Top 10 Biggest Problems with America

Wow, where do we start? Drugs, violence, corruption, war, the Jonas Brothers... My fellow Americans, we find ourselves in a challenging spot.

What is our most significant issue today, and what can we do to solve it? We are facing a myriad of problems, so I would like to see an extensive list of issues discussed here as well!
The Top Ten

Yeah, I hate racism in the USA. So what if you're black and I'm white? We're both humans but with different skin color. So what? I really don't see why one race should think they are better than the other race. I never understand white supremacy. It's stupid and illogical.

The racists that really irk me are the Americans who are racist and then claim to be Christian. If they were true to their faith, they would see that God just wants us to all live as one. Jesus told us to love each other, not hate, criticize, or judge. He condemned all those things. The answer is to love each other always. We are all brothers and sisters in God's eyes, and we should all live in peace and unity regardless of skin color or ethnicity.

Flaws in the Education System

I live in America and attended an advanced school. Still, I must admit that there's a lot I don't know about my own country, which people from other countries seem to be familiar with. I'm unclear about the details of many of our wars. Some individuals assume I'm uninformed, but the reality is, I was never taught these topics.

What's even more concerning is that immigrants who come here to become legal citizens are expected to know intricate details about America, like the Bill of Rights. Most Americans wouldn't be familiar with that, nor could they name all of our presidents or the capitals of our states. One might question the importance of this knowledge, as it's not information we use daily. However, it highlights a significant issue. Besides lacking in-depth knowledge about other countries, our education system also fails to teach us adequately about our own history and nation. Every subject is merely touched upon without much depth.

Donald Trump Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, television personality, politician, and the 45th and 47th President of the United States... read more

Here we go again. Enough is enough. This idiot has no business being any country's president. He is a complete embarrassment to this great country.

He is a racist, bigot, hypocrite, and pervert. The list of negatives goes on and on. How can any woman support this clown? He has absolutely no respect for them. He constantly calls out female reporters when he doesn't like their questions. He minimizes them by calling them "suburban housewives." He claims he used to just grab them by the p---y. I mean, come on.

He has lied every single day about the virus, and we now have 6.9 MILLION cases and over 201,000 deaths in the U.S. And yet, he thinks it's funny, a joke of some sort. The only joke is Trump himself. He's a fake, a fraud, and a bully who has absolutely no redeeming qualities. He is a pitiful excuse for a human being.

The only people voting for the jerk will be red states, people in complete denial, or just absolute idiots who cannot think on their own. It is time to take the trash out of the White House!

Environmental Destruction

Both environmental destruction and the threat of nuclear war could have long-term impacts on Earth and us. While school bullying might persist, it's not necessarily a global issue.

Destroying the environment means fewer resources to fuel technology and a less safe habitat. Some experts predict that, at our current rate, humans could become extinct within a century or so.

We must protect the environment since Earth is the only location within light years capable of supporting human life. It's essential to consider the long-term implications as well.


I think it's hard to understand what someone is going through unless you experience that yourself. I've never had those kinds of problems, but only because I go to a great school where bullying is practically nonexistent. I do know how it feels to just want to be normal so people stop treating you differently.

Bullies have a completely different mindset. There is a good chance they grew up in a bad home and developed such a weak mind that they use their physical strength to feel stronger. There is always a reason. That doesn't make it any better, but perhaps if more effort was put into trying to understand both the victims and the bullies, a bridge could be built.

Bullies want people to feel how they felt, longing for someone to understand, which is why they don't stop. Wanting someone to understand you is a human instinct everyone feels naturally. How can anyone be expected to fight against that?


Although Americans understand most of the issues facing the country, they don't have a clear understanding of the costs. This refers to the monetary impact on their pockets and how it affects the choices they make daily. Candidates often fail to explain these costs and avoid discussing choices.

This concern prompted me to write a book on the subject titled "Choices." The book describes the issues, discusses the monetary costs, and how they affect the daily decisions Americans need to make. It also sheds light on how many of those choices are becoming limited or taken away. Being ranked second in the world for ignorance is a troubling statement.

