Top 10 Best Victorious Episodes

The Top Ten
Freak the Freak Out

I love this episode because it shows off Cat and Jade singing and that Hayley and Tara are REALLY BAD singers and that their dad is a cheat. I love the songs.

But I feel really bad for Tori because she has a snob for a sister who is extremely annoying and impatient. But anyway, 10/10!

Unarguably the best episode of the entire series. Great songs, two hilarious plot lines, Jade and Cat getting some much-needed spotlight. This was the peak of quality for Victorious. It's a shame Season 2 was such a disappointment after it.


This is a really clever episode because I love the ending. The alphabet acting was truly a great idea!

I think the number one episode, though, is "Freak the Freak Out." I love how it's an hour special and how Jade and Cat sing in it! There's no better episode, in my opinion. I think Cat and Jade should sing much more. The show would be much better if they did!

I love it when they did the alphabetical acting, or whatever they call it, at the end of the show where Jade really gets irritated with Tori that she lost.

It made me laugh when Tori said, "Eat your pants," then Jade says, "No, you eat your pants!" It's really funny.

iParty with Victorious

I love iParty. I wish that it will be shown on TV. I love this episode so much! I will miss iCarly, Victorious, and this episode, especially the song Leave It All to Shine. I love the way that the iCarly and Victorious cast sing.

Love this episode! Both my favorite Nickelodeon shows together created this amazing episode. I wish they could do that again in the near future.

I think the episode was amazing! But it's more of an iCarly episode. Still, the episode was hilarious and very entertaining to watch.

Ice Cream for Ke$ha

This is such a good episode! And how Ke$ha had a guest appearance and Jade's Only the people who help find the letters get to come is stuck in my head for some reason. How could I not vote for this?

I like how Robbie got beaten up for giving ice cream to the children at the park! I feel bad for him, though.

It's good because Victoria Justice and Ke$ha are my top two singers.

Sleepover at Schicowhitt's

The best episode they have shot yet. It's funny and original because you can see the ability and talent of each actor.

Robbie is the best. Sikowitz is weird. Cat is so cute. Jade and Beck are a charming couple. I enjoyed every single moment of the episode. It is THE BEST.

This one should definitely be number one! Funniest episode ever.

The only downside of this episode is that Trina isn't in it. Enough said.

Beggin' on Your Knees

I'm glad that Tori sang her revenge song to that jerk who was horrible! I like how Jade got a time-out from Beck!

Beggin' on Your Knees was a truly amazing song directed at Ryder, which is what makes this episode so fun to watch.

Loved it! I don't know why it's only 13th.

Wi-Fi in the Sky

Love the sequence of events. So funny! Besides Freak the Freak Out, the best episode of Season 1!

BEST EPISODE IN THE WHOLE SERIES! Why isn't this number one? I loved the little boy and Trina, and the chaos in the video chat with Robbie and Rex (Lil' Stephanie? "Couldn't you have picked a boy's name?" "Says a lot, doesn't it?").

Cat's special effects, Andre's amazing grandmother, Beck and Jade's arguments (over an 8-year-old, I might add), and Perez Hilton. AMAZING. This episode deserves an award.

There were a lot of good jokes in this one. This episode was funny.

The Breakfast Bunch

One. Of. The. Best. Episodes. In. The. Whole. Series. NO LIE! It's a hilarious throwback of The Breakfast Club, with the dancing, characters, and VEGANS instead of you-know-what. It's hilarious, fun, and iconic!

I loved this one so much. It was hilarious, and since I had already seen The Breakfast Club, I got all of the subtleties in it. It was really well thought out and so funny. I loved it.

This episode was very well done! Very clever! Changing "virgin" to "vegan" was brilliant. This is easily my favorite episode.

Tori & Jade's Play Date

The song is one of the best. It's the only duet between Tori and Jade! Plus, those guys getting roasted in song form was hilarious.

I love this episode because Cat and Robbie sing bad news songs. I also like when Jade and Tori sing Take A Hint.

The song is amazing, and I really like Jade.

Jade Dumps Beck

I think this is the best episode in season one partly because I think Beck and Jade were so cute together in it and I really love their relationship.

I also liked the fact that Jade went to Tori for help for once instead of someone else.

Jade and Beck were really sweet in this episode. The whole cast put in amazing performances, and Trina's performance was hilarious. The jokes in this episode were actually funny. ADORE this episode!

