Top 10 Best Michael Learns to Rock Songs
This Danish soft rock band has a knack for creating those perfect melodies and heartfelt lyrics that can bring on the nostalgia, stir up some deep emotions, or just set the scene for a relaxed afternoon. With their smooth ballads and relatable stories about love, loss, and life, Michael Learns to Rock has become a favorite worldwide, especially throughout Asia, where fans have embraced them since the early '90s.
This is a really great, evergreen song. An absolute classic. The chorus is probably the best of all time among all love songs. It really hits you hard in the spot. Just try it out, and you'll never get tired of it!
Anyone who has lost his true love but believes they can get back together (someday, someway), this wonderful song gives him hope. This song doesn't make you sad, it just makes you nostalgic and stay positive.
Just never get bored of this song. So much joy and hopefulness. So much of the 90s. Just absolutely love it!

I love this so much that I actually wrote a story based on this song...! Sad but otherwise nice...
It's very apt for someone who loves me until today.

If you want to sing a song to win someone's heart, this is the song you should choose. When the blue night is over my face, on the dark side of the world in space, when I'm all alone with the stars above, you are the one I love. Definitely should be one of the world's best love songs.
A great song with a great video. Believe me, I'm a guy who hardly appreciates anything, and if I'm to praise a video, that too a music video, you can be sure I did it because even I was impressed. A great romantic story told in lines and simplicity.
A song with great quality lyrics, has a great meaning about love and sounds wonderful. One of my favorite love songs. This song is touching my heart. It has a great tone. Very beautiful and romantic song.

No. 1 song. I have been listening to this song for the past 7 years. It suits my condition.
This is the song my husband also likes because I'm not an actor, I'm not a star, and I don't even have my own car. Back in 1994.
I love this song. The man really loves the girl.

It's really hard for me to choose my favorite MLTR song, but I have to go with Complicated Heart. This song brings me back to those days when I was a small child and my mother's CD player played this song and other MLTR classics. Wonderful music.
It meant a lot to me when our daughter broke my heart.
I love this song so much because it is touching.

I'm gonna love you till the end. I'm gonna be your very true friendā¦
First time listening to their song: fell deeply in love.

What lyrics! The chord work is also really nice. Jascha Richter's sweet voice just stands out in this. When the page was loading, I'd guessed this would be number one. 25 Minutes isn't that nice.
The song was really nice and it is very good to hear. The lyrics really inspire you as a listener.
Awesome song which takes your soul away. This is also the most downloaded song of the year 2006.

This is my favorite song of all time! It's a masterpiece with simple, romantic lyrics and soothing, great soft rock music.
Especially the "there isn't so much to say now between us" part.
Before checking the song's lyrics, I always thought they were saying "the rain is so much to say now between us" and pictured a romantic scene where the couple is standing in the rain while deciding their breakup. I got a little upset after discovering the real song words, but it's still the best song ever!
This should have been number 1. It is the best song that I've ever heard. Even to this day, I never get tired of listening to That's Why, though it was done in 1995!

Just plainly love this song. A special friend dedicated it to me, and he's up in heaven now.
How can this song not be in the top 3? This is one of the best songs I've ever listened to.
I love this song. I listen to it every time, and for me, this is their best song!

The Newcomers

I love all their songs, but this one has a special something about it that I love.
I was singing this song to my newborn in 1997. I love the lyrics and everything about this song.

Beautiful song - feels like sunlight warmth on your skin! And a great video too with a unique glimpse of 90's Copenhagen, Denmark. I absolutely love it!
This song should be higher up... Lovely lyrics, immediately fills your heart with complete love.
This is the first song I ever heard, I believeā¦ I love it.

You don't want to forget this song, do you? Love it from the intro until the bridge part. Never get tired of listening.
My most favorite song all over the world, across the ages, throughout my whole life. Love MLTR!
You took me right out of the blue, simply by showing that you love me too. I LOVE YOU MLTR! Feels like I'm on the ninth cloud!

Nothing to lose, your love to win... A beautiful song with good rhythm and vocals...
This is one of the best songs which I like most.
A great song with simple but meaningful lyrics. I love MLTR forever.
I really love this song so much.
My sister and I, who are MLTR's fans, rank this as their best song in their album Scandinavia. Totally loving it.
Dirty money in the left hand, while the preacher's shaking my right hand... The chorus makes you really mad.

One of those amazing MLTR-type ballads that makes you get addicted to them. Such a simple song, yet so powerful. The Ghost of You should definitely be in the top 10.
I love it always. When I listen to their music, whichever song, either sentimental, emotional, or sad, anything they bring out is brilliant. It soothes and heals. I love MLTR infinitely.
This is a very, very, very good song. A MLTR trademark even in this modern time.

It gives you hope if you truly believe in your love.
Mm... Gloomy... Full of sadness. I've been there in that position, but now I got my happiness with the same person.