Biased Media

No one notices how significantly the media impacts America. America would be amazing without the media, drugs, and shootings. However, the media often distorts things. I dislike Trump, but they portray Trump much worse than he actually is. The same goes for Hillary. We've all heard claims from both parties that weren't true.

The media is also run by foreign individuals and not Americans. It's sadly true, and unfortunately, it won't get any better. I can't assert that the media was the worst thing in America, but it does ignite a lot of hatred and contributes to shootings. Combine this with drugs and guns, and America could be great again.

Lack of Respect for the Rest of the World

Within the last few years, no one had the internet. No one could reach out if they could. Now we are everywhere. We can talk to many at one time. People do not have respect here in America. How can they have respect for anyone else?

Have you ever read an old social studies book from the 1920s or 1930s era? Things are passed down through generations, not just recipes. They pass down bias and hate, so each person teaches their generation the hate. If you were to ask why, they probably would not know. It was passed down. My husband and I run an orphanage in Africa with my daughter Olivia. The love those people give is amazing. We must stop spreading hate and biased opinions about people, especially those of different colors. Sometimes, I can still see the lynch mobs, the ones that gathered a criminal in the middle of the square and hung him there. The way some people are treated, how quickly they can go from sweet to evil in one sentence, was not that long ago, but it happened. Have we only progressed in technology, leaving how we treat others behind?

Drug Abuse

Cigarettes and alcohol cause many problems, including death and violence. However, making these drugs illegal would lead to issues similar to those experienced in the early 1900s with prohibition.

The illegality of weed and others also results in death and violence, particularly in the form of gang violence and drug wars. This issue has a fine line that's easy to cross on either side, and neither option is truly beneficial.

Marijuana should be legalized for medical reasons and also because the government shouldn't dictate what people do with their bodies. It's problematic.


This is a significant problem in the U.S. More and more people are gaining weight. Junk food is promoted constantly. I can't get through an hour without seeing a fast food commercial. I'm genuinely concerned for our American population. Over time, we might become so inactive and overweight that we face early deaths due to severe health problems resulting from excessive body fat. Exercise and healthy living are scarcely promoted in the U.S. It seems the country is encouraging laziness and supporting fast food industries for profit, not the health of its citizens.

I don't want to sound hypocritical, as I eat junk food occasionally, but I'm cautious not to overindulge. Additionally, I'm bothered by how some obese individuals complain about being "fat-shamed" and assert that "they are happy the way they are." No, obesity and being overweight are issues that need addressing. They aren't necessarily points of pride. If you have a naturally large body frame or are an endomorph, then you're not considered overweight and should indeed be content with your body. But I can't understand why some overweight individuals complain about fat shaming when they don't acknowledge their health issues.

The Newcomers

? Political Obsession

The media and news control every aspect of our lives. The votes on this list prove it.

We are paralyzed by their control over us. They show only extreme, carefully angled, sensitive stories for shock value. We are less in touch with the world when we watch the news. It is warped into a fearful, tense, and hateful place, which is not accurate.

? Tankies
The Contenders

We live in one of the freest, most wonderful, and diverse countries in the world. This diversity is the secret behind the greatness of the USA, but it's also the root of much division today. Until every citizen or visitor can put aside our differences and strive for common goals, supporting each other and placing our country and flag first, this nation will implode from within.

We should take pride in our country and stand side by side as one united people. I aspire to be the first member of the No Race, Race! You are me, and I am you. We are all the same. If you don't love your country, then ask yourself why and consider what you can do to change that sentiment. God bless America and all its citizens.

Unnecessary Involvement in Foreign Wars

To be honest, like most Americans, we don't really care, as sad as that is. As long as we have our lives, we would rather just have funds to spread elsewhere. The amount of economic damage that is dealt every time we go into a war is just far too much.

