Top Ten Over the Garden Wall Episodes

Over The Garden Wall is a 10 episode miniseries on Cartoon Network. If you don't watch it, you should try it, it's pretty good! Yes... It's pretty weird, but a good show. Here are the top 10 episodes from it. Don't read if you haven't watched it, it might spoil the show.
The Top Ten
1 The Unknown

This has the most satisfying ending out of anything. It was also really fitting for the Woodsman to end the Beast and not someone else

My favorite episode is either this one or Lullaby in Frogland. This series has one of the greatest endings of all time

The conclusion of the series. It was a pretty good ending that satisfied me.

2 Into the Unknown

This and episode 10 are two of my favorite episodes of anything. I really liked seeing how this all began and the episode really shows how Greg and Wirt interact in another situation (trying to avoid spoilers). And the last episode is just amazing. The ending's a bit too clean, but it's still wonderful.

This took place before any of the other episodes, and it shows how Wirt and Greg got to the woods in the first place.

This show is crap. I don't like it

3 Schooltown Follies

This episode contains my favorite song from the series, Potatoes and Molasses. Too bad I don't exactly know what molasses is, but the song is pretty catchy.

4 Mad Love

Where Wirt and Beatrice actually talked for the first time. To me, that alone made this episode one of my favorites.

5 Lullaby in Frogland

This was the episode where many major things happened. Beatrice turned out not to be helping Wirt and Greg, and leading them to become slaves for Adelaide so the curse could be lifted off her family, but she had a change of heart.

Potatoes and molasses is great, but the song in this episode is my favorite

6 Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee

The episode where we really met Beatrice for the first time. The whole skeletons with pumpkin heads was weird, but it was still a good episode.

It fits the scenery. Did you now that there were going to be 18 episodes wirt was not going to mAke it out and tons of more stuff

7 The Old Grist Mill

The very first episode of Over the Garden Wall. This was where Wirt and Greg first got lost in the woods, and learned about the Beast.

8 The Ringing of the Bell

Overall a good episode, but Auntie Whispers was just creepy. Eating turtles like that? Wow.

9 Songs of the Dark Lantern

Where they went into a tavern to ask for directions, and they found a talking horse. This episode was pretty interesting.

I'm totally going the courting song to my brother in law, my little sister's husband Ozzie. He's from animal crossing

I love how awkward and creepy the animation for the highway man song is

10 Babes in the Woods

I mainly put this episode last because of Greg's weird dreams. What I liked about this episode, however, is how Greg wishes to take the place of Wirt instead of going home without him.

Personally I found the change in style to be interesting, yet jarring in a way that deeply affected my enjoyment.

The Contenders
11 Tome of the Unknown
12 Bones

That was a name for a episode that got cut it was about a guy who makes dice out of child's bones

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