Best Doctor Who Audio Dramas

This is a list for Doctor Who audio dramas. Please do not add spin-off stories or stories that don't feature the Doctor to this list. I have a separate list for spin-off material.
The Top Ten
The Chimes of Midnight

I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of Charley, and her introduction is fantastic.

An unparalleled classic. Creepy, magical, and expertly ties into the Charley drama.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Mrs. Baddeley's plum puddings!

A Death in the Family

Wonderful story, full of heart.

Spare Parts

Glorious Cyberman origin story - Deserves to be on TV. So creepy to see the Cybermen slowly becoming what we later know.

The perfect introduction to Big Finish. Impactful, full of great performances, and moving all throughout.

The Holy Terror

The Part Three cliffhanger could be the single greatest twist in all of Doctor Who. You can tell Steven Moffat loved this one.

This is so tongue-in-cheek yet sometimes so brutal, and it's very very intelligent drama too.


A wonderful use of both the Daleks and time travel, with an insight into the potential consequences of travelling with the Doctor.

A deliciously dark inversion of the Daleks and how their ideas are present in our society.


My favourite ever Doctor Who story. A quite simply brilliant character study of Davros with outstanding world-building, atmosphere, and side characters. It is simply faultless.

A wonderful examination of what makes Davros tick.


An excellent character study of the Master. It has great characters, twists, and atmospheres. The deaths champion stuff at the end is a little silly though.

Time in Office

It seems such a strange combination to have a Gallifrey story be a comedy, but this does such an amazing job. Stellar throughout.

The One Doctor

Probably the funniest ever Doctor Who episode. The best way to describe The One Doctor is a big DW themed hug. It has charm and wit in abundance. You'll be in stitches throughout.

A laugh-out-loud, rollicking fun adventure.

The Two Masters

I've listened to this one over and over, and every time I hear the Doctor's moment of triumph, I giggle like a schoolgirl with joy. Every. Single. Time.

The Newcomers

? Cold Vengeance
? The Sword of the Chevalier
The Contenders
The Kingmaker

This audio adventure makes my ears happy.

The Silver Turk
Terror Firma

The Eighth Doctor vs. Davros - what's not to like?

Absent Friends

The central premise of this story really truly made me pause and think.

The Marian Conspiracy

Both a great introduction to Evelyn and a fantastic historical.

The Harvest
Day of the Master

A difficult concept done beautifully.

The Trouble with Drax
The Eleven

Such a wonderful opener to Doom Coalition, and a great introduction to one of the best villains in Big Finish.

The Foe from the Future
Peri and the Piscon Paradox

For sorting out the Peri and Brian Blessed thing, this story is flawless.

The Scorchies
Death and the Queen
The Rocket Men
The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
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