Top 10 Sports Teams with the Most Unacceptable Names and Logos
I have nothing against any of these sports teams. I have no biases while making this list, and some of these teams are great, with amazing players. However, their names and/or logos are unacceptable, usually involving some form of discrimination or the crude use of First Nations imagery, and they need to be changed.I did not include the Washington Football Team, now known as the Washington Commanders, because they have already changed their discriminatory name and logo. I have also excluded other teams that have since addressed similar issues.
So, let's list the top ten. Enjoy!

The logo is almost an exact mirror image of the Washington football team's. The lone defense is that the team is named not after Native Americans but the World War One-era U.S. Army division "The Black Hawks," which in turn took its name from a Sauk Indian chief.

The team had a mascot called Chief Noc-A-Homa, a really stupid idiot "imitating" an Indigenous person, and he used to reside in a teepee in the bleachers, which is another pretty bad thing. There was the terrible "Tomahawk Chop" incident, which was making fun of a person with Indigenous heritage, which just adds to it all.
Also, the logo!

There are a few glaringly obvious problems with this. The logo contains an arrowhead, which is yet another crude reference to Indigenous people. They play at Arrowhead Stadium, which is just as bad, and their horse is named "Warpaint," which is another reference to First Nations and their culture.

After a 2005 NCAA ruling banning Native American mascots in postseason play, several Division I schools ditched everything Native American except their names, including this one. The term "braves" derives from Native American scouts who served alongside U.S. cavalry troops. A respectful tribute? Not really.
It's still "a one-dimensional representation of people" that plays right into a stereotype, even if it is ostensibly a positive one, says an expert on the situation, Professor Blackhawk.

This, unlike the disgusting Cleveland Indians, has made some changes to fix their racist stuff. I'll give them that. Mascot Zuma has retired, at the very least. But otherwise, this is still a pretty bad name and logo.
The team retains an arrowhead in the logo, referencing First Nations. The fight song mentions Montezuma, which is not okay, and other traditions reference the Mexican tribes, as well as the name "Aztecs."

I don't know where the William and Mary came from, but the two feathers are an obvious reference to Indigenous people, as well as the "Tribe" in the name.
The College of William and Mary was named after Queen Mary II and her husband King William III. Interesting choice for this institution to be named The Tribe. - SteelCity99

The team is named after the Native American tribe indigenous to their region, and though they have received those tribes' official permission, that doesn't mean we shouldn't care. Plus, the feathers on the Utes logo are pretty bad as well.
It doesn't rank too high only due to the fact that they had permission, but I still think it's unacceptable.

The Seahawks "respectfully" got their logo from the totems of First Nations, as well as the name "Seahawks." I don't think they asked permission to use that name, respectfully or not, so it definitely is still a fairly unacceptable name.
But the logo is pretty cool, so I can't hate them too much.

It hasn't been proven that this name is racist, but it's pretty obvious that it is, evidence or not. The Illini were a group of First Nations tribes, but it is not clear whether the name originated as a reference to Native Americans. It's likely because what else would it be named after?
They even had a mascot called Chief Illiniwek, clearly a crude imitation of a First Nations chief, which has to be enough evidence, though they dropped him in 2007.