and Stalin had the decency to feed prisoners very small portions of food or execute them quickly by shooting or gas chamber. Kim Jong-Il basically starved his people, and if they were too weak to work, he would either torture them by drowning, dissection, or if they were lucky, shoot them or put them in a gas chamber.
The concentration camps are well-hidden, and only former guards can tell the tale. Upon arrival at the camp, there are deformities, amputees, newborn babies injected with a liquid that causes major swelling, and babies buried alive or faced down to suffocate. The already weak people were dissected alive in underground labs. These are by far the most inhumane and painful ways anyone can torture someone since medieval times, I believe.
He also spent millions and millions of the money that South Korea gave him to aid others. He basically spent it all on the military. Over 20 million people were killed and died a slow, painful death. Now his son is in power.
Saddam Hussein was indeed a terrible man who did horrendous things, such as killing his own sons-in-law and exterminating the swamp Arabs (or Muslims?). However, that said, his strict dictatorship did bring Iraq together. It was probably better then than it is now in Iraq.
This guy should be at number one. He is that bad. He wins the election every time because he rigs it, compared to better dictators who actually hold the election fairly.
Saddam was the worst leader in Iraqi history. But still, when he was in power, Iraq had some semblance of order. Now it's just screams and rubble.
Oh, I've heard of this guy. In addition to committing mass genocide in his home country of Uganda, he was also a cannibal and declared himself emperor of all Ugandans on the grounds that he had single-handedly defeated the tyrannical British Empire. I honestly don't know why they let monsters like these come to power instead of throwing them into the loony bin.
He decided to kill women because of their names, he had public executions live on TV, and kept people's heads in his fridge to intimidate others! And he got away with it.
He managed to flee Uganda and lived in Saudi Arabia without anyone doing anything about what he did back in Uganda!
In the first three months of his reign of terror, over 160,000 animals were sacrificed in his honor. He later contracted brain fever that rendered him mentally ill. Believing himself to be a god, Caligula twisted the law into an instrument of torture. He felt that prisoners should experience a painful death. For his amusement, he began to brutally murder people. He would kill his opponents slowly and painfully over the course of hours or days.
He decapitated and strangled children, and beat people with heavy chains. Caligula forced families to attend their children's executions. Many people had their tongues cut off. He fed prisoners to lions, panthers, and bears, and frequently killed gladiators.
Occasionally, he ordered people to be killed by elephants. His cruelty drove people to commit suicide. Sexually, he was voracious and immoral, demanding intercourse with many women, including his three sisters. He would force husbands to give up their wives. He exiled his sisters and had his brother-in-law put to death.
His actions caused many to die from starvation. Among his favored methods of torture was sawing people, which involved filleting the spine and spinal cord from the crotch down to the chest. He took sadistic pleasure in chewing up the testicles of victims while they were still alive.
He killed some of his most important friends, as well as his father-in-law. Caligula once said, "I wish Rome had but one neck, so that I could cut off all their heads with one blow!"
The last post is the most accurate. Per capita, Ante Pavelić and the Croatian Ustaše should be rated number one. Out of a population of 2 million, they butchered and murdered between 700,000 and 1 million people, primarily Serbians, along with Jews and Gypsies. That's almost half the Serbian population there!
The population, including men, women, children, and the elderly, was systematically massacred in the most brutal ways imaginable. Go to Croatia and mention Serbs to witness the hate for yourself. Or just ask any Croat in the world and see their denial.
The Newcomers
He enslaved the Congo for wealth. He was responsible for almost as much death as Hitler.
Under him, the press and media were under his control. Opponents disappeared.
It looks like many of you didn't do research. According to the Bible, he was a murderer who tried to kill Jesus. However, this is mere fiction. Only the Bible mentions the Massacre of the Innocents. There is no other source to prove that this event truly happened.
Herod the Great didn't earn his epithet for nothing. According to other sources, he was a powerful monarch who increased the territory of the Roman Empire. At that time, Judea was under the control of the Empire.
He also greatly expanded the Temple of Jerusalem and constructed the port of Caesarea. He wasn't a nice person, but he also certainly wasn't an evil dictator.
This man is an animal. His father was an animal. He is worse than any other inhumane leader on the list. What he has put his people through is something that no one should have to endure.
The number of Syrians who have died from starvation is countless, and there is no worse way to die. He is also the reason why ISIS exists. I can't believe he is still alive. The fact that he is still carrying out his massacre shows that organizations like the United Nations and hundreds like them don't really care. They are just there to make those of us away from the situation sleep peacefully, but how could we, knowing what innocent people are being put through?
He started the disaster that is North Korea. Now in its third generation, only an internal coup, which is unlikely due to the terror and mistrust of those in key positions, or an external "takedown," will solve the problem.
In my opinion, the civilized nations of the world owe it to the people of North Korea to remove the government and reunite it with the South, China's wishes be damned!
