Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Shouldn't Win the 2016 Presidential Election

The Top Ten
He's racist

He's racist, sexist and an Islamophobe! He doesn't respect anyone but himself! He says he "loves" Mexicans... but he's still going to build a huge tall wall.. WHAT? Dude, you either love them or you build the wall, you can't have it both ways. He says he would date his own daughter (if she wasn't his daughter) and that she has an amazing figure... He called women pigs, dogs and so on. I'm sure that if he amazingly becomes president - Hell will start! He will ban the gay marriage and start employing only men in important jobs. The African American people will start to suffer too... Think about who you're voting for because that's your future...

He is stuck-up

You can't really say Trump is a good candidate because you really don't know where he stands on anything. Donald Trump can say whatever he wants because he doesn't have to back it up. Smarter candidates like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who have experience, know that whatever you say now will have to be done later. Do you really believe Congress would approve a ban on all Muslims, or building all these walls Trump talks about? Not a chance. A ban on Muslims would also be challenged in court, and would be overturned with 100 percent certainty. Trump is actually the worst candidate because he understands the least about how governments work. A total lack of experience.

He hates Muslims

He doesn't hate Muslims. He hates Muslim extremists, as do we all. The goal is to get rid of the terrorists that hate Western Civilization. The reason he is starting to ban people from certain regions of the Middle East from entering the United States is because there reports of terrorists (like ISIS and Al Qaeda) in those areas. We don't want to risk getting terrorists in our country.

Although many people say that Muslims are the reason for ISIS, it has been proven that they haven't done anything, and Muslims have said that members of ISIS aren't true Muslims. Knowing this I personally believe that Trump is taking banning all Muslims from the U.S.

He only cares about himself

The truth about trump is that he is not racist, Islamophobic, homophobic and sexist he just cares about himself. He will do anything for attention which is why he says the things he says. He has no ones' intentions in mind when making decisions, he will just do whatever to be famous again. He was not the worst president ever but one of the most morally corrupt ones.

If you think that Trump cares about you, your family, your home, your job, your business, your money, your happiness, your well being, your safety, and for that mater the country, you are gravely mistaken. The only thing this narcissistic slimebag cares about is himself. He sees everyone else as below him.. as his employees.. as insignificant.. as if they aren't human. Putting Trump, or anything like him, in any position of power comparable to the presidency would be essentially creating the greatest threat to world peace since the Cuban missile crisis.

He will start World War 3

The American people should feel absoulutly ashamed of themselves for voting this jerk in. No matter where in the world you are you still feel like you should worry. Also USA and Russia are extreme enemies Americans are super jealous and wish they had a country like Canada but they won't admit it they think they are the best just because of their stupid military. If ask them why they think USA is better than the great nation of Canada the American will only give stupid excuses that are so stupid that they are not even a real excuse. Americans need to get their heads outta their asses.

He hates Mexicans

I'll stand up for Mexicans! All races and ethnic groups are created equal. Anyone who dislikes this comment should reconsider their perspective on humanity's nature. I'm Asian American, and I think all races should be treated equally with respect and kindness. We need unity, not racism.

He doesn't hate Mexicans retards. He wants to build a wall cause Mexicans are going into our country aka illegal immigration. And if you want to come in our country you need to go through the process. But these Mexicans don't and they had their chances so now that wall is getting built. Plus if we came into their country we would be killed so it's fair game.

He's corrupt

I mean sure Hillary's made some mistake, but it's hard to top multiple charges of fraud, multiple bankruptcies, secret involvement during campaign with russia, refusing to release tax returns, secretly using money from "charity" to buy portraits of yourself, not paying taxes in twenty years, asking repetitively for foreign donations, building buildings on people's property without permission, just to name a few...

How is he corrupt? He has 3.7 billion dollars off of real estate. Learn the definition of corrupt geniuses. Also, every saying he hates mexicans, show me the facts! The person below me saying he's hitler... no... he does not want to segregate the Mexicans he wants. He wants to build a wall for better border control. Only 17% of immigrants actually get legal documents when crossing the border, and there's no way to track them.

