Greatest Comedians of All Time
These comedians don't need to be the funniest necessarily (although they can be), but they should be voted up for also having groundbreaking or really intelligent ideas and/or great social, political or religious satire.
He was without a doubt the king of classic comedies. He made the world laugh, and he was the funniest actor on Earth. His roles in Aladdin as the Genie, as well as Hook, Jumanji, and many more were gold. We still can't get over the fact he committed suicide, and his loss has changed entertainment and the world forever. He was 63. R.I.P. to an irreplaceable legend.
Greatest natural comedian of all time. His talent has never been repeated or recreated.
Watch him and Jonathan Winters bounce off each other, and you're going to need some clean britches.

Well, obviously he's up here. He was the first comedian to make rants about things that he hated funny.
George has no line, and he is partying in a pub beyond the line!
He could pick the simplest subject and kill it. One of a kind.

There are a lot of people on the list that most non-English-speaking people have never heard of. But when it comes to Mr. Bean, everyone knows him. He's made people of every generation laugh. I can't think of anyone else topping him.
He is the best of all times, debating about this matter is a waste of time! I wonder why Robin tops the list. Is it because he is dead? Because people tend to be extremely redundant when it comes to the deceased.
He made the world laugh without even saying much and he's also good with funny dialogues in his other movies. This guy just defines comedy more than anyone else on this list.

He words the great ideas he has for jokes perfectly to make them as funny as possible. He is a "comic's comic," and he is just so down-to-earth and can talk about any subject. I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but still, he is highly intelligent and just a true professional comic. Louie is a great show as well.
Comedic genius. Top 3 stand-up comedians of all time, and a prodigious T.V. writer to boot. Along with Dave Chappelle, he's the only comedian guaranteed to make me laugh or think hard whenever I see anything they produce, from stand-ups to T.V.

This guy should be way higher! One of the best comedians of all time.
He is a giver. He gives himself all the time.
You can laugh by just seeing him!

His physical comedy is hysterical, and for a bonus, he plays a wicked banjo.

Charlie Chaplin and Rowan Atkinson are two great comedians who are capable of making everyone laugh by talking little or none at all!
He was the first great comedian in the world! We should respect him for his tramp character! His greatest film, The Gold Rush, is worth watching and enjoying.
Chaplin was a genius on at least three different levels of entertainment.

He brought ideas for comedy into the mainstream and defined a lot of what comedy is today. Good number one.
The Newcomers

Just... Just watch his opinion of Yoko Ono and you will see why this guy is amazing. Haha.

This guy is so famous that I don't really have to describe why he is so good, but I will anyway. His voice is one of the greatest voices ever, and his ideas are just so true. His punchlines can make an audience of thousands of people go psycho. This is because he builds up to his punchlines for so long that it creates the perfect amount of suspense and anticipation that would make anything he says funny.

Early in his career, he wrote for the sitcom Roseanne and made guest appearances on shows such as The Drew Carey Show and NewsRadio. Macdonald was... read more
The greatest by miles for me. Of ALL time. He matched my sense of humor perfectly. Every other comedian misses frequently with me. Not Norm.
This list has no credibility. Norm, Rickles, Dangerfield, Cosby, Murphy and Pryor are all out of the top 10. This old chunk of coal has my vote as #1.
Put Norm in the room with any other comedian, and he always comes out on top.

Eddie was the first comedian to reach the apex of celebrity. Raw and Delirious are both among the greatest stand-up specials of all time. Eddie is top 5 hands down.

He should be no lower than #2. Richard Pryor is the god of stand-up. He was Chappelle and Murphy before Chappelle and Murphy.
Pryor is so far beyond anyone else on this list, it's hard to give any merit to a list putting him so low.

I always consider Hicks, Carlin, and Stanhope to be the big three of intelligent, critical thinkers who should be president. It's too bad that Hicks's career was cut short and he didn't survive long enough to see his predictions about the current world we live in be right.
Best comedian alongside Carlin.

Laid the platform. His personality was the act!