Manchild. People have been brainwashed to believe he can control the weather. He just shows off with some stupid weapons every year. Meanwhile, the poor people in North Korea can't call it that, or they will be arrested. They have to call it the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
They can't have their own haircut. By law, it's 28. The government provides their homes. They can't wear jeans. The government listens to their phone calls and mandates that they watch government television.
Grandson of Kim Il-sung and son of Kim Jong-il, he is the third-generation Kim dynasty ruler of North Korea. He ordered the execution of an officer through a mortar gun and has ordered executions against people who owned DVDs from democratic South Korea, as well as Christians.
He was both evil and insane. I wonder what mental disorder he had?
Terrible. Killing Christians in inhumane ways.
Persecuted and executed thousands of people.
"Sometimes change is not good." Take a look at Libya's current situation. This change led to civil war in the country, which caused hunger, social unrest, crime, and refugees.
If Muammar Al-Gaddafi were still leading this country under his dictatorship, I think the situation would be much better than the democracy the protesters wanted.
He is the worst thing that happened to Libya. He had stored away an estimated $200 billion from Libya's oil revenue in secret bank accounts and investments. When my mom was in university there, they would literally have public hangings of students who opposed his regime.
I think this is what happened (in metaphor): You can be as good as you can, and doing your best for your country is all it takes to grow your nation and make it proud. However, trying to follow or be someone else, especially if it's something you don't like, will overextend your limits and can create conflicts for you and others.
Adolf Hitler admired Mussolini's Fascist Party so much that he took it a step further and created his version of Fascism. Mussolini knew he was weak at the time, so he allied himself to stay safe. But this caused hate from the citizens of Italy due to losing battles, execution, and harsh laws.
His first act of power was to throw a rebellious nobleman to his hunting dogs. Things only became worse from that point on.
Ivan the Terrible was known for, among other "accomplishments," torturously murdering the inhabitants of the city of Novgorod on the basis of a rumor that they were planning to defect to Sweden. Men, women, and children were impaled, hacked to death with axes, or boiled alive in gigantic pots. He personally partook in brutal tortures of suspected enemies and beat his own son to death in a fit of rage. He is possibly one of the worst people who has ever lived. Brutal, sadistic, and cruel, he richly deserves the name Ivan the Terrible.
One of the reasons why the CAR is such a failed country.
He killed 3,000 civilians in August 2013 who were peacefully protesting his autocratic move to remove the popularly elected President of Egypt. He is as bad as Pharaoh (Rameses II) who opposed Moses (Musa).
He needs to die soon. May Allah take him to hell. He cannot be a Muslim. This man is a traitor and a piece of trash.
You can't topple an elected president, kill tens of thousands of people, and then create propaganda to lie.
Like other dictators, the Castro brothers have killed thousands of innocent people. They have separated thousands of families and poisoned the minds of the youth. The difference between Castro and the top ten assassins in history is simple: they are not done.
It's incredible that our president, who leads the biggest democracy on Earth, has the nerve to negotiate with these criminals.
He was, and is, a terrible person. His country is in the dumps right now. He banned all things that keep Cubans from staying in contact with second and first-world countries.
He has depleted almost all hope for Cuba to return to its old status of being the number one country in Latin America, all for self-gain.
Despite not killing as many people as Hitler or Stalin, Vladimir Lenin was a manipulative psychopath who even hated his own followers, denouncing them as "useful idiots." They followed him because they wanted to be free of Tsarist Russia.
It's amazing that this man still has so many followers today.
This guy created communism, which led to Stalin, Mao Zedong, and the Cold War. If he never existed, the world would be extremely peaceful. Just think about a communism-free world!
That's why this guy is the worst dictator of all time, or as I call him, the creator of all other dictators.
He was the worst dictator in East Africa. He killed his own president, whose name was Haile Selassie, and took his place. People began to suffer in East Africa because of him.
Just his name is enough for the people of Ethiopia. He was the most cruel and responsible for the deaths of more than 200,000 young Ethiopians. He made sure there would be no generation left to be a witness.
The guy consumed about one million human lives.
Worst leader of any major country since World War II, and definitely in the top 10 worst of any country of all time.
It boggles my mind why people openly call other authoritarian post-Soviet leaders "dictators" but not Putin. Putin is even more authoritarian than Lukashenko, Nazarbayev, etc., who are routinely labeled as dictators. Yet for some reason, Putin isn't. Not to mention, Putin is a lot more destructive and threatening to the rest of the world than any of them.
Anyone who runs against him dies under mysterious circumstances (credit the FSB for this). Perhaps one of the dictators who managed to become not a dictator.
He is surrounded by his bootlickers who are ready to kill. Anyone who opposes him becomes an enemy of the state. He is indeed cruel and lies about the West, while he himself is one of the worst men God allowed to lead people. Dictator and killer, he has no clue where the nation should go today. Please, God, help us on this one.
He is a violent criminal disguised as a politician in Zimbabwe, with thousands of bloodthirsty followers to do his evil bidding. He manipulated everyone and will do anything (and I mean anything) to get what he wants, even if it means killing his own family members.