The US is often entangled in the dirty work of the UN and NATO. Most of the conflicts don't directly harm or impact the US. Their intervention is sometimes beneficial, such as during the World Wars and the Yugoslavian Wars, and sometimes controversial, such as those Middle Eastern crusade things.

School Shootings

We have become so accustomed to this that America, as a whole, has become numb to it. Case in point, why is it ranked at 31?

This problem in our society is directly correlated with bullying, depression, terrible home environments, and inadequate healthcare for those in need of psychiatric help. Drugs and alcohol also play a significant role, as does domestic violence.

The list goes on and on, and incidents like school and workplace shootings are the devastating and life-ending outcomes.

It's more likely to die in a school shooting than to die in the military. We need to prioritize protecting our children over giving more money to the greedy NRA and its manipulative propaganda.

The 2nd Amendment states that we have the right to an organized armed militia. It is being stretched out of context to pit the American people against each other for the profit of the greedy capitalists.

Income Inequality

"Income inequality" doesn't necessarily mean sexism. It gets my vote, but the inequality I'm talking about is the huge wealth disparity between blue-collar workers and primarily shareholders of various companies.

It's obvious to all, but while people aspire to be on the other side of the gap, we have no hope. Religions will die, and it will be centuries yet before we address this.

Women should be more respected since we are the ones who give life to people.


Terrorism is a huge problem not just in the world, but within the US as well. It isn't just people who identify themselves as a member of ISIS. It's also people who shoot up schools, airports, and people of different races, including white people. It is a terrible problem that must be solved, but continues because we let it.

We identify a group of people as terrorists, and those who minutely relate to them are grouped with the insane and violent terrorists too. Then come problems with discrimination, racism, sexism, etc. If we solve one of these problems, it may solve them all.

If we are united, like those years fighting alongside each other against the British who practiced tyranny during the Revolution, if we devote our time and our hearts into restoring or making our home a better place, then join arms with your white, black, and brown brothers and sisters, and show what the American Dream actually meant to us! If I can believe in you, try to believe in yourself.

Disrespect for Elders

I am a 16-year-old girl. I navigate drama and I constantly disrespect my elders and people in general. I have the courage to admit it, and I'm not making small remarks trying to defend myself.

This is a problem because no matter how much the world changes, our elders still possess more knowledge than we do. The core issues remain consistent. They have experienced war, witnessed frequent deaths, felt happiness, understood life, accumulated wealth, incurred debt, and so on. The sooner we learn to respect our elders, the better off we'll be. Many prosperous Asian countries have cultures where children respect their elders.

People often argue that everyone should be treated with the same level of respect. If we adhere to that, we might end up respecting no one. Our generation, the millennials and Generation Z, are arguably the most disrespectful generations to date. We come across as entitled, demanding respect without offering it in return. We're seen as hypocritical. In the future, we might lament the disrespect shown by upcoming generations, but in reality, we are initiating this cycle. Yes, everyone deserves respect, but our elders, above all, deserve it. They possess invaluable wisdom, including even those elders some label as rude.

Global Warming

The Earth is dying. What is worse than this? If there is no Earth, there are no people. There is no you or me or anyone. Simple as that. Why isn't this the number one problem? Why is this considered a "belief" in America but a fact in all others? If people don't believe the scientists that this is a big issue, then why don't they become scientists themselves and try to disprove that this isn't real instead of sitting back and making illogical statements?

We can't just escape to another planet. We won't get the technology on time, and no other planet is as habitable as Earth. We will have to wear gas masks and buy air. This is ridiculous. The first step in fixing this problem is fixing people's mindsets. If we have that, everyone will start putting effort to put out the flames of our burning home. People have to stop destroying the planet for economic benefit. They will actually gain more economic profits in the long run if they stop for a second and help the planet.