He's discriminating against women

He doesn't hate women idiots. Women are hating on him and even it he is trying to help them those dumb women keep hating Trump. And, then he says one thing and that is somehow offensive. He loves women he doesn't like these dumb women or feminists I should call.

Now there's a recording out there that he sexually assaults woman in 05. It's gross he says he just starts kissing woman when he wants & can get away with it because he's a star! I hope a woman punched him in the face one time for randomly forcing his nasty old self on her

He made fun of a disabled person

It's not the person's fault that they have a disability. So don't make fun of them for it.
What is even more upsetting with this is that if Donald Trump was born disabled (for example), then he would want everyone to respect him still and not make fun of him for it because he's selfish. But when someone else is disabled, he has to push them into the dirt like the selfish guy he is

He makes fun of people with disabilities, when he's probably got something going on, himself. I mean really, it's not like disabled people have any less value or intelligence! Get your facts straight, and it through your fat orange head!

He's stupid

Attempting to gut Meals on Wheels. Famously said, "Who knew health care policy could be so difficult? " Who knew.. Everyone except this puerile, infantile, intellectually bereft, thin skinned, tantruming toddler. He furtively signed an executive order making it easier for those with mental illness to obtain guns. Trying to gut environmental protection regulations. When his draconian health non care policy failed as it should have, he threatened to end white house cost sharing payments which reduce copays and deductible for the working class. He is a horror of here to fore, unseen proportions. He's created absolutely nothing that benefits anyone other than himself.

The Newcomers

? He doesn't care about animals
? He wasn’t even a politician, just a wealthy businessman
The Contenders
He has little knowledge of presidency

When you were a child, you thought of being a king or president and making your own rules. This is similar to Trump. He was a businessman, no knowledge of presidency. Since he didn't know duck brains about beung president, he's going to be reckless and, like a child, make new things that'll cost a lot of money. And he is most likely to start a war. He will be worse than Bush.

Donald Trump is a businessman! He can't possibly have the knowledge of becoming president, and he definitely doesn't know how important the job of being a president is. He has no political experience, and he lies about things that are huge and unbelievable, unlike any of the other candidates.

He wants to bang his daughter

At first, I thought it would just be funny to add this item as a joke, but after doing a little research, now I can prove that this item is technically true. You see, in a March 6, 2006 interview on The View, he apparently made an incest-like remark about his daughter by saying he would date her if he wasn't related to her. So in a way, that kind of makes this item correct. Trust me, I've seen the footage of the incident on YouTube.

Let's see:
"I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter I'd be dating her"
"She's hot, don't you think my daughters hot? "
"What a beauty that one, if I weren't happily married, and you know, her father..."
"You know who's one of the great, great beauties of the world according to everybody? Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, and she's got the best body. Every guy in the country wants to go out with her"
-Donald Trump
He's said more stuff I'm just listing what I remember

He is immature

He talks about the other candidates as if he were a third-grader. We should be smart enough by now to know that that is not how you, of all things, RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF THE United States OF AMERICA. If you're going to run for President you must be mature, righteous and cool about it, promoting yourself more than demoting the appearance of those running against you. Donald Trump focuses more on those who are running against him than how he actually plans to "make America great again", and he makes so much fun of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and even Jeb Bush. Sure. Third-grader for President! Yeah!

He is homophobic

He is a homophobic ass who looks down on people because they like someone who he thinks they shouldn't, he hates people for something they cannot control, if he thinks it's a choice to be gay, and agrees with homosexuals shouldn't get married because the bible said so, he's a hypocrite, the bible also said that rapists can marry their victims, siblings can marry, divorced couples cannot get remarried, so these 3 he disagrees with but he takes god's word for the homosexual part.

This ugly pig is just an all around bigot. He's a sexist ass who thinks he can take a woman's choices away. A racist who hates literally anyone who isn't Caucasian. He actually promotes violence and would probably bomb anyone he wanted. Not to mention the entire LGBTQIAPD community would face even harsher judgement if he's elected. Why can't more people see that he'll destroy this country.

