Top 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials of 2019
Let's be honest, the real MVP aside from Julian Edelman was the commercials this year, and man were they diverse. I must say here are the best ones in that collection.
I like this ad. Going from legends of the game to current players just absolutely wrecking the place is pretty fitting for the game scene.
But I'd say what made the biggest impact for me is just the collection of guys seen here. It's unreal.
Really great ad, but I have one question. Why did Ninja make a small appearance? What does he have to do with the NFL?
Definitely one of my favorite parts of an otherwise boring Super Bowl. I'm hoping for better next year.

Cute ad. A dog with Alexa commands actually orders sausages, while Harrison Ford is all in on this as well. Definitely a big winner to me.
Han Solo is a little upset that the dog ordered doggie treats instead of the Millennium Falcon.

It's a very serious ad, but it's also a great ad by Microsoft. For all the crap I give them about their latest console, it's good to see they care for those with autism, providing the best in gaming experience. So this was a big standout.

Oh man, Lil' Jon and Steve Carell! The star power for this Pepsi ad truly did its work and beat its rival Coke by far, leaps and bounds.

Sure, there's the first ad they played with their recipe reveal, but the one I loved the most is when Game of Thrones appears and just goes into no-mercy mode on the whole idea. That was a neat concept I never thought I'd ever see on TV.
This was actually pretty solid. I thought it was a cool mashup and was a great reveal trailer.

A bit of a mixed-bag ad, but not too bad either. It was fine for what it did.

Boy, the new ads hit like a bang, and many flipped their lid seeing the trailer for the most anticipated movie of 2019 (aside from Star Wars IX).

Kelly Bundy from Married With Children versus the M&M guys trapped in a chocolate bar.
Huh... wait, the chocolate bar is making a comeback? No, I'm not kidding. Want to look for yourself? Go ahead. And furthermore, Applegate being in the ad is making me tempted to have one.
This one was kind of funny, not gonna lie.

I actually had a good laugh at this horror-related ad. There was a good collection this year for the Super Bowl, but this one was the better one of those.

Sure, Luke Wilson is nothing like his brother or how he started out, but here I thought he was good in this ad about cleaning hygiene in the mouth.