I just really liked this episode because it's kind of cute and I think a lot of girls like me liked it too. And yes, I maybe loved it because I like Jade and Beck a lot. So those are my thoughts.

The Newcomers

? A Christmas Tori

I LOVE this episode! They have a lot of funny lines, such as:

Jade: Yeah, guess what I love?
Cat: What?
Jade: Slapping perky redheads!

Cat laughs, then looks at her hair and realizes she's a redhead.

I also love the song, everyone's Secret Santa gifts, and how Sikowitz is the one that goes Christmas yodeling in the end! Funny episode!

Tori is so nice to Andre, even though I don't like the song at all!

? The Wood
The Contenders
Tori Goes Platnum

I remember when this episode first aired and my brother said to me that Cat (Ariana Grande) will become a famous musician after the show ends. I can't believe I remember that.

How come nobody's putting this awesome episode on the list? I mean, come on... Seriously... We all know how cool the song Make It in America is. Besides, Vic composed it by herself, and Bori lovers have to vote for this episode.

I liked part one, but I wasn't too keen on part two with Beck and Tori. But hey, who doesn't love the auditions for the Platinum Music Awards?

Who Did It to Trina?

I love it. It's well-planned and thought out. I believe this deserves to be a top 5 because not only is it well-planned, but we get to see the characters' talents, and I thought the story was funny and unlike any other. Great episode!

To me, that one scene alone with Cat having a flashback to a Drake and Josh episode single-handedly makes this the best episode. This episode is funnier than usual, and it even has a plot twist at the end. Why isn't this higher up?

Locked Up!

I can never get enough of this episode. I especially love the song I Want You Back at the end. An amazing episode.

My favorite episode. They all get arrested but escape. The song they sang in it was cool.

The drama and the song in this episode were amazing, and I suggest this for everyone. It's very low on this list, and I think this should be higher. One of the best Victorious episodes.

Cat's New Boyfriend

I love this episode so much because it has a special twist in it. I mean, you wouldn't expect Tori to squirt cheese on someone. Awesome episode!

I loved this one because it showed how a girl who is so nice can get jealous like that.

I love all the jealousy. This episode is full of gossip!

Survival of the Hottest

I loved that Trina, of course, was drinking water all along. I also thought it was funny how Jade kept saying, Nobody likes you to Trina.

This episode is iconic and one of the first times we see basically the whole gang together.

First disturbing episode. Stuck in an RV and nearly dying of heat stroke.

Car, Rain & Fire

I love this episode so much. I can't believe it's only number twenty-four!

Helen Back Again

This wasn't even a good finale. If it hadn't been canceled, there would have been an actual finale. But this wasn't one.

Because it's the newest episode so far!

How Trina Got In

Best episode ever! It's so funny how everybody keeps making up crazy stories about how Trina got in.

The Diddly-Bops

I loved Robbie's broken glass song, it was hilarious! I laughed my butt off! And their "Favorite Foods" song was so cute! Beck was hot in that episode, as usual, and I loved all those little kids.

What is up with Sikowitz and coconuts? Laugh out loud, all right, bye!

The best parts are Robbie with his broken glass song and when Andre changed the Favorite Food song to You. Does somebody have the piano notes from Song 2 You?

Broken Glass was the best song ever. How does someone make up a song about broken glass? And why broken glass? Worth it, though.

Tori the Zombie

This episode is just overall amazing! I love the whole storyline throughout it. The episode is very funny and has one of my favorite songs in the whole series ("Finally Falling").

I love how Cat and Trina have so many scenes together and how their personalities clash. It is what makes the episode what it is.

I love this one! I know the whole show is a musical, but this episode has my favorite song in it.

This episode was incredible, especially when Tori slayed the show at the end.

Crazy Ponnie

This is one of the funniest and craziest Victorious episodes ever, but it was sad to really see it go because I truly watched every episode from beginning to end. So sad.

Jennette McCurdy was in this, and she's really funny, so it was a great episode.

Driving Tori Crazy

This was my favorite episode. It was very funny.

The Birthweek Song

Stage fighting was great because it was good to see Jade and Tori finally work it out. It was also funny. One of my favorite episodes.

Dramatic spoiler. How could Trina sell Tori's song? I seriously don't like Tori, but for once, I'll stand up for her.

Video Chat

I love this SO much! I love how Cat is messing with the effects, and Andrea's grandma is my favorite character in television history!

Jade is so funny when she thinks Beck is dating a cheerleader!

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