He only cares about immigration

1) a commenter wants "assistance to new immigrants..." Nice ideal, but where's the funding for that supposed to come from? The country's already in tremendous debt with little hope to improve that. Any expenditure on something new will also mean something else is sacrificed. Further, what about assistance for citizens already here who are struggling and unlikely to be able to afford food, shelter, healthcare in their later years when they are likely unable to be employed?
2) many don't even bother to listen and learn more about his position on immigration beyond some of his ridiculous brief comments and what opponents falsely claim

He hates Japan

Dude, World War II is over! America occupied Japan and helped modernize it and now they are one of our closest allies now! They are an important part of the Pacific Alliance and are essential to the global economy, which is also just as important to the US economy because we are interdependent on other countries' economies just as they are to us! Plus, if you hate anime, I swear all the Titans shall come after you.

If it were Donald Trump who went to Hiroshima instead of Barack Obama, that Ronald McDonald Trump imbecile would have probably mocked Japan and make fun of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I know he's trying to show love for America, but this dude needs to realize Japan is one of our closest allies now.

He thinks he can fix the world's problems

Sorry, the random. You can't say he'd give us a better military. In fact, you can't say he'd do anything because he's only made two concrete proposals since he started his campaign. He would build a wall to keep Mexicans out (which would never pass Congress, it would be far too costly) and he would ban all Muslims (which would clearly be unconstitutional). Neither proposal would give us a better military. Obama is a constitutional lawyer, who understands LAW. Trump is a real estate heir and a casino owner. To compare their qualifications for president is like comparing the Kansas City Royals (Obama) with a Little League team.

He's a bully

I agree. Trump is a bully towards everyone. Immigrants, disabled people, etc. Trump is a complete douchebag and he's even worse than any other president out there.

All he cares about is how rich he is and the fact that he can solve the world's problems in one day. Even though Hillary Clinton is liked/hated, I'd still be against Trump.

He kept on talking and talking about building a great big wall around Mexico and forcing Mexicans to pay for it. Then, he makes fun of a disabled person. Trump needs to know that not everyone has to be perfect. We all make mistakes in life. He's the exact opposite of Obama.

He's a xenophobe and a homophobe
He is heartless

He has hate and anger for a heart, and for a brain, nothing. His money is his only care, and how other mothers and fathers are being separated from their children, and how people are killing others, he doesn't care. Not one bit. If I was president, I would've cared. I would've given those families a new, nice, home, and I wouldn't separate children from their mothers. It breaks my heart to see other children be separated from their mothers.

One of the biggest reasons to not vote for him, In order to even be considered a good president is having a heart, a heartless president is a dangerous one. Families would be broken, poor would lose everything, America would fail.

He's brainwashed in Hollywood's preferences
He has been praised by Vladimir Putin

Also they apparently got along. That's sickening and hypocritical to find this out (just use common sense to see why it's hypocritical).

Oh, now trump wants America to become the United Communist Not Free States That Prosecute and Waterboard people for interrogation of America!

He hates African Americans

I'm black and I hate his racist ass. I'd rather have Hilary Clinton than Donald McFartnold Trump. Yes both candidates are messed up but at least Clinton isn't racist as Trump.

This is another good reason, he hates ISIS for a good reason because ISIS threatens so many countries, he hates black cause he is racist and Metts.

Probably cause African Americans cause the most crime and most of them are ruining this country.

He is a demagogue

Trump claims he is a conservative, but we'll just have to take his word for it, as with so many things he says. While I'm a conservative, I simply cannot support Trump because he is so fickle. He was a Democrat until 1987, then became a Republican. That would have been fine if he just stuck to it, but he didn't. Instead, Trump switched his political affiliations several times in this order: Independent, Democratic, Republican, Independent, and Republican. We can't trust people who do this to run our country! So if you're a conservative who believes in the ideals Donald Trump professes, you should ask yourself if HE really believes them. Is Donald Trump really a conservative, or is he an opportunist looking for political power? I choose to believe the latter.

He is only running because of a midlife crisis

He's too old to be going through a midlife crisis...

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