Everyone has the power to help save the planet. When I say everyone, I do mean every single human being on this Earth. All you have to do is stop consuming animals and animal products. If everyone did that, if you did that, our planet will be in better shape than it is right now. It's either you give up something that tastes good or give up any chances of survival on Earth and watch humans go extinct by dying the painful way. Going vegan will also save all the hundreds of millions of animals that are born to die and be slaughtered. You won't contribute to this unethical and cruel practice, and animals don't have to be in pain for human benefit. This is a win-win. Go vegan now. There is no time left.

Do you want to live and help put out the flames of our house, or do you want to sit back and watch it burn and be devoured by the flames?

Alt-Right and SJW Extremism

Race doesn't exist, and yet every race needs equity. We're all special, even though we're all the same. Victims are heroes. I have the right of free speech (assaulting you violently), but you have no right to offend me.

I live in America, but he's not my President. Women are a social construct, yet obesity is genetics. I have no sources, no statistics, no study results, but I have feelings.

I love diversity, so let's have people (who are all the same, remember), mix together...but only in white countries.

American society was founded on the principles of free thought and free speech. Social Justice Warriors represent the pinnacle of what the founding fathers wanted to avoid. They believe entirely in "unified thought" and consistently disrespect and dismiss dissenting opinions, even within their own ranks. It is a divisive ideology that seeks to control the thoughts and emotions of everyone.

Obsession with Guns

Considering only 28% of the country has a bachelor's degree or higher, I'd argue that many people - especially police officers, whose minimum job requirement is a high school diploma - might be too uneducated to responsibly handle firearms. But then again, we are a warring society that occupies other countries and extracts their resources. So, our populace having access to powerful weapons seems consistent with our broader societal behavior.

By the way, there were studies that showed police officers with a bachelor's degree or higher resorted to violence roughly 50% less than officers without any college education. The only officers without degrees who rivaled the performance of those with degrees were ones with over 20 years of experience in law enforcement. I believe that police officers should have at least a bachelor's degree, which would potentially equip them to rely more on their cognitive skills than physical force.


I'm a woman, and I think feminism is completely misguided. Instead of constantly complaining, we should face challenges head-on, understanding that everyone is fundamentally equal.

I recognize that some men might believe they are superior, but instead of lamenting, we should stand up and assert our equality. We were all created in God's image, and no one's words can change that.

Women in America have more privileges than men. If a woman falsely accuses a man of rape, even with no evidence, he can be sent to prison for life. Even if they're proven wrong, the charges will still apply. My point is, we need evidence before sending someone to jail, which is something feminists often claim isn't necessary, asserting that a mere accusation is evidence enough.

Also, in America, a woman can repeatedly stab a man, but the moment he defends himself? That is suddenly crossing a line! And even if she was arrested, she'd likely receive less jail time than a man would. I also believe that the man would be sent to jail for defending himself.


Violence is the reason many people are afraid to walk the streets they call home. Feeling uneasy is not the way to live when all you want is to live life the way YOU choose.

I have a brother who becomes quite violent when he doesn't get what he wants. He is older than me, and it's disheartening to witness the increasing violence in our world.

We're killing each other without a second thought. Video games have desensitized an entire generation.

National Debt

If the USA can't repay China (China owns most of the USA's debt), then China could take land and infrastructure. That's how China obtained Sri Lanka's port and 15,000 acres of land after India couldn't repay a 300 million dollar loan.

Currently, China owns 1.3 trillion dollars of US debt (4,333 times 300 million). If China made the US pay up, they could potentially take 65 million acres or 1/35th of the USA's land from the USA. That's why eliminating national debt is a worthwhile goal.

We are technically bankrupt, and despite the fact that our dollar makes up the world economy, meaning other countries don't want to ask for their money, who needs that much debt?

Joe Biden Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th president of the United States. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 47th vice president from 2009 to 2017 under Barack Obama and represented Delaware in the United States Senate from 1973 to... read more

If you look up the word corruption in the dictionary, there's a picture of him.


Being against homophobia is a perfectly respectable thing, but being toxic about it is a whole different story. I say this as an LGBTQ+ supporter